Reviews from

in the past

f* amazing. Do yourself a favor and play it

Inventive, exciting, wish there was more!

Very unique experience. I was bad at some missions and it probably took me longer than average to beat but the hacking mechanics are cool and way it has to tell a story is pretty clever. I love cyberpunk games and media, and the "20th century cyberpunk" idea was a neat spin that they made work well.

A fantastic and unique puzzle game.

It sets up such an engaging world and characters with out every using a single line of dialogue. The environmental story telling really goes a long way in this game. The mechanics of the puzzle are so well ingrained in the games setting and they feel comfortably familiar but wholly unique.

This game nails so many things but leaves you wanting a bit more out of the puzzles in the end. The set up of a new gadget or type of puzzle is easy to follow, but not a complete walk in the park. The intermediate test after learning the basics expects you to engage with what you have learned in a more complex puzzle. Then it throws that tool you have learned to the side, and moves on to a new puzzle type and starts at the introduction difficulty again. The game never reaches the point where it gives you all of the tools you have learned and just lets figure it out on your own and encourages you to think outside of the box.

All in all loved it but think a follow up game could absolutely nail it.

Didn't know much about programming going in but gained a deeper appreciation for it and theft by the game's conclusion.

easily enters my top 30 games. I really loved every second of it. From the absurd storytelling to the puzzles and mechanics, super fun and entertaining. Although I wish it lasted longer, I'm very happy with what the game has to offer. It's legit how I wish it would have been hitman/payday back in the day.

A short but wonderful title I absolutely adore. The mechanics and attention to detail carry this game hard, but also features fun level design, a good (albeit unoriginal) soundtrack, and boatloads of tools to use to solve problems, encouraging open-ended solutions. Combine that with Workshop support on Steam and you have a title with a large amount of room for future expansion. Excited to see what they do with the Deluxe Edition (apparently it's a thing).

all the human characters are unsettling cuboid homunculi and it's really distracting

I liked what i played, the aesthetics are beautiful and the game feels really good, but the puzzles were not very interesting to me and every level felt like a tutorial, and they never build up to anything bigger. it's quite buggy too.