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a very interesting set of new cats, the variety of takes on the mechanics is really interesting, some really leaning into the gameplay and game-y ideas, and some getting more into the story and new areas. the writing ranges from appropriately sparse and evocative, to sort of fanfic-y and less interesting, but the imagery and new areas are all pretty compelling.

Genuinely, the best DLC I've ever purchased. It's FULL of content. Triples base game content, and the content is rich and infinitely replayable.
The amount of content added is that big that I, myself, haven't seen it all in 40h+ of playtime after buying the DLC.

Also! You get more slugcats, who doesn't like that?

a solid dlc that may as well be its own sequel with the amount of content it brings. misses the mark with some of the story beats, but still a great time and worth playing through if you enjoyed the vanilla rain world experience

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Do you want to play through the game again under different circumstances? Was visiting Looks to the Moon and/or Five Pebbles your favorite part of the experience? Then you will really enjoy this DLC.
Do you just like the base Survivor/Monk/Hunter campaigns and want to see them fleshed out with more regions and creatures? Then this DLC will fall below your expectations.

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This DLC was a trip. A big trip. Time Played in the review is for both Rain World and Downpour btw. 5 (or 6...) new and creative slugcats that all have their own objectives. All of them were really fun to play as. The DLC also adds more zones which can be nerve-racking at times. The story was great to piece together and figure out as the characters are well-intertwined with one another. My favorite slugcat, and overall campaign out of the 5 was Artificer, as their mechanic gave a lot of movement options and resource management. If you ever choose to get Rain World, please get this as well. It's almost necessary for the full experience. Can't wait for "The Watcher" DLC next!!

Rain World is one of the most beautiful, complicated, absurdly long, difficult, lonely, and incredible experiences I've had in games.

It's also nearly impossible to talk about a review for because it really is best experienced blindly. And it's also tricky because you need to actually need to persevere past that initial learning curve as it's easy to abandon if you just give up on trying to survive its cruel and vicious world. But it's an outstanding game and I can't recommend it enough; it will however test your patience and you will die a lot.

Downpour is also the single best DLC I have ever seen in any video game; it expands so much on the original content in every single way that it does things I never expected it to be able to do and fleshes out so much more of the world. Outstanding work of art. I love ruffles

Played around 160 hours on Switch with base game, then around 150 hours replaying it and for the additional campaigns on PC with Downpour.

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It's good...

A dlc that adds excellent new routes and content to something that is already one of my favorite games ever made.

Good as a second playthrough, don't recommend for a first run though, but either way insane dlc for an insane base game so far

Great expansion to a great game that I still need to finish

a great addition to the game. every new campaign is so fun in its own way. again, points docked for scavenger crimes

basically the sequel to rain world and absolutely perfect in every way. genuinely loved every part of the game and could not imagine anything more id want from it.

The greatest DLC for any game ever.

Te gustó rain world? Vale, te vamos a dar un juego entero nuevo con la misma premisa pero que no se siente repetitivo. Disfruta amigo.

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Rain World was already in my top fifteen games of all time, but somehow Downpour managed to bump it all the way up to the number 3 spot. Not only does it pratically double the amount of content by adding new campaigns, creatures, gamemodes, music, features, and co-op, but all of it is consistently high-quality, often surpassing the base game. It's been ages since I've been so engrossed in a game that I physically can't stop playing it.
The only reason it loses half a star is because of the problems base Rain World already had, but I can barely think of any problems with this DLC. The new campaigns are extremely fun and varied, the added story and lore are fantastic, and the challenge, expedition, and jolly co-op modes add endless replayability. I've heard complaints that the new slugcats are too wacky and powerful to fit the brutal realism of the base game, but I honestly think the opposite, and instead chose to view each slugcat as their own self-contained game. Yes, Survivor and Monk were prey in a hostile ecosystem because that fit the realistic theme of their campaigns, so why can't Spearmaster be a messenger, or Artificer a warrior, or Gourmand a family man? I see no problem with these characters being different from each other, as it offers unique perspectives on this incredibly strange world.
To sum up, I love Rain World: Downpour, and I whole-heartedly think you will too. It's peak.

Here's my ranking of the five new slugcats from worst to best. I enjoyed all of them, but some are worse than others.

5. Spearmaster
Definitely my least favourite campaign, mostly due to having to transport a pearl for the majority of the game, which takes up one of your hands. This removes duel-wielding and makes you constantly have to babysit an item, which makes combat significantly less fun. However, I still very much enjoyed this campaign for its infinite spear shenanigans, interesting iterator lore, fun food mechanic, and the addition of the Looks to the Moon area.
4. Artificer
Unlike Spearmaster, there isn't anything about Artificer I outright dislike, she's just this low by default because the other slugcats are even better. Artificer's campaign is the shortest by far, but it's still a blast to play as an explosive, scavenger-hunting warrior slugcat who, unlike several other characters, isn't driven by a plot revolving around the iterators, but instead just wants revenge for her pups. Love her for the great movement and abilities, fun karma system, and very unique ending.
3. Rivulet
SPEED. This slugcat activates my monkey brain with its sheer mobility. You spend half the campaign zipping through the map at mach fuck, then you get an item that increases your speed even further. My only real problem with Rivulet is that its kinda broken. The short cycles act as a perfect drawback for the first half, but then they're removed and you gain the rarefaction cell, so now Rivulet is just fast, with no catch. It's funny though so I'll give it a pass. Also Submerged Superstructure is goated.
2. Gourmand
Fun as hell. Gourmand probably has the strangest moveset in the game, but that's why I love him so much. Crafting and summoning items, rolling to deflect spears, insanely high spear damage, WWE body slamming, and getting exhausted from doing anything (he's literally me fr). Gourmand's story is very simple, but it's cute ending and fun framing device make it worth it. The exhaustion mechanic can be a bit much sometimes, but I like how it encourages careful planning, rather than aggressively charging into combat. This is also the campaign that took by far the longest, as I was going for the food quest ending, so I got lots of mileage out of this slugcat.
1. Saint
Everybody saw this coming. Not only is Saint extremely fun to play with their tongue mechanic and echo scavenger hunt, not only do they have two of the best regions in the game (Silent Construct and Undergrowth), not only is the new snow-covered world beatiful, not only is the environmental story-telling expertly crafted, not only does it add tons of fantastic lore implications, but this campaign introduces STRAWBERRY LIZARDS. Truly the slugcat of all time.

I slugcatted and then got torn to pieces. Very fun

Essa é a versão definitiva de rain world, se você não pega essa dlc você perde provavelmente uma das partes mais bonitas do jogo, cada campanha é tão única e rica que você se apaixona instantaneamente. O único problema que é ENORME, é que você precisa de um guia ou alguém que conheça o jogo e saiba o que tem que fazer, do contrário, esse jogo é confuso e estressante mais do que qualquer coisa

Wonderful addition to the game with each character having a unique gameplay quirk and good story telling about the world.

best dlc I have ever seen, I love propagating jagged bolts from my rear end

La historia de un mundo decadente y sus dioses moribundos desde los ojos de un pequeño animal, la boca abierta y los ojos como platos todo el rato, jugarlo solo se siente como el viaje mas duro, salvaje y emocionante que he experimentado

A DLC that breathes life into the base game, new stories and game-play emerge that offer deeper insight into the world of Rain World! It allows for more co-op and modding opportunities, and is practically inviting me to play Rain World for another 150+ hours!