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Potion Craft propose d'incarner un alchimiste : pour fabriquer des potions aux effets divers, il faut se déplacer grâce à des ingrédients sur une carte. La récompense suprême, qui clôt la campagne, étant bien sûr de réaliser la pierre philosophale grâce à des assemblages complexes.

Les plus :
- Une esthétique ravissante qui sied parfaitement au fond du jeu. Le sound design est lui aussi soigné, des musiques aux bruits d'écrasement des ingrédients dans le creuset. C'est le point fort du jeu, qui mérite le détour
- On peut enregistrer ses potions, pas besoin de les refaire du départ dès qu'on en a besoin. Mais il faut avoir les ingrédients nécessaires pour les reproduire.
- Un petit prix : les 20 euros d'origine ne le valent pas, mais les réductions régulières sur Steam le ramènent régulièrement sous les 10 euros.

Les moins :
- La quête principale, malgré les possibilités de déplacement plus agile sur la carte qui s'offrent au joueur à mesure qu'il progresse, est longue et fastidieuse : on comprend vite qu'il faudra réaliser des assemblages de plus en plus laborieux. Je sais comment finir le jeu, mais... flemme !
- Flemme car la fabrication des potions suppose de bouger la souris dans tous les sens pour écraser les ingrédients, remuer le chaudron pour se déplacer sur la carte et le chauffer pour incorporer des effets dans la potion. Mal au poignet, à force.
- La gestion du commerce est rudimentaire. La négociation des prix des potions vendues et des ingrédients achetés au marchands s'opère par un jeu de réflexes... bof.

Super fun in short periods, but after a while it gets a little repetitive

Fun little game! It definitely gets repetitive after a while and I wish certain systems were a little more fleshed out. Bartering is... questionable.

Some really awesome art and good ideas on display. I'd love to see the developers follow this game up with something that builds on the foundations of this.

Pretty torn on this one. I love its visual design, and how inventive and tactile the potion crafting feels. The overwhelming variety of ingredients and the traversal they allow on the alchemy map are wonderful, as are their cleverly color-coded designs. I enjoyed how the clients and the flavor of their demands changes depending on who you refuse service to (serve too many scoundrels and suddenly you’re only getting bandits and necromancers in the door). I don’t love the repetitive grind of the retail simulation, or the way it gates progression behind waiting on certain merchants to show up or certain ingredients to regrow in the garden. I also hated the way the alchemy formulas for the Salts and Stones depended on the same Stone from the previous stage, since I pretty much never wanted to make any of them a second time (it’s novel the first time, but tedious busywork after that).

Based on the dev’s roadmap, it seems like some of these complaints might be alleviated in the future; maybe I’ll pick it up again then, but for now I’m satisfied having created everything but the Philosopher’s Stone and a couple of higher level Salts.

i'm seconding all of the reviews that say potion craft simply just gets kind of tedious and unrewarding, although i think the actual gameplay loop is amazing and there's simply no other game like it. i greatly enjoyed the early parts of this game.

potion craft has a system for buying and selling materials: materials will be on sale at random points, so you're incentivized to only buy certain materials, especially in bulk, when they're on sale-- especially because the cost of repairing larger upgrades is quite steep. but that means that you're ALWAYS low on materials to make potions with, and when making potions in later chapters becomes EXTREMELY cost-heavy, it just becomes... more frustrating than fun.

potion craft could've been amazing but is held back by that one simple mechanic. it's really sad, because the art style and early gameplay loop is so unique and fun, but it's bogged down pretty early by what i described. :(

I’m excited for this game to leave early access! It’s really addicting.

Neat, innovative idea and well crafted visuals.
Gets repetitive pretty fast though. After discovering most of the ingredients it gets very tedious.

Tried it on Game Pass. Yes! Looks like I could loose hours here making potions!
Will release on PS and Switch, I might get it for the Switch.

Entretenido, pero el ritmo del juego termina siendo tedioso

Very entertaining but it's lacking objectives.

I had 100%ed this game back in its early access, and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to 100% it again in it's full 1.0 release. (I think my hours spent was about 22 in early access and 28 in 1.0). The game is extremely fun for those who enjoy puzzle games or even exploration. There's many outlets for creativity as well and using creative solutions to solve requests in ways you might not expect. The atmosphere is iconic and comforting. I'm definitely looking forward to any and all updates and will be more than happy to jump right back in.

The only gripe I might have is that I spent about the last 7 hours (read note at bottom) of my playthrough grinding out the one final achievement of getting the max popularity stat. If I could change anything, I'd maybe lower that achievement by one level, or maybe have each transaction earn you a few extra points of popularity than it did before once you reach chapter X of the alchemist's path. Because it felt a tad bit grindy. Everything leading up to that, however, was SUPER fun and not grindy at all. And since that achievement is not mandatory, I highly recommend this game!

NOTE about the 7 hours: I realize that if you take those 7 hours aside, I ended up playing 1.0 for about the same time as I did the early access version. I think it's important to notice however is that I spent 22 hours in early access when I didn't know how to play, whereas I spent 22 hours playing 1.0 that had much more content, while being able to speed through lots of it. It was significantly more content and I, again, highly recommend!

Pra o que se pretende a fazer, funciona muito bem, mas perto do final começa a ficar chato pela quantidade de crafting que precisa ser feito pra avançar. Mas me deixou viciado por um bom tempo.

Obligatory this is based on the alpha.
A really fun shopkeep game. Love the style and allows me to min-max potion brewing.

can get repetitive after a while but it's really fun and chill! i like it a lot!

Well put together, and had good moments, but it kind of made me... sleepy? After I got to a certain point my frustrations escalated because the merchants stopped selling me ingredients that went to the right, and it felt like I was kind of dead in the water. Other than my personal preferences it's clear that a lot of thought went into creating the game and balancing out certain aspects. Wasn't for me though.

nane limon simulator. allahım hayallerim gerçek oldu

i do think that customers straight up telling you they want to commit gruesome acts of murder and terrorism is pretty funny in a way. sir, this is a wendy's.

i appreciate the flex of "no, really, grind up these herbs and stir the pot and pump the bellows". in theory. not so much in practice.

fun, relaxing game with a fun crafting system. would be nice if they had more than one track on the soundtrack so i didn't have to hear the same mediaeval song over and over but maybe that's part of the immersion.

Played this back in January and completely forgot to log it. It's a really cool premise, and the first few hours are great fun. Representing potion brewing through a map you have to navigate with different ingredients is genius, and it's SO relaxing. Perfect chill game.

BUT, the back half drags a lot. The well of new mechanics starts to dry up very quickly and you're just left doing the same things in the same way with nothing to work towards. There's alchemy, I guess? But it's so undeveloped as a system I didn't see much point in engaging with it.

A story would have been nice. Or a few more gameplay systems. Maybe instead of having the garden randomly repopulate with new plants you get to plant them yourself? A wider variety of quests? Make alchemy more interesting instead of just a dull fetch quest? Something to spend money on, like furniture for your room? Feels like an unfinished early access game.

A bit confusing because I skipped the tutorial

I got through the first chapter of this when it was release on Game Pass and I never returned to it. The game has an interesting art style but the gameplay just didn't grab me. I think the exploration of making new potions was a bit laborious and turned me off of it. I only played like an hour of it though, so I'm not going to leave it a rating.

tres cute mais devient repetitif et absolument impossible a terminer a un moment donné cest bien dommage

Misturei Libido 3 com Explosão 2 pra criar uma poção de orgia espontânea e ninguém quis mas tirando isso muito gostosinho de jogar

great concept but i think the amount of labor that goes into more involved potions/alchemy was a little bit daunting for me. this game wants you to put in the elbow grease, but in a way that's less challenging and more "time to do a bunch of precise, time-intensive work"

C'est sympa 2 heure, pas plus.