Reviews from

in the past

Color Picross! With finished pictures that animate!^ Not enough of them, though, compared to the usual 300 normal/mega puzzles. Gimme more Color Picross, Jupiter!

^has it really been as far back as the original PICROSS DS since they've done this, or am I remembering wrong

It's picross. Beat the entire game without hints etc within 28 hours.

Mostly 10x10 and 15x15 picross and mega picross puzzles. For me these are starting to get way too easy. The 20x15 puzzles are a bit better, but there are not that many of those. I wish these games came with larger sized puzzles like 40x40. I have puzzles that size in regular paper puzzle books, but I do prefer solving these puzzles digitally.

The new colour puzzles are a lot of fun and offer a bit more of a challenge.

So, if you're already used to picross then they offer some nice relaxing puzzles that are a bit on the easy side.

For newcomers, these should be hard enough.

funy logic puzzle go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

The color puzzles are a cool addition, and this game got me to learn how mega picross puzzles work. I really dislike the music for clip picross, though.

I usually want Picross to last longer than a week but I got sick and zoned the fuck out and did so much fuckin Picross man. This one introduces color Picross to the S series which is a little brain-bendy sometimes but I’ll take it over mega Picross any day because it gets you cute little animations!!

Not sure how I felt about the music for Clip Picross though it kind of swung between pretty and a little annoying.

Anyway great game to play when you feel like death, I definitely recommend it

I must be a Xenoblade fan with bad taste, because I skipped the second game in this series for some reason. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why I own Picross S1 and S3 but not S2. I wonder what deep lore I'm missing. Nonetheless, it fun.