Reviews from

in the past

I don't have the mental acuity necessary to comprehend how anyone can come up with such a concept, much less make it extremely fun.

Great style, and people love to gush about this game, however the gameplay is not as deep as one would assume, and gets old incredibly fast.

I'm pretty sure I'm awful at this but the charm is so high that I kept coming back to play more. It's nice to see Game Freak do something other than Pokémon as well!

I have 60 hours on this game.
That should be enough to convince you to play it.

It was a game that I liked as a concept, but for me, the gameplay started to get repetitive quickly. It was a game that would be opened every now and then and a few races taken. (The horse talking at the end of each race is extremely annoying)

só joguei a demo mas foi tao incrivel

It’s solitaire with horse racing and power-ups, but MOSTLY solitaire and trying to beat your best times. Sometimes you fail spectacularly and other times you clutch a victory.
My greatest joy is naming the horses and seeing what names come up in the races. The speed solitaire is fun too, but more as a quick set of puzzles than a game you sit down and play for hours on end.

Fantastic game to play on a lunch break.

of course, good for what it is, but starts to falter when you get into the weeds of it.

don't get me wrong, this game is great when you're first picking it up! but as you spend more time with it and look to improve and win races more often, you're thrown into a sea of card RNG and systems way more complex than they need to be for a 3ds solitaire game best played in 15 minute bursts. play it for the novelty for a little while but don't feel pressured to "beat" it, which from the 5-10 hours I played over the span of like 6 months seems like it would probably take years to complete at that pace lol.

Hey game freak you finally got a winning game here that isn't pokemon! Now if you could port it to something that isn't an iPhone...

Another one of GameFreak’s games that gets overlooked because it doesn’t involve monsters of the pocket variety, Pocket Card Jockey is proof that the simplest mechanics often make the best games. An addictive combo of solitaire and horse racing with charm spilling out of its every pixel, PCJ is one of the few games I would classify as perfect. Not because it’s flawless, but because I don’t know what more you could want out of it.