Reviews from

in the past

Good art and the game is a bit humorous for the beginning. Quickly falls off though.


(they are kinda hot tho)

Average teenage boy power fantasy about fucking girls with cat ears and his sist- WAIT WHAT?!?!?

Guy just wanted to live alone and run his own bakery :(

PS. Chocola <3

why did i play any AND all of these.

I perfected this game on steam.. I'm not proud of that.

Remember the anime remember the anime remember the anime 😭😭😭

Ótima introdução a franquia

wow this game is peak fiction... (they're really locking the h-scenes behind a dlc lmao slop vn)

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95% positive reviews on steam for what is essentially interactive child porn 🤩

Nekopara's most important point is the rules that govern that world. The first rule is: There is no rule.
They are treated and act like humans when it is convenient and they are treated and act like cats when it is convenient.
The only thing to praise in Nekopara is the production of the game that is great, the sprites, voice acting and animation. The only horrible thing is the sex sound, oh my god what a terrible thing was that? A tip if you're going to play: Don't think, don't question, turn off your brain.

As much as I love Neko's I need to be real and say the story could not be more basic than a chopping block. However, the art is well-made and the adult content is good especially for a game of this type hence I am rating it a little higher than expected.

When I played Vol. 0, I made the joke that I had many unanswered questions regarding the existence and status of catfolk in this world. I fully expected it to just be glossed over or handwaved, to be honest. Now I just feel like a fool.

Imagine my genuine surprise when the mental checklist of out-there, absurd worldbuilding requests I planned to joke about was slowly ticked off throughout the game. Things like the view of catfolk/human relationships, the rate of aging, catfolk's status in society, whether or not catfolk and people can reproduce, etc. Why would a cutesy eroge bother even mentioning any of this, I thought? Hence why my absurdist review would mark that as a faux complaint. But it's all there, and as subtly horrific as it should be. And I love that.

In all seriousness, it's very cute. The ero scenes are whatever, I'd honestly say not to bother spending the extra cash on em if you're on the fence about it. Ultimately, though, it's your call whether you want this as a hardcore eroge or a cutesy romance story. I can respect the fact that it caters to both crowds.

pensar que esta fue una de las primeras vns que leí hace ya 8 años y de manera no irónica la consideraba una buena obra... ahora entiendo por qué mis compas que sí leían vns de verdad se burlaban de mí cada vez que hablaba de Nekopara, yo haría lo mismo si escucho a un novato haciendo lo mismo con nekopara o peor aún, con DDLC (espera... eso ya lo hago...). al menos las escenas +18, especialmente con chocola que fue la que hizo amar a las waifus autistas

paia, nao cheguei no sexo >:( demoro dms

Big difference between playing the switch version originally and the full uncensored PC release lmao. Good VN though

Super cool game about imprisoning, gaslighting and raping child cat girl slaves in maid costumes.