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(shadows of rose review)

it was super fun to play as rose but.. didn't really add much to the story that i wanted answers to. i wanted them to add on to the ending of the original 8.. but.. :(

Shadows of Rose is 90% a sort of barebones, derivative retread of Village with even clunkier writing, and 10% something that starts out as yet another retread but ends up being one of the most genuinely scary sequences I've ever played through in a horror game. So you know, I gotta give em some credit for that.

Okay for an expansion. The added third-person mode was the highlight for me, giving a new way to reexperience the original game but the new story content was fun. Not amazing, but fun.

Initially a fantastic showing, with effectively crafted scares even with the shift to 3rd person. The DLC expansion unfortunately falls apart in the second half, ending abruptly, and with much of the potentially interesting ideas complacently explained away on collectible documents towards the very end of the DLC. Asset re-use is incredibly prevalent here, and it's a twin-edged sword. The repurposing of RE8's content to play with expectations and craft new experiences is great, but it comes at the cost of not feeling particularly invigoratingly new.

The claustrophobic corridors of many of RE8's repurposed environments are both a help and hinderance in the enjoyment of this new content. Proximity based button prompts were already an issue in the base game's original first person mode, and this problem is exacerbated in third person. Third person camera made some sections tense in ways that are completely unique to this content, but I can also see the case where someone would argue this would undercut tension by being able to check around corners. For the most part, the transition between perspectives has worked well (even if the environments were not originally designed for this greater field of view and freer camera control.

Clocking in at roughly 3 hours of play time on my end (and I took what felt like a slower jaunt through this DLC than others) this expansion feels overpriced currently. This is particularly true if you have no interest in playing the base game in 3rd Person or in new Mercenaries content. If the Shadows of Rose DLC had been purchasable separately at somewhere closer to $8 instead of $16, it'd be an easier recommend.

I've only briefly messed around with the new Mercenaries content. Punching things as Chris is entertaining enough. What strikes me as somewhat bizarre is how buying this expansion pack only offers you the chance to play as the Lords from the base game - dependent on your skill ceiling and ability to score highly - rather than simply letting you use the characters you have just shelled out over $15 for.

All in all, fine enough content - but lower expectations and maybe wait for a sale or to simply purchase the Gold Edition of RE8 if you have yet to buy the game at all.

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nobody wants to be friends with an icky biohazard.

re8 was complete, so the devs rlly didn't have to bother with this, but i'm more or less happy they did. this is an awkward lil companion piece, a mirror image, an almost epilogue that picks up characters and plot threads without answering any questions, asking many new ones. a sloppy play on cheap and well-tread conventions, like some alice in wonderland bs, "weeping angels" styled mannequins, sappy reunions, (bioorganic) virtual reality, and psychic energy fights between lost, lonesome daughters.

each piece of re7's dlc was ridiculous, but also singular and cohesive. shadows of rose is a mess of ideas layered one on top of another. it's not narratively necessary, but still, i enjoyed rose's trip into the biomatrix.

Shadows of Rose. The new enemies are really cool. New boss fights are good. Puzzle gameplay shines. There’s one truly scary set piece that had me very tense while playing through it. Definitive good ending to the Winters saga.

I love Resident Evil Village, but this DLC is a pretty piss poor effort. The additions to Mercs and third person mode are good but Shadows of Rose sucks imo. It cost 28 AUD go spend 17 AUD on Hollow Knight instead thank me later.

I never want to see a mannequin ever again

That Rose DLC was really whack

I wanted this DLC to expand on the ending and it did in a way and didn't in another. I really enjoyed the gameplay and horror vibes. It was perfect to release late October. I encourage anyone to play this despite giving it only a 7/10. It will give you a lot to talk about with how you think the future of RE will be.

Resident Evil Village Winter Expansion adiciona ao game mais conteúdo, mas nada que realmente revigore por completo a experiência. A história de Rose deixa a desejar pela repetição de cenários e inimigos. O modo em terceira pessoa é divertido, mas perde grande parte da essência e atmosfera do game. E por fim, algumas partidas no modo mercenários com os vilões principais do jogo é algo interessante por algumas partidas.

Assim sendo, eu recomendo está expansão para os jogadores que realmente gostaram muito de Village e querem retornar para o jogo em busca de algumas novidades.

OK, that's more like it! While the main game was more of an action-shooter, Shadows of Rose felt more like the original trilogy and RE7, a true survival horror experience. Yeah, it was really, really short so I couldn't give it more than three stars, but still, I found it much more fun than the gameplay in Village itself.

I didn't care too much for the additional levels in The Mercenaries, or the third-person mode, although it's a nice gimmick, I have to admit.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is often remembered for revitalizing the series, but it also has one of the most interesting and diverse arrays of DLC in the medium. Its contents range from a brutally tough roguelike mode to a surprisingly good Saw-like card game to a goofy story-based expansion based around a redneck that punches mold monsters, just to name a few. Resident Evil Village’s Winters’ Expansion DLC has also prioritized variety, albeit with much fewer offerings, and while its three parts have different goals, they all have different levels of quality, too.

Read the full review here:

Shadow of Rose is nothing jesus christ how is it Like That. Just like a blank void of anything even happening.

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Capcom HATES him!

Local protagonist hides his face for 5 years with this ONE WEIRD TRICK

Peak RE content like the base game.

May or may not have almost shat myself during the dolls and statues section lmfao

Extremely interested in whats next for the franchise

It has one of the scariest moments I have experienced in gaming.

So, when I talked about RE8, I had 2 major complaints. They should've focused more on action then amusement park spook house moments and I wasn't too keen on how much the game seemed to lean more into magic powers over science fiction.
Shadows of Rose taking place in what's essentially a teenager's dream really hampered the tension. You get to actually fight for only around half the game with a very neutered weapon set. Then you get a somewhat neat but less scary equivalent to the dollhouse section from the main game, followed by an extremely boring stealth section that really over stays its welcome. I know there's a lot of people butt hurt about RE6 saying, "Resident Evil isn't an action series" but I just plain think they're wrong. When RE works it's a mixture of action and problem solving with a hauntingly beautiful horror setting. At least that's my take.
I was also very confused by them taking away the heal button and I now had to go to the menu for it. Turns out that was literally just because you get a new skill that uses that button right a the very end for one short section. This would almost make sense... except I'm playing on mouse and keyboard and there's a million keys it could've been set to while keeping the heal button. I even had to change it since the button set up the expected me to use (and by that I mean didn't put any consideration into at all) was completely rancid. I also feel like they had to hold back given the teenage protagonist. Seeing "you are lost" instead of "you are dead" just felt like I was watching a tv edit of a rated R film.
I can totally understand someone enjoying this but if most of this ends up being indicative of RE9s direction, then you can probably count me out.

Shadow of rose is interesting but also not really needed. I loved seeing Rose's reaction to physically seeing her dad, and her powers are fun but I kinda wish this was free like "Not a Hero" was but ahhh, this was a good $20 spend.

Not perfect, there's some bullshit in there gameplay-wise, but Shadow of Rose is short and sweet, the third person is well thought out, and the Mercs overhaul is just generally appreciated.

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A brief but enjoyable expansion. The Rose campaign was a nice was to build upon the story of the last two games. I felt the re-use of environments from the main game was well done as they played with your expectations, especially the doll house section. That part leans further into psychological horror and got a few genuine scares out of me. The final fight adds some mechanics that are unexpected for RE, with Rose feeling like a super hero but the campaign built up to this so I enjoyed it.

The new mercenaries stages are an improvement from the base game in which I felt the mode was extremely lacking compared to earlier games. I do find it frustrating that you have to unlock the characters, but the requirements to do so were fine.

Third person mode I’m torn on. I prefer RE to be from this perspective, but 7 and 8 were designed with first person in mind and I think they did a great job with this. Capcom implemented third person well but it is jarring when the camera shifts to accommodate a cutscene moment that requires the first person mode.

For the price it's a very decent experience.

Shadows of Rose is short and offers a bite-sized RE experience. It feels a bit standard but it tries to experiment with stealth mechanics.

The extra Mercenaries are very fun but you need to be already loving the merc mode to get value out of this.

Again, you get what you pay for.

- More time spent in the gloriously immersive world of Resident Evil Village.
- Wraps up the Ethan Winters story nicely.
- Creative implementation of Rose's power set and a smattering of standout new enemy types (the mannequins that only move when you are facing away from them)...

- ...the mould creatures are still just fodder.
- The two main set piece sequences are essentially remixed versions of sequences seen in the main game.
- Final boss fight can be a little clunky.

Shadows of Rose was nice. A bit mysterious (not talking about who Michael turns out to be...) in its set-up, and doesn't really deliver all that much. Mixed feelings: Would've loved the ending stinger to be a little different, but it was a nice "now you know" kinda rewatch.

The struggle of Rose is a familiar trope, so not much to say about her as a character. She's nice. Noorderburen actress slaying it.

Was nice to revisit the castle and to see The Duke in a different light as a Phantom Thief of Hearts. Mould creatures were a little clustered at first, but after you unlock the Rose powers it becomes a cakewalk. Overall it goes relatively quick. House Beneviento had a great atmosphere. Takes a little longer to learn the routes of -THAT- segment. Nice to see they can still add new things. The final leg of the house is really well done. A lot of Little Nightmares vibes.

Village section was short, but the whole buildup to the end was pretty sweet. The way you traverse in these worlds was also fun to watch. Idk if we're finally wrapping up the storylines from RE7 now, but it feels a little hamfisted in. Final boss is a bit clunky and takes too long if you, like me, forget to read the prompts. Once you figure out all your options it is so incredibly easy.

Overall: It was a fun return after me not playing it for the last 3 months. Saw some old favorites and had new mechanics that really fit the world of Village. Plot was a little lacking and we didn't really get any answers to the questions people were wondering. But it's a cool set-up for Rose as a character. Can't wait to see what is (and if there is anything) in store for her next.

Gameplay for the first hour was basically just a retread of normal RE8, but as it went on it actually threw out at least one pretty interesting gameplay idea that made it stand out. Story was bad (of course) but the dialogue was mostly not campy enough to make it work like most other RE stories. Also, it had a habit of spawning in death floor that kills you after a certain time and slows you down when you aren't looking during tense moments which surprised then killed me enough to become annoying. Thankfully the mostly fun gameplay carried it and made it feel worth playing.

A bit of a let down in comparison to the base game. While Shadow of Rose starts out strong it drags in the latter sections. Some of the tension is lost in the transition to the 3rd person perspective too.

if you have winters' blood in you then you're automatically born a badass apparently

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Ethan gets worst father of the year award for giving Rose a dinky ass handgun and not a Shotgun or Magnum.

I enjoyed my 3 hours with the DLC and I can understand where some people are coming from for the story not being there, but the people who complain about reused assets should shut the hell up. Get it with the gold edition of Village if you don't own it already.