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This game is currently in the Humble Choice for July 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before August 2nd, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Necromunda: Hired Gun is based on a Game Workshop game called Necromunda, in the Warhammer 40k universe. You’re on a mechanized planet, and the locations here do not disappoint, whether it’s the furnace locations during the first level, or an epic train that passes in the second, there’s a huge sense of scale and discovery here, that’s impressive.

It’s too bad the rest of the game just doesn’t work as well as the levels and locations. There’s a particularly bad character model that I’ll try to show here of a big brute, but it was a bad enough model that it made me start realizing it’s more visual trickery and filters that made the other enemies acceptable, at least I think so. The gunplay in the first hour is average at best, and there are some weird control choices, such as combining the use, melee, and reload all on a single button, which is awkward for the melee takedowns. Then again some moments reminded me of Ghostrunner for the wall-running that’s rather good, and a few moments were visceral like Doom Eternal, but a weaker form of both if I’m honest.

Pick this up if you love First Person shooters, I liked the environments here and would love to see more, but this is a Games Workshop game that tends to have a decent amount of Jank. As always when it comes to these types of games, I recommend people check out Mandelore’s reviews if they want a more in-depth look at the game, which ultimately is positive though it does mention a lack of polish at launch. Though one last point, there’s a dog you can summon by squeaking a toy and letting him go after enemies. Who's a good boy?

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Necromunda: Hired Gun is a mess. It has cool looking enviroments fitting into the 40k universe, that are a slog to get through even with additional mobility options. I've found quite a few seemingly flat corridors/arenas with cracks/debris which makes sliding a chore. The zipline, double-jumping & side-dashing work a bit better and using these options make the game a bit more palatable. That said, the so-so gunplay and spongy enemies make combat irritating after a while. At least the gibs are there, so that's nice.

During my story run I ran into a couple of bugs: one (last) enemy falling off of a ramp to lava, but not dying, so I wasn't able to kill him to proceed, my HUD randomly disappeared after loading a save, and got stuck in the 'firing zipline' animation. Usually a reload was enough to fix these. Also for some reason I had some major framerate issues in the last 3 missions during some segments, compared to having 180+ fps in other missions.

Honestly, just play Doom (2016), Doom Eternal, or anything from New Blood Interactive instead.

like a really bad version of DOOM 2016, it feels incredibly clunky

The grappling hook got me stuck in a wall like 4 times.

I thought "A FPS in WH40k setting? How bad can it be?"
Very bad was the answer

Honestly quite disapointing, First off the game is buggy and unpolished, I had the game crash multiple times enemies fall through the ground and objectives not trigger.

Animations are super jankey and stiff.

Story is complete crap and poorly fleshed out.

gameplay is good but poorly balanced levels and difficultly,2028,7140,Necromunda-Hired-Gun-Review,.html

Das stumpfe Gameplay, die immergleichen Kämpfe und der absolute Überfluss von Gegnerwellen hat mir den Spaß an Necromunda: Hired Gun schon relativ früh genommen. Die Prämisse sah gut aus, die Inspiration der Entwickler ist klar, doch die Ausführung lässt deutliche Mängel erkennen. Auch wenn die Arenen und Level schön gestaltet sind und trotz der dauerhaft unterirdischen Lage so stark variieren konnten, ist es insbesondere das Gameplay, was den agilen Shooter ausmacht und ihm damit das Genick bricht.

Gegner sind aufgrund des übermächtigen Nahkampfangriffes absolut kein Hinderniss und die schier unaufhörlichen Massen strecken lediglich die Zeit zum "Mission Accomplished" Bildschirm. Das Erkunden der Umgebung lohnt nur in den seltensten Fällen, kommen doch auch beim stur nach vorne laufen genug Knete und Schießeisen zusammen, ohne das ich mich über verpasste Gelegenheiten ärgern müsste. Die teils im 15-FPS-Bereich kratzende Performance bildet damit das Schlusslicht für ein Spiel, von dem ich mir deutlich mehr erwartet hatte. Schade, dass der Warhammer Fluch auch hier wieder ein Opfer gefunden hat.

It's like they took the gameplay from Doom 2016/Doom Eternal, but made it good! They also made a grappling hook that is way better than Halo Infinite's. This game was a lot of fun.