Reviews from

in the past

choppy, edited together dialogue

Monty Python reference; the game; the movie
It overstays its welcome very quickly, but hey, at least it tried, and that's pretty commendable

Good for few hours, later it's just boring.

The one where Postal Dude tells Morgan Freeman's portrayal of God that his son smells of elderberries.

you pretty much do everything this game has to offer in the first 15 minutes

Pretty funny game, although the gameplay is sadly pretty one-note, and due to that, it gets repetitive and old really quick.

Costumo dizer que o xingamento é libertador, então talvez essa pudesse ser a melhor versão de um jogo para portar minha descarga diária de toxicidade gratuita sem que eu precisasse ser apenas mais um imbecil em outros jogos online. Infelizmente, como deu para notar, o efeito foi tão o contrário que até me deu dor de cabeça durante essas poucas horas que joguei. Com isso, suponho que a minha visão já esteja bem clara, mas se por acaso você está querendo desestressar um pouco ofendendo alguém, não acredito que esse seja o local ideal. Afinal, o humor proveniente de crianças do fundamental até tem seu charme, mas necessita muito de uma mente mais relaxada, o que é quase incoerente atualmente, considerando que nós vivemos no século XXI. Ainda sim, para alguém que buscava ofensas de alto nível, eu me indago se alguém realmente insulta os outros desse jeito. Imagine quando insultar um brasileiro num péssimo dia, tadinho...

Novelty meme game to play twice that requires multiple hours of playtime to unlock everything... Something doesn't add up here.

A mildly entertaining insult simulator where your goal is to insult the other person as much as you can. They feature a ton of characters like Postal Dude, Serious Sam, H.P. Lovecraft and more. Characters have unique insults, dumb (in a fun way) voice acting, and cute pixel art.
Great game if you're bored an evening and need to burn some time with a friend.

no es lo suficientemente fiel a la cultura britanica a la mitad de un argumento comenzarían a usar la palabra con n

This game brought me way more fun than what I expected. It’s so fun insulting people and even if I can’t find any online matches (IOS) this is so worth the price!!!

pretty fun when you play with someone else but gets old quickly

you smell of an ordinary pigsty!

Did not smile a single time playing this

I definitely like it conceptually. Being able to see Serious Sam lower his sunglasses before saying "YOUR MOTHER IS STONE DEAD AND YOUR MOTHER IS STONE DEAD, MATE!" as he does 47 damage, especially as he's by far the loudest voice in the game, is something special. You can also say "THE QUEEN IS DECEASED!"

Though there's definitely a few things that bog it down for me, largely in the pool of insults you have to use. Stuff like "this conversation" "your house" "your hovercraft" "a duck hunter" "signed my petition" are not funny in any given scenario, and it makes up a wide enough portion of the pool that it becomes hard to chain together anything worthwhile. Most of the references that characters bring in fall under this too, like "never watched Star Wars" "can be found in Pokémon GO" or anything brought in by H.P Lovecraft, which sucks because the game comes to rely on them at times. Fighting the final boss as the final boss does not change the dialogue, even though the game is fully voice acted, which (for spoiler reasons) feels like a lazy blunder. Also, of the two black characters in the game—mind you, one of them is God—their weaknesses are 'wealth and poverty' and 'family issues.' I'm hoping that's just an oversight because, like, come on.

It just needs more time in the oven, though I can't see a game like this getting any higher than a 7 with all flaws addressed; the rating curve currently looks like a shark fin, which feels indicative of that ceiling. I picked up the sequel at some point (likely in a blind shopping haze since I only learned of it today) so I guess I'll see if things got any better, should I get around to it.

String words to roast you opponent, if it's good enough you'll win the beef. It's a fun game for some hahas here and there but nothing more. It wants to be a silly game about talking about your mom and it acomplishes exactly that.

Pretty good to play for an hour every 4 months or so with a sibling.

Fun game...for an hour or so...if you want get it as a gag gift

your fat mother smells of elderberries

Um jogo de batalha de insultos. No começo é engraçado, mas perde a graça rapidinho, sem contar que você precisa ter um certo nível de entendimento da língua inglesa para compreender esse jogo.

only good for like, a couple of rounds at a time. but those rounds are decently fun

your face SMELLS and LOOKS like YOUR MOTHER

I really liked playing this game when I had the chance. It was quite funny and I often loved unlocking and playing the new characters. my favorite character has to be H. P. Lovecraft unironically has the best lines

fun to try and master but it definitely gets old.

2★ - I tolerate the game.

Funny for a couple of minutes. I don't understand why my friends wanted to play this every damn time they came over.

Insulted someone to give up their heart.