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in the past

The one thing Qix truly needed was prisoners of war. This is a childhood fav I return to every so often - a simple premise done stylishly! If you don't find slicing airships apart with a large pair of scissors cathartic I don't even want to know you.

Patchwork Heroes is one of those strange quirky games that make you really appreciate indie games. Heroes are all about strategy and are less puzzle-like and I liked this a lot. You play as a team of kids who are hell-bent on destroying airships and scrapping them for parts. There’s really no story involved, but the cutscenes break up the levels nicely.

The main mechanic of the game is sawing parts off a 2D ship off. Each ship is measured in feet at the beginning of the stage and your goal is to cut it all off. There are obstacles on the ship such as enemies, and even prisons that have your friends trapped. If you break them out you can use them as bombs to blow up parts of the ship that can’t be cut by your saw such as metal. Some enemies can patch up what you cut so you have to distract them by cutting an area that’s not near your target and watch them fall.

You can find power-ups that let you move faster, slow down time etc. Once you saw off enough pieces you can get a special power that will let you continually saw up to a certain amount of time without stopping. After you sawed off almost the entire ship you have to avoid the self-destruct bombs and saw off one final piece. While all this sounds easy it kind of is, but also fun at the same time. The graphics are really charming, and the 2Dness of it brings the whole game to life.

I honestly think this is one of the best sleeper handheld hits of the year, and should have gone multi-platform on the DS and iPhone, and would have done better on touch screens. Never the less Patchwork Heroes is a great game on the go to pass time and shouldn’t be passed up.

It's a great clone of those classic games of cutting things into small pieces but on top of that the art direction, music and everything is so above and beyond compared to all the minimalistic approaches this games tend to do.

Lo jugué un poco en PSP de adolescente.

Lo intenté emular en móvil y no me gustó la experiencia en una pantalla táctil.

Una vez que pueda emularlo mejor lo intentaré de nuevo

Me gusta lo arcade que es, es un concepto muy tonto pero que está entretenido.

La música es me encanta