Reviews from

in the past

Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Played on PS VITA. So you are this worm like creature that stretches across the tiles and you goal is to fill up every tile as you twist and bend though the level avoiding obstacles. It's a tricky puzzle game that starts off very simple but 130 levels in can get pretty challenging. I wasn't a big fan.

Difficulty: 2/10
Time: 15 Minutes
Trophy Guide: Not Needed (if you get stuck on a level you can use a video guide)
Trophy List Score: 6/10

Just play Tower mode and beat the first 30 levels then play Dungeon mode and beat 2 levels. That's all that is required.

Happy Trophy Hunting!

Another "easy plat" Ratalaika game, though this one I couldn't finish and eventually just gave up.