Reviews from

in the past

the beginning of a neverending nightmare

they never end how many fucking sakura games can you make who even writes these

11 year old me broke up with his girlfriend after playing this game. What a guy

Like many others, I first learned of this game as a horny teenager watching Game Grumps almost a decade ago. Now older, wiser, and gayer, I felt the urge to finally see it through myself, since they never ended up finishing it.

Alas, I probably should have spent that $2.70 on Steam trading cards, as they would have likely brought me more joy and fulfillment.

This game really has nothing going for it. All the girls are flat as a board, strictly in terms of writing, of course. Each of the four main heroines feels like a template of a stereotypical anime girl, so much so that even comparing them to others of their archetype feels somewhat insulting. You've got your mature, 25 year old """milf""" who wants your cock more than oxygen, your uwu moe imouto who wants your cock even though she doesn't know what a cock is, your spunky tomboy who calls you bro and strips in front of you casually, and of course, your tsundere.

The writing itself is also painfully bland. Just nothing interesting at all going on. But, whatever, I'm not gonna make the same tired jokes about """plot""" here, clearly this game is selling itself on sex appeal. But, even then, there's really not much going for it. Every ero scene is sandwiched between a ton of filler writing that just feels like a chore to get through, and when they do get to the raunchy stuff, the main character is so ridiculously opposed to the idea of doing anything sexual with these girls who CLEARLY want him that even I, a gay man, wanted to smash his head into concrete. It's not even like a charming "u-uh I'm so flustered ah" type, half the time he's outright mean to the girls. And you don't ever see nipple, not even a hint of areola.

There's really no reason to buy this game. Especially nowadays, where you can easily find a game with a similar art style, more interesting writing, and full frontal, uncensored nudity and raw sex. If you absolutely must experience it for yourself, save your money and just watch a YouTube playthrough where they do funny voices and riff on it, because it would genuinely be a better use of your time, and at least then you could have it on in the background while doing something more meaningful.

Don't ask why I have this...

Anyway, it's a porn "game" that's a clone of many other clones, because the company behind it releases the same game with a different skin 8 times a year (not joking look it up), that's way too into the plot; as usual. And yes, there is literally no gameplay, it's a digital porn novel... fucking hooray.

Played for 40 minutes, no tits and the bad writing wasn't even cringey enough to laugh at, it was just sad. Me and my friend streamed it on Discord expecting a good old laugh, but nothing.

0/10 - No horny and no funny.

why is this the really famous one? i'm not sure. it's just about as good as all the other sakura games i played. it's not good.

Disclosure: I am asexual and I don't like anime, a friend bought this for me as a joke and I completed this out of spite. So yeah, this isn't for me.

But who the fuck is this for? It bumbles around between an inane plot that nobody's invested in and some of the tamest nearly-porn known to mankind. It really needs to pick a lane; either be a light-hearted but engaging story game with sexy moments, or just go all-in on the show. As it is, it just comes off as simultaneously vapid, crass and distinctly unsexy.

So yeah, exploitative garbage that someone clearly threw together in 40 minutes from 6 images and 2 stock music tracks they had lying around, and it somehow even fails to meet the incredibly low standards that it set for itself. Do not buy.

Sakura Spirit es una novela visual ecchi, y la primera entrega de la ahora establecida saga Sakura. Dentro de lo que cabe, Sakura Spirit solo tiene como propósito entretener a los jugadores por medio de su apartado visual, el cual es decente pero peca de sentirse genérico. Con esto no me refiero a que sea de estética anime, sino que su arte anime es muy similar no solo a otros juegos de la saga Sakura, sino al estándar de chicas bonitas anime de inicios de la década de los 2010.

Indudablemente, los personajes son atractivos, pero esto no es suficiente para mantener enganchado por poco más de unas horas a la mayoría de jugadores, incluso aquellos quienes solo entraron al juego para ver a las protagonistas semidesnudas (o completamente).

La banda sonora de Sakura Spirit es olvidable, ya que ninguna de sus pistas resonaron particularmente conmigo. Sus personajes son bastante simplones, y la trama deja mucho que desear en cuanto a ser una fuente de entretenimiento. El juego, además, presenta múltiples errores ortográficos y gramaticales, lo cual normalmente es perdonable en una novela visual que presenta miles y miles de cuadros de texto, llegando a veces a más de un millón de palabras. Sin embargo, el caso de Sakura Spirit es considerablemente condenable, puesto que la novela solo tiene dos puntos donde el camino se bifurca (y poco después convergen con la otra selección) y en total puede durar como mucho 4 horas. A esto le sumamos que solo está disponible en idioma inglés y queda claro que los creadores no se molestaron en revisar el guion con empeño, y mas bien apresuraron el desarrollo para empezar a cobrar por el juego lo antes posible.

A pesar de todas las fallas expuestas, no hay duda de que Sakura Spirit cumple con su propósito, por lo que le otorgo una nota correspondiente al promedio, puesto que los demás apartados son ultimadamente secundarios a la hora de hablar de un juego como este, a menos que impidan que el juego cumpla, y no está de más decir que en este caso eso no ocurre.

Mi nota para Sakura Spirit es 5/10.