Reviews from

in the past

This is why Game Freak needs a complete revamp, this game has no pacing and no likable characters. Hop might just be the most annoying character in existence, interrupting your journey every step of the way.

I do like many of the new Pokemon designs and find it to be one of the strongest generations in recent times. But the game itself is just not up to modern standards.

Game gets a lot of undue hate. Most fun I've had with a Pokemon game in some time. Has the best Champion battle in the franchise.

[Biased review warning]

Perhaps not the most acclaimed Pokémon game in the franchise, but it is my favourite! Me and my best friend have this tradition where we play this game every new year; we start when the clock hits 12:00, and we don't stop playing until we've beaten the champion. It's a tradition that I keep close and dear to my heart.

All the towns have a gorgeous visual aesthetic, and they feel unique. The wild area they introduced here is also a welcome addition, as it breaks up the game a bit, and lets the player roam freely, on bike or on foot, and chill out and take in the stunning landscapes. The pokémon dens which reside here are really fun, as well!

The broad assortment of clothing and customisation options here are entertaining to play around with. Each town has a boutique with a unique set of clothes, so it's fun to collect them whenever you visit the location for the first time!

Overall, a fun experience, definitely one of the better pokémon games in recent memory.

The little things in this game are what do it for me. All the weird little npc dialogue, the touches of personality it gives to random bypassers, the extremely lively and rich designs for the gym leaders (melony please call me).

I’ve got my pet peeves with it but a lot of the big complaints aren’t stuff that really get in the way of my enjoyment, and a lot of the newer ideas and concepts it brings out are ones I really like.

Warning: Wall of Text
Controversial take up front: The "Dexit" was actually a great thing and I really wish they would remove more bloat from the games. Who fucking cares if Stantler is not in the game, get over yourself. Use something you've never used before. People who transfer Pokémon they used previously into a brand new game file are weirdos tbh.

Anyway... Sword and Shield definitely have some good aspects to them, but thoroughly disappoint with the execution.
- I liked the setting, with the Gym battles growing more and more in popularity, more people recognizing you, etc.
- Lots of great Pokémon designs.
- I loved that Regional Variants returned, as I was concerned that it'd stay a Gen 7 thing only. Even better, they also added Variants of Pokémon outside of Gen 1.
- Obtaining Pokémon that can be used in competitive fights is now easier than ever, thanks to Raids and items that change a Pokémon's Nature or Ability, for example.
- Some Characters are charming and have decent writing, while others have completely nonsensical writing or an obviously lacking/lackluster character arc.
The thing is: Pokémon games don't need a good story to be fun at all. But the fact that they obviously tried to write one but failed in almost all aspects makes its existence very grating and leaves you with a bitter taste once you finish the main story, and possibly also during some post-game stuff. It's just... so bad... It's extremely obvious that they ran out of time to flesh out anything in the ending.

There's plenty of other parts of the game where you can practically feel the crunch that Game Freak was very obviously forced to work under, whether it's obviously cut content or severe lack of polish of existing content.
Graphically, the games borders on amateurish. Ugly textures, stiff animations for some Pokémon and NPCs (especially cutscenes), FPS issues. The Wild Area is conceptually a nice idea, but the way Pokémon just pop up 3 meters in front of you is awful. Yes, I get that it'd be tons of work to optimize it, making a low LOD model for each Pokémon or whatever. At that point I'd rather just not have the Wild Area at all. But you gotta have cool features to advertise your game I guess!

Sadly, there still is many things I can complain about:
- The terribly obvious, grating lack of any sort of voice acting. Especially since there are several cutscenes that focus on a character speaking or even worse, singing. Can one of the most successful videogame franchises in the world really not afford to have JUST SOME voice acting in a mainline game?
- The Online functions were awful. Terrible to navigate, stupidly hard to play together with friends.
- Gigantamax is just another tacked on marketing feature that will be forgotten and irrelevant in the next game.
- Speaking of Gigantamax: Raids made it especially obvious how fucking s l o w the fights are whenever status effects of any sort happen. Fighting a Raid Pokémon with Intimidate means that you'll have to wait a fucking minute before you can perform any action because it has to play the animation for EVERY SINGLE POKÉMON and then have the dialog for "X's attack fell!" pop up for EVERY SINGLE POKÉMON AGAIN. PLEASE, make a toggable fast-mode for this shit.
- Some Pokémon are ridiculously hard to catch/find - and they are usually not even good. I really wanted to use a Solosis but it had stupidly specific conditions to appear. And then there is shit like Runerigus. WHY?
- Forced EXP share. I tried to be open to the idea and used a team of 12 Pokémon instead of 6 and rotated them in and out, but I rather wouldn't have needed to. Also I was still overleved most of the time lol
- And last but not least, one of the worst and most annoying "features" is level restrictions for catching Pokémon. Once a Pokémon is JUST ONE SINGLE LEVEL above your current(!) mon, it's near IMPOSSIBLE to catch. What the fuck? Yes, I get that they didn't want people to catch something 20 level above their current adequate level to steamroll everything. But surely that shouldn't stop anyone from catching a level 13 Pokémon when most of my team is level 15 and my leading Pokémon happened to be level 12?? Absolutely infuriating bullshit feature implemented in the least elegant way possible.

In the end, it sadly still is a Pokémon game, so people will buy it - including myself, full price and all. I love Pokémon, I really do. But it's been obvious for several generations that they let Game Freak - still a relatively small company - work on a shoestring budget to produce mainline games for one of the biggest and highest grossing video game franchises in the whole world. That grade of greed is just sad, but sadly it works.

Probably the worst generation. Also national dex, what gives?

Eu sempre fico muito emocionalmente envolvido quando jogo Pokémon, toda a jornada, a trajetória que eu trilhei até ali, ver toda a evolução do seu time, é sempre muito recompensador, é bizarro quão investido você fica no jogo, e não necessariamente pela história, mas pelo universo, pelos personagens, e pra mim, principalmente os ginásios pokémon, que são de longe, pra mim, minha coisa favorita nos jogos, colocar seu time a prova contra os melhores daquela região, é sempre incrível, ficar descobrindo Pokémon novos, pesquisar evoluções e tudo mais, a história em si, é meio tosca, mas não é pela historia que eu jogo Pokémon, tirando exceções como black/White, Silver/gold, x/y, Legends arceus etc...
Wild Area é incrível, e eu lembro ate hoje minha reação quando eu vi os Pokémon andando livremente pelo mapa ou pelas rotas, é incrível, mesmo.
Tem muita coisa pra se explorar na Wild Area, e o jeito que os pokémon rotacionam conforme o clima é bem legal, mas é meio esquisito vc estar num bioma ensolarado, dar 3 passos e ir pra um que está nevando, mas faz parte né, acho que seria melhor se tivesse várias wild areas espalhadas pelo mapa, mas deu pra ver que muita coisa eles aprenderam com esse jogo e implementaram no Legends Arceus e no Scarlet e Violet por exemplo.
Eu não entendo pq as pessoas não gostam da forma dynamax, é muito incrível, eu também sou viuva da Mega Evolução, acho que foi a melhor mecânica até hoje nos jogos Pokémon, mas as formas Dynamax são incríveis, queria que mais Pokémon tivessem sua forma Dynamax diferente.
Agora falando as partes ruins, ainda acho um jogo meio fácil, tirando algumas batalhas tipo uma final ali no pós game com o Hop, e a do Leon no final, não teve muito desafio...
O começo do jogo é muito lento, ainda acho um saco toda vez que começa um jogo pokémon tem que fazer o MESMO TUTORIAL, e que demora pouco mais de 1hr pra vc ficar realmente investido no jogo...
Eu adorei as gym challenges, ainda são muito fáceis, mas ainda assim é uma alternativa tão mais legal do que as clássicas na série, especialmente a do ginásio de gelo e água. Tem uns meio sem criatividade, tipo o do tipo fada e dragão que não tem nada demais...
A batalha contra o Eternatus é f a n t á s t i c a. É épica, a música é foda, o cenário é foda, os dois cães lendários de galar chegando pra ajudar na hora, sério, sensacional. (muito melhor que a do X/Y por exemplo)
RAID BATTLES - gostei, da um ar épico pra batalha, é um saco ter que esperar todo mundo atacar pra dar o comando do proximo turno, mas ok, é sempre muito foda, tanto as poucas vezes que tem que fazer na história, como nas vezes que você encontra no mapa casualmente.
Meu time no final foi: Cinderace (touya), Rhaegal (Haxorus), Rucario (Lucario), Dragonite (dragonite) Shinzo (Toxitricity) e Gengar(Gengar). na reserva tinha um Gyarados(Sojiro) Charizard(Drogon) Zamazenta(zamazenta) e um Flygon(Jen)

Man I really disliked this game lol. Powered my way through it but the flaws were glaring to me and I like it less and less especially after how much I enjoyed S/V. Painfully bad story, characters, and cutscenes. It's not a dumpster fire, but it's just not good. I really found the gameplay to be quite boring too overall. 1.5 ★

This review contains spoilers

The two stars are there because the Pokémon designs are great, the trainer designs are great, and Hop has a great character arc.

Everything else is rubbish.

Galar is an ugly region, and half of its routes consist of straight lines. The game that decided to make the Escape Rope a Key Item has ONE cave in the entire region, and it too is a straight line. Team Yell are a non-entity that feel like a pale imitation of Team Skull without understanding anything that made them good or memorable. Marnie and Bead get almost no screentime, their character arcs happen offscreen, and are both completely unrelated to anything we're introduced to them caring about. Marnie gets forced into taking over as her town's gym leader despite the whole game expressing that she had zero interest in the role, and Bede gets kidnapped by a witch and brainwashed into believing Fairy-type Pokémon are the only thing he has ever thought or cared about.

Zacian and Zamazenta have no place in the greater world of Pokemon for being box legendaries, Eternatus has zero story attached to it outside of a few lines of dialogue involving a dream of an energy crisis, and the game's BIGGEST sin is missing the entire point of Pokemon: that anyone can participate.

The whole game the player character is constantly being told that they should focus on their gym challenge instead of getting involved with whatever shady plot seems to be happening in the background, that the game makes zero effort to detail in the slightest, or give us any glimpse of. Nothing happens the entire game until the last ten minutes of it, which comprise of an elevator ride into a non-encounter, and a final boss that had decent spectacle but was ultimately devoid of player input.

EXP share has been made to be ON by default at all times, and as a result, if the player at any point decides to catch new Pokemon in the new Wild Area, or does any sort of battling outside of the main straight line that is the gym challenge, you will became hopelessly overleveled with no way of course correcting without picking a completely new team, and will steamroll the rest of the game with little issue, robbing the game of any tension for the rest of its meager playtime.

The game's new gimmick, Dynamaxing, is essentially just another take on the prior game's Z-Moves. Unlike Mega Evolution, any Pokémon can do it, and you get three turns to either use big powerful attacks or guard against big powerful attacks. There's some strategy to using certain moves to lay down weather or stat boosts, but visually they're a step down and mechanically they lead to forcing the other player into activating theirs just to avoid losing their whole team strategy to funny supermoves.

There's also 'Gigantamax' forms, which have unique appearances, but ONLY while that Pokemon is dynamaxed, and prior to the soup introduced in the DLC they method of obtaining a Gigantamax Pokemon was laughably absurd to a degree I don't have the energy to rant about right now. I'll just say that Raid Battles sucked - either you got absolutely wiped playing solo cause the AI partners were useless, or you steamrolled the fight playing with a human squad with zero difficulty, still hindered by the fact that you can only do a set amount of damage max to the boss before it caps and enters another of like 5 phases. Just a colossal waste of time.

Lastly, thanks to the decision to leave the National Pokedex out of this installment and future ones to come, more than half of the franchise's mons are completely unusable even with Pokemon Home support, which limits post-game teambuilding to whatever's available in the region.

Sword and Shield, in my opinion, are the most hollow, phoned-in, devoid of soul Pokemon games in the entire franchise, and it speaks volumes that at the used game store I work you'll find copies of these titles taking up an entire shelf themselves.

It loses 5 stars because they didn't even try to give this game a story or an interesting map. The game does not require brainpower to play nor will it stimulate your mind in any way whatsoever. They re-used Hau from Sun/Moon and the only thing they changed about him is two letters in his name.

It gains half a star because Cramorant and Greedent are two of the best pokemon ever designed

look i dont actually care as much about the national dex stuff. also i didnt payed the dlc so this can change

good points:good music,wild area is kinda cool.
bad points:hate the majority of the designs,the pacing is not that good,dont care as much about pokemon story but good lord is it bad.
did not like at all this one

It's rushed. We know this. The story sucks. We know this. I don't love it, but I do think it's going to age better than people think. The new mons and galarian forms were good IMO. I liked the significance of the legendaries way more than ever before - they were simply legends of old instead of malevolent gods. Raids (and especially Dynamax Adventures) have SO much potential and I really hope they aren't a one-off mechanic like Dynamax. I really want to see them back in Scarlet/Violet. The multiplayer community at this game's launch was something special. The DLC also had a lot of improvements on the base game, although I still think it's lame that we needed DLC for it to get to that level. It's the most accessible game for competitive play, and I appreciate its strides in that direction.

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Did not think the series could get worse than ORAS, but here we are. The most interesting the game got was at the very beginning up until the first gym. From there you are railroaded through a painfully uninspired region whose only charm exists in (some of) the gym leaders. The touted wild area with raid battles is a bland, empty waste of space and the raids themselves do not work half the time. And then there is the story, which is insultingly bad even by the series' low standards. Anytime you get close to it throughout the game, a character will steer you away with "haha don't worry about all that grown up stuff, you just focus on your next gym! >:3". Just so you can find out at the very end that there is literally 0 immediate threat, and the bad guy makes one up just to prove that "there could be". If you enjoy it, fine, I guess. But for me, this was the game that made me realize I have had all the fun I can with the mainline series.

I don’t care what people say about gen 8, I loved the shit out of the games. I loved dynamax battles, and this felt like a good pokémon game, very very overhated.

PEOPLE WITH LONG HAIR CAN WEAR HATS!! Stupid European regulations.

Pokémon Sw/Sh was a good start for the mainline series on the Switch. Having already played Let's Go Pikachu, which was a hybrid mainline/GO game, I was happy to get a standard Pokémon game that had new mechanics with Dynamax/Gigantamax Pokémon and of course new creatures to capture and trade. I enjoyed this game, but PL: Arceus is the best Switch Pokémon title imo.

É um game complicado de dar review. Eu gosto muito dele, mas ele é muito falho, história rasa e curta, dificuldade tão simples que até uma criança iria reclamar, e bastante conteúdo que foi cortado só pra ser colocado em DLC. O jogo tem um belo trabalho em design de personagens, cada um tendo uma personalidade, uma trilha sonora belíssima, que te deixa bem hypado na batalha de ginásio só pra você dar uma lapada e vencer sem perder um Pokémon sequer, e design de cenário que são até que bem feitos por mais que sejam bem longe de ser o melhor da franquia.

Gameplay was fun but the story, animations, graphics, and area design are all downgrades from the previous games. The new character designs are really good though. Will go back to do shiny hunting for the gen 8 mon but otherwise I am done,

amazing i love this game i feel the same way about acnh

Honestly, I think this game gets a bit of a bad wrap. Admittedly, it might be a bit of the high of the Crown Tundra DLC, which I think sets up open world Pokemon better than the main game (and sets up pretty well for Legends: Arceus and, hopefully when I get to it, Scarlet/Violet). Even the main game's pretty decent, though, even if the routes are very linear, and the story's rough, even by Pokemon standards. The gym challenge itself is handled pretty well, with fun characters and a real sense of atmosphere during gym battles.
My team: Cinderace, Corviknight, Toxtricity, Barraskewda, Grimmsnarl, and Dragapult

Unfortunately kind of mediocre.

Esto me duele más a mí que a ustedes: es definitivamente el peor título de Pokémon, al menos de las entregas principales, y si no fuese por las mecánicas que llevan funcionando bien desde siempre, la magnífica banda sonora y el nuevo sistema de gimnasios, lo consideraría un juego rotundamente malo. Ya lo siento, pero está muy mal optimizado, las dificultad es inexistente, apenas hay lugares interesantes que visitar y la historia es un completo desastre.

Vamos, que tanto si eres fan de toda la vida como si quieres estrenarte en el mundo Pokémon, en cualquier caso yo personalmente te desaconsejo esta octava generación.

Seeing everyone talk like me in a Pokemon game was really bizarre but I’m totally into it.

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Giant heaping pile of wasted potential; a very rushed game.
for any previous pokemon fan, it's still quite the enjoyable game, but world design is extremely linear (to the point that the main villain's lair is a fucking elevator - that's it) and many pokemon were cut out, limiting team-building and removing many people's favorites. I'd understand in the case of Legends: Arceus, where extra effort was applied to bring the included pokemon to life with new animations and details, providing good reason to cut many of the little guys, but this game seems to drop a large amount of them for no reason, which is such a shame. Not to mention, it cuts the Mega Evolution mechanic from the last two mainline games, greatly weakening many pokemon (both design-wise and in battle) and hurting competitive potential.

The only downside is the story.

this game is basically everything i wanted pokemon to be when i was a kid. i think as just a pokemon game, its not great. dynamaxing is a bad mechanic. i think the open world element is really shallow. the story is dumb. luckily those things dont matter very much to me at all.

what i love about this game is making curry for my pokemon, wearing cute outfits, customizing my trading card, playing the tag championship in postgame, the battle tower is good. thats not much of the total game, but i liked that much of it.

also i honestly don't understand the complaints about graphics. i don't care if a tree looks polygonal. it looks fine.