Reviews from

in the past

I always underestimate how good NES games are, especially the JRPGs. They don’t really resemble more modern JRPGs much besides some bones and like, dragon quest, but instead really show their roots in PC RPGs. Now. Minelvaton Saga doesn’t play like a PC RPG per se (actually i cant remember if Ys was a PC game first, so maybe it does?) but the vibes are extremely there, pretty clearly tracing the line Dragon Quest drew from Ultima, but with Ys-style bump combat instead of those games’ turn based affairs. It’s a charming and beautiful game whose frustrations rarely rise beyond “of the era” and honestly it’s just a really good time.

I feel like I might not have much more to say than that honestly? It’s got kinda wonky progression sometimes, but it’s pretty good (for the era) about giving you enough pointers to figure out where to go? The dungeons are a bit on the small side besides the last few, but because of that feel pretty manageable even when they get really twisty.

I didn’t find the game too challenging (mostly due to medicine being rather cheap), but again compared to other NES rpgs I’ll take a bit on the easy side, especially because I feel like combat was a bit on the simple side? I’m mostly fine with it, again, just for being a bit of a nice breeze and almost arcadey, but as the endgame bosses got more complex I started to feel like I didn’t have enough options to deal with them effectively, especially for the final boss.

The mythos of the game is pretty cool! It expands upon the DQian “find the legendary hero’s armor to gain his powers” into a larger story, as well as this interesting part where they hit that by donning the hero’s armor you literally become him. Beyond that it’s cool and quirky (love going to the capital of my kingdom, Arkansas) in a really enjoyable way!

Oh also sometimes I have this idea in my head that all NES games have this kinda muddy color palette, but damn this game disproves that. I’m more excited for the sequel in this regard, but everything in display here is bright, colorful, and quite honestly gorgeous in a simple way. I’m especially a fan of the color choice on the player sprites, they make my eyes happy :)

Honestly it’s just a fun game with a lot of cool ideas, even if it isn’t all quite how I’d want it to be. And to be clear, this isn’t “fun for an NES game”, it’s just fun. Worth a shot!!!

Also the victory lap at the end was cool but i think it woulda hit better if i wasnt playing it muted on a flight to spain after failing to sleep all flight

Minelvaton Saga, visualmente consegue fazer algo satisfatório, tem uns cenários bons (principalmente os pisos), dungeons bem desenhadas, alguns monstros bonitos, músicas ok, mas essa gameplay.... tipo estragou o jogo, é literalmente encostar no inimigo e ir gerenciando a cura, mas não é um Ys onde tem uma estratégia de batalha, no começo até vai, mas depois de varias horas de jogo, ficou tipo muito chato enfrentar qualquer inimigo, eu já não aguentava mais, ainda mais que é com encontros aleatórios, e nem ver a quantia de XP que você ganha por batalha ou uma frase quando você passa de nível diminuiu muito a sensação de recompensa, acabou estragando a diversão que o jogo poderia proporcionar.
Além do mais que os melhores designs de inimigos estão na parte final do jogo, onde justamente você tem que fugir de todas as lutas possíveis para guardar cura, assim nem tendo total proveito desses inimigos.
Mas no geral é bem jogável e a mitologia da história consegue fazer o jogo algo relevante, nota 6.