Reviews from

in the past

Somewhat ahead of it's time, this game is a symbol of a childhood well spent.

game made me so confused, looked real at the time

This was one of my first games and i loved it im still playing it today thanks oddworld entertainment!

This game is so gamey and I really liked it but then I got frustrated and then I forgot I was even playing it

My First Videogame I Ever Played!
I played this before I could walk literally.
So my bias shows alot.

I know everyone loves this game but, man, was this frustrating. Has way too much 5th console generation jank. Maybe I’ll try New n’ Tasty to see if that’s any better

Awesomeness: The Game
Loved it!! I've had this game (including most of the other games in the series) since I was a kid, but I never got past the first level back then. I love the world. It's quite "odd" to say the least. The puzzles are great and when you get the hang of them, they feel so satisfying to complete. They could sometimes be annoying though, and it became frustrating to do some levels over and over again because of one tiny section that was hard to get the hang of. I love Abe and the other mudokons, they are all so adorable.

Abe é um personagem curioso e com visual um tanto repugnante. De fato todo a direção de arte de Abe é repugnante, e um dos motivos que não me prenderam neste clássico dos puzzles-platformers.

Apesar da direção de arte exótica, Abe tem um bom level design e uma certa dose de humor, pra quem consegue ultrapassar a barreira da arte.

Não conseguiu me prender até o fim.

Uah that bad ending is no joke

Plataformas 2D mezclado con el género puzzle que tiene una ambientación que flipas.

feels reallyyyy clunky most of the time, but it's a good game with lots of personality. i might pick it up again someday!

juego dificil donde tienes que liberar a todos los esclavos si quieres en final bueno a un que si eso no te preocupa lo puedes terminar a si y sacarle el final malo.

it's still the best abes odyssey game

Molto challenging come gioco, ma forse è perché lo giocai a 9 anni.

While I prefer Exoddus, this one is still heaps of fun and one of my childhood favourites despite its shortcomings compared to its sequel.