Reviews from

in the past

Fans: "You are without doubt the worst SNK mechanic I have ever heard of."
Safe on block neutral autocombos: "But you heard about me."

Fails to show something new after III, but it's still a great game with great atmosphere, although the new characters aren't that interesting



1) Pick Sogetsu
2) Abunai Desuyo
3) Win

Mi juego favorito de peleas con espadas. Lo podría jugar mil veces si fuese necesario. La dificultad va de fácil a difícil, los 3 jefes finales tienen su complicación. Pero luego de varios intentos logras vencer el juego.

Probably my favorite out of the samsho games, though I STILL suck. I've spent the most time on this one compared to any of the other ones due to this one being the one I had on my wii back in the day. I don't remember amakusa being as BS in this game to fight as he was in the first so yeehaw. I'm not good enough at these games to know the mechanical differences between each entry but I do like the cool japan vibes so that's why I keep playin em.

O melhor até agora, apesar de não entender muito todas as mecânicas, me diverti muito mais nesse que nos anteriores, o combate está mais refinado e as animações estão lindas, me surpreendi com a qualidade gráfica.
O modo arcade está mais completo, e com ótimos novos personagens, os finais ficaram mais interessantes também.

Amazing game! Good gameplay, graphics, and a well-made eerie ambiance in the scenarios and music. The characters are very charismatic and the sprite work is jaw-dropping. One big issue is the small freeze at the beginning of the fight. The final bosses are cheap as hell, classic SNK.

Iza! Jinjou ni... Ipponme!... shoubu!

I think Samurai Shodown IV understood the assignment well enough when it came to improving itself compared to it's prequel. It add a few extra features, some good presentation, and just kept a lot of the aesthetics that worked in the past. Top it off with a few added characters, some more music arranges, and Shodown IV just gives us more of what worked in III.

Perhaps the biggest improvement Shodown IV had to show was simply it's single player campaign. Not only is the process far more streamlined to make it more akin to arcade campaigns in other fighting games, but we have proper intros, dialogue, and stakes into the mix. It honestly feels like this is the first game to really feel like it has story and character moments too. Because of that I feel Samurai Shodown IV resonates with me far more than any previous game before it. Characters interact better, have proper rivals, and are clearly fighting for something. Small little motivations and moments like that I feel what held back the previous Shodown titles, and while I still don't think IV showed me enough to make me invested in the series, it at least doesn't feel like I'm just going through the motions either.

Motions, of course, were also improved with this game, and I think at this point we hit the proper speed that Samurai Shodown as a series needed to be at. While I'm not 100% the games get faster or slower after this; I at least realize that I'm not annoyed with how long matches can be. You have plenty of options to do heavier damage attacks, the control layout and balance has been improved to the point that it doesn't feel unbalanced nor do I simply have to land a few lucky hits to end a battle early. Overall Samurai Shodown IV improved it's battle system to be more responsive, faster, and balanced compared to it's previous series titles.

That's kind of all that has to be said about Samurai Shodown IV though. As much as it makes improves on the series and have a somewhat more engaging story, it's kinda caught between titles that have more niche appeal, and it's sequel game which just gets more attention. Effectively the middle step child in a series of fighting games that improved the series enough to keep going, but just doesn't get much attention afterward.

Samurai Shodown IV | MaraSNK%

2 passos pra frente, 2 pra trás (???). O jogo é mecanicamente mais rápido, tem mais personagens, mas visualmente parece menos polido que o 4 e a OST começou a usar aqueles instrumentais podres do KOF2002 VAI SE FODER CARALHOOOOOOOOO


This is good, but I think I still like Samurai Shodown II a little more. The sprite work here is beautiful and the gameplay is still very refined, but some of the original personality is still missing. I think the culprit is mainly the more involved music, but I could do without the over-the-top executions as well.

Like Samsho 3, but with the more refined sensibilites of Samsho 2. Pretty damn great considering that feat. Feels great and has some interesting combo theories despite its ostensbily slower paced movement. Style and presentation is again great, but thats a given for the series. It's nigh unparalleled in that regard.