Reviews from

in the past

oh now THAT'S a good one hour game.

Three children in Malaysia, Wen, Lun, and Ming, do their best to fill the time while waiting for their respective parents to come home. Wen is considered too "goody goody", Lun is deemed a lying punk, and Ming is just too awkward to engage with most kids his age. The three don't have much in common, but they don't have many other options for company. To that end, they take an interest in the new girl in the apartment block and make excuses to try and get inside room 103.

The actual monster isn't particularly deep. Scary ghost girl, you know the drill. But the paper box theater style really sells the format. This is a game built on presentation and style. For a story that lasts approximately 15 minutes if you just race through it, this little piece is filled with content. Wen's section is the longest. As the "goody goody," she can visit around the entire apartment block to meet with people and do various favors. Those favors often spark a whole mini-game, like helping prepare meals for the neighbors or rock paper scissors to win a card from Lun. But her eagerness to please others largely backfires into earning more annoyance from the locals.

Lun's minigames are more based around quick solutions to problems he doesn't understand. Neighbor girl Ting locked in her room? Why not break the window or pick the lock? But his most interesting characterization comes from if you pick the nonviolent options. He's gruff and defensive, but he genuinely doesn't understand how to interact with the world outside of it. Pointing out that breaking the window could make things worse genuinely shocks him with the realization, before he starts trying to figure out how to blame the others for it. Just a dumb kid who wants to do good, doesn't know how, so doubles down on being a punk. Love the guy.

Ming doesn't have a lot of time to shine, I honestly don't have a strong read on him beyond that his gut instinct to this entire plot was "hide in my room." There's probably something that speaks to the fact he doesn't have any minigames. He's too passive to take control of the gameplay. He's firmly on the string.

Just found this to be a really gorgeous, really well-crafted little thing! The team has announced a full game they're working on releasing soon and that's a day one purchase absolutely. Putting this much effort to a game you can complete within a single Simpsons episode? I can't wait to see what these devs have cooked up.

Edit: I was riding so high I forgot to mention some negatives: no settings options to impact volume and it forces you into fullscreen. Little problems, but still problems

This game was AWESOME. Really unique visual aesthetic, really intriguing story. The writing is a little bit stilted due to translation issues. But this is a resoundingly interesting game to experience.

And that experience was unfortunately scuttled as I encountered a game-ending bug that had no resolution. I'd love to finish this if the bug was ever fixed. But given how small and indie this team is, it likely never will be fixed or resolved.

Intriguing story, unique visuals.

A nice art style and interesting setting for a creepy ghost story with a few spooky moments, this game is a prequel of some sort for a bigger upcoming game. I can't really say that I am too interested in what comes next though, just not my kind of thing.

Paper Ghost Stories: 7PM é como uma boa história de terror que contamos ao redor de fogueiras: simples, rápida, horripilante e com uma boa reviravolta no fim. Os visuais são absolutamente lindos, com os personagens parecendo desenhos de caderno recortados, numa pegada meio Paper Mario. Na promoção, ele fica por menos de R$ 3 na Steam, então vale muito a pena.

Não sei exatamente como me expressar perante esse jogo, seu game design é estupendo e sua estória é interessante ao ponto de me fazer querer aprender sobre o festival dos fantasmas da Malásia (o que considero um feito bem relevante para ser sincero). Não considero os personagens serem uma característica em forma de pessoa algo ruim, o jogo tem vários diálogos que aprofundam eles caso você explore e leia os mesmos, apesar do tempo de duração (30m-1h) ser relativamente curto, tal consegue transmitir suas ideias e fazer com que você se importe com os personagens e fique engajado na trama para querer saber o final desse mistério fantasmagórico.