Reviews from

in the past

A relatively simple, if not fun little indie sports title. Just make sure to play it with friends, because the single player offering is horribly bare bones, but there's a big charm to creating your own character team for this zany over the top Basketball/Football/Minigame hybrid. If that sequel is still being worked on, I'd love to see so many things expanded to make it an even better game.

I hate to talk down on my countrymen of NFLD who made this game but it's just not it at all. It's a bit of a confusing and flashy mess that would probably send most people into epileptic shock, disregarding no pre-existing symptoms of being prone.

Amazing game too bad pc version doesn't work and isn't on steam

Fun, quirky, little indie game I had tons of fun playing with my friends.

this was pretty fun but I honestly do not remember how the game worked

como eu queria que isso fosse mais conhecido

Damn, this is hot garbage!

...But I can't stop listening

Jogo criativo, mas não gosto da gameplay

Good fun but dead game now as no one plays it

Stupid fun with friends. Fork over the $5 and have a fun evening with the boys

Only time I played this was with my brother and his friends who have also never touched the game before. It's a pretty fun party game with alright mini games!

Goofy little game. I remember having a ton of fun with this playing co-op with friends back in the day but it gets old fast. Still fun tho.