Reviews from

in the past

Fun little model building game and it includes tons of painting. Even with all the DLCs, I only wish for more content.

Kinda meh. The painting vacillates between "mindless" and "requires an absurd level of precision" with no real in between, and honestly, I think I'd rather pay for actual physical models instead. It's not terrible, but it doesn't really capture what I'd hoped.

I think I would have liked this more if it did what PowerWash Simulator does and auto-completes a section after you have done a certain percentage of it. Like I was getting through it and having a good time, then I got to the dragon model and it took me around two hours to get through like two and a half sections. I expected this game to be a turn your brain off and play some videos/music while you work kind of thing, but it's more of an in depth simulator which can be interesting, unfortunately it just wasn't super interesting to me.

Meh. The gameplay loop is unsatisfactory due to the weird camera controls, at times very precise colouring etc that you have to do. I couldn't figure out what the game wanted me to do when the instructions showed MASK MASK MASK MASK MASK MASK. Seems like an unfinished mess to me.

I'll admit that I forced myself to finish the career mode of the game. Not the game's fault by any means, that's just a me problem, but anyway--

I think it's important to say this first, but I finished the career mode in around 19 hours-ish. During this mode, your late grandfather has packages delivered to you via his co-worker (I think) named Joy. She delivers you 9 "story" models in total before the career mode ends. I could NOT find this info anywhere else online, so yeah. You also move workshops around 6 story models in

As for the game itself, it really wasn't for me. I'm sure if you like assembling or painting models IRL, then you'd probably get a kick out of this game- but it wasn't my thing personally. The UI is a lil janky at times, (rarely but occasionally blocking your view of the model) and more often than not, you find yourself fiddling between different pieces because the game misinterpreted your input.

Overall, not a bad game, I'm just not the target audience for it.

As miniaturas modelos são muito bonitas e abrir a caixa e pegar as peças é muito legal.
Mas os controles são muito dificieis.
Não jogaria de novo.

Nice game to fiddle around with; That being said I'm not the biggest fan of painting stuff and it leads to more frustration than I would like as that is a big part of the building experience.

I completed just the career/story mode. It was kind of fun to assemble & paint the models, although parts of the interface were pretty touchy - sometimes I swapped parts instead of attaching them. I didn't really bother learning the paint system, but sometimes the default paint that was chosen for me didn't look like it was doing anything. It might also be worth noting that I played on Epic and not a single achievement popped up. I don't see myself spending any more time with this game.