Reviews from

in the past

The PC version is way better

PUBG Mobile has the same great gameplay I enjoyed when I played regular PUBG when it was the hottest thing ever. There is a game I enjoy here, but it is hidden behind an infuriating fight with touchscreen controls. No matter how much I play, I can't get used to not using tactile buttons and constantly just want to use a controller. But if you are cool with touchscreen controls, this game will be a blast.

Por alguna razón, una amiga a la que no le gustan los videojuegos estaba viciada a esto así que nos echábamos unas partiditas. Estas cosas no se pueden jugar en móvil

This game is shit but I had fun

Played this on my shitty laptop (bluestacks I think) with my friends.

Me gustó más que el original y me da igual lo que me digan.

bacaninha até.

mas acaba se limitado pela questão de ser um jogo de tiro em celular e tal.

The best version was from TiMi Studio, but it was only in China, and the shitty Lightning Speed ​​version arrived globally.

A more tolerable way to enjoy PUBG, also free so no harm done for uninstalling.

Unfortunately this game is a bit of a mess. While it retains the gameplay of the original, its heavily nuetered and the UI barely works on a mobile device, its so cramped and congested. The game is also been monetized to hell, to the point where any clothes you wear are temporary and once youve worn them too long they disappear. It makes playing the game feel like a chore, especially when it eats up so much battery life

2.5☆ - As my first introduction to PUBG I was largely unimpressed, though I did play it when I was still big into Fortnite so that mightn't've helped.

Peak went crazy but not anymore

Good game. Quite addictive, very realistic.

I give it 3 stars because the game had recently a lot of players that used hacks

Prime döneminde 4 kişilik bir ekiple oynamaktan aldığım keyfin hatrına 4/5


I don't get it. I won my first match and was so bored.

this game is so boring now but it was fun with friends in 2018 when Fortnite wasn't on mobile yet

this was so fun to play in gr 6 take me back TAKE ME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as I'm concerned, this is my favorite mobile BR title. I played so many hours of this waiting in lines at conventions. Once you get past the massive amount of bot games they force you to play, this turns into a very intense FPS with a ton of depth and skilled players around every corner. The slow pace works incredibly well on a touchscreen and while the monetization is awful, some of the collab events have been incredibly cool (hello, NGE collab!).

Lmfao fuck this game
Pav Bhaji ass

many treasured memories..

amo e odeio ao mesmo tempo depende do dia

I really don't want to remember that I used to play this game a lot. I knew I only played it because I didn't have a PC that lets me play the actual Pubg back then...

It wasn't a totally terrible experience. However the shooting mechanics on phones is just plain terrible by default. I have no idea how I used to put up with it. The visuals actually look pretty decent for a mobile game.

There's tons of weird microtransactions but at least they are just for clothes and gun skins that don't influence gameplay. I don't mind that to be honest. I would say they did a pretty good job translating Pubg to mobile devices.

I don't really have much to say about this game other than that it existed and I had plenty of fun with friends playing it. After all, if a game can be fun, I shouldn't really fault it too much.