Reviews from

in the past

actually delivers on the promise of being a better take on Sonic Forces, it's a really impressive fan game that i'd recommend to every existing fans of boost Sonic gameplay

With only 8 stages (9 if we are counting the Episode Metal) and being just an short expansion to the story, this mod was able to LITERALLY BE BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL GAME IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE
I ran into some problems like one place that if you fall you will fall forever instead of dying and the aim disappearing sometimes, butu other than that, it was a way better experience that the original game
It's still a little hard to reccomend it to someone who doesn't own the original Sonic Forces since the base game is not good at all, but if you own I 100% reccomend it, even if you had a frustating experience with the original game

I just don't give 4 stars because I felt it was a little too short, but hey, it's a mod made by fans, and with the work that they made just in 8/9 chapters, it's still really impressive

Oh, also, I've discovered that they're creating Sonic Forces Reimagined too. I already knew about that mod, but I didn't knew it was from the same people. I can't wait to when it gets ready

literally bought Forces just for this mod and it was pretty good

They made Sonic Forces good, WTF! Aside from a few hiccups with the collision, this was actually a fun time and I would recommend this mod, make sure to read the Notepad in the mod folder to make sure it works.

pretty decent mod! kinda short overall and i had some really weird controller issues at first when starting the game up but i had fun with this mod throughout, it was a nice little sequel to forces and the level design while not unleashed/gens quality or anything was a nice step up from vanilla forces, and alot more cool stuff is done in the game. if you already have forces or can get forces on sale i'd definitely recommend getting this mod if you either have played through the game or know the general story gist

This is mod is very impressive for a mod; it almost feels like an official DLC campaign. The level design, while being a massive step up from the vanilla game, is a blast to play through, even if there might be a stigma of the vanilla level design still lingering. This time around, you'll have to actually turn on your brain and play the game, combined with a challenging ranking system that does a great job at testing your skills. Sometimes, the levels can feel too busy on visuals that could make some things a bit harder from player-to-player. Episode Metal is a cool 1-stage prequel story that provides a bit of context for the events that happen throughout the story. The soundtrack throughout the mod is awesome and is great for pumping your adrenaline, although the vocals that play for the track in Stage 6 is... meh. The cutscenes are somewhat reminiscent of the Storybook games, with hand drawn visuals that feels like something out of the IDW comics. While it's cool to see that multiple artists worked on the cutscenes, the presentation can feel a bit inconsistent as a result. The voice acting can feel pretty hit or miss, but still solid overall. The weakest part of the whole mod to me is the writing. Ranging from issues such as the writing feeling too cliche, some stuff the world map dialogue going on a bit longer than it should at times, and some stuff feels out of character. e.g the way Sonic is written sometimes feels kind of like Spiderman where defeating Eggman is his job which feels weird for Sonic. Despite my issues, it's still worth checking out, as while it'll only take you about an hour, the overall package still makes up for it. But if you want to buy the game just to play this mod (ONLY ON PC), wait for a sale. Check out the official website here:

Pretty good mod that's better than the base game in almost every way, although Sonic Forces was pretty bad, so that's not telling the full story.

I liked the story and was surprised by how much effort was put into it for a mod. They use comic book panels with voice acting for the cutscenes which was well beyond what I expected from a mod. There's also some original music that I liked here, and the final boss theme was pretty awesome.

The levels have a lot to them, and are pretty fun with how much they throw at you and how many paths you can take. But I had a problem with identifying paths and obstacles before they passed, and I think these levels can benefit from some better indication of stuff like that. But other than that, these were some good levels.

It's also worth noting that this took me less than 2 hours to go through, but I didn't go for all S-Ranks or red-star-rings, so there's definitely a decent amount of content for people looking for it. But the mod is pretty short if you just play through the levels once each, like I did.

Overall, if you have Sonic Forces on PC, and like boost formula Sonic, I highly recommend you give it a try.

Considering this is a fan mod using what I believe to be the worst Sonic game as the template, this is surprisingly really well made! It's not perfect due to some of the issues that come along with Forces, but unlike it's source material, it's actually fun to play. There's a few bugs I had and I feel like some of the levels don't have visual clarity since there were some parts where I died and felt like I couldn't react well to some of the scenarios well. This is strengthened by the fact that some parts of certain levels require the Boost but they don't give many Wisp Capsules to allow for Boosting, which I thought was strange. Even so, that's the worst I can say for this mod. Everything else excels pretty well, from the fun levels with lots of branching paths for replayability, difficult but satisfying to earn S-ranks, amazing OST (which is worth mentioning as A) This is a fan project and B) Forces has one of the worst OST's in the series), and the decently lengthy levels (good because most Forces levels end before they can do anything good). Also I'm so glad Classic Sonic isn't in the game. It wouldn't make sense with the story but I found Classic Sonic to be the worst of the three and considering they don't change how Modern Sonic and the Avatar control, this is a really good decision as Classic Sonic doesn't even control properly. Overall, really solid mod and exceeded my expectations, though there are a few issues I'd like to see improved on, whether or not they release a patch or release a future project (though if they don't, that's totally fine because this is honestly really impressive in itself).

congrats on team overclocked for actually looking at what a shit show sonic forces was and doing something about it. the fact that they bothered to make a story mod for a game that is well hated shows that there is potential in everything. the mod itself is pretty good for a small team, the levels are nice and tight with multiple splitting pathways that encourage replay and the controls feel tight with the new levels, the story itself is ok, id prefer that they just make a whole new story instead of continuing from forces but what we got is ok. i didn't like the lack of sonic levels i can only recall like 2 of the 8 stages are solo sonic, the rest are avatar or team up levels which I'm not a fan of but they make it work well enough. i hope more people find out about this mod and give it a go it doesn't hurt nothing except remind you that sonic fans always make better shit that sega.

Absolutely fantastic, these are some of the best sonic boost levels around, and gives a look at what an ambitious version of forces could have been. One of the most impressive mods I’ve ever seen for a game

it’s better than forces that’s for sure

i thought the developers did a great job working with the poor tools that Sonic Forces gave them. it was intriguing seeing the more-advanced level design clash with the harsh movement controls sonic has in forces, but I enjoyed it despite being short.

incredibly impressive at its core - i give my props to the dev team for being able to make levels this fully featured and with this many cool setpieces. i don't think it's amazing, ultimately sonic forces being its template is its downfall, the characters can't take harsh turns without bumping into things and uh. 3d platforming with the avatar still feels wack, iunno. writing is not very good and i'm not huge on the ost.

You know it's something special when it gets you to reinstall Sonic Forces.

This took the original and pushed it to it's limit. Of course at its core it's still Forces, can't really do much about that, but I believe the Overclocked Team did their absolute best with what they had to work with. Stages feel fresh, engaging, and most importantly... last longer than 2 minutes! To my surprise S ranks take genuine effort to get now so it'll be fun coming back to get one for each stage! Small stuff goes a long way too, like the addition of an idle animation and a new model for Sonic.

They struck a good balance with that darker tone the original was going for, while still having characters crack a joke every now and then to remind you that it's not all doom and gloom! Without getting into it too much I love how Tails and the Rook- er... Soldier were used here. The voice actors did a great job too, especially Infinite's. There were times I couldn't tell that wasn't Liam O'Brien himself talking! The soundtrack is great as well, helps set the tone and track names are titled like how they were in the Adventure games which is neat.

There was so much passion put into this and it shows! The Sonic community is filled with tons of talented people and this mod is even more proof of that.

very impressive project but really it is just more sonic forces...... levels with long stretches of running in a line, homing attack chains, sidestepping -_- outside of the levels, some very gauche pacing and writing. the music for the final boss is fire though

Super impressive mod! This does a lot to stand out from the base game. Biggest standout is the level design. It makes these levels a lot longer and has some super interesting concepts. The biggest issue unfortunately is the bugs. Quite a few times, things would not work as intended, and they would work not as intended quite frequently. Final main level was rough, with a bug that softlocked the level and made me do a full reset.

While not perfect, I absolutely suggest checking this out. It feels like what Forces should have been

Nah I had no expectations for this since the base Forces gameplay is unsalvageable but this mod made me do the soy face like 20 times throughout

Amazing mod, basically a whole forces dlc. Cutscenes, voice acting and stages were awesome. and dont get me started on those tracks

Cool in concept but has too many issues for me to fully enjoy it. The level design overuses quickstep sequences like crazy and for some reason they get really stuck on the sliding under barriers thing. It is EVERYWHERE. Also idk if this was just a me issue but unless you were at full speed it felt like the characters kept getting stuck on flat terrain, like as if simply making them walk was pulling all of the muscles in their bodies. It made short distance platforming a NIGHTMARE. Still a cool project but too rough for me to want to revisit.

The levels are fun if a bit boring, basic, and showing of beginner level design skills (wayyyy too many side step segments).

The story and writing is absolute coal. How do you manage to make something worse than Pontac and Graff? It makes Forces' story look good. Managed to make my GOAT Sonic insufferable.

Only play if curious or wish to see what is admittedly an impressive overhaul. Otherwise, avoid it.

Quando uma hack é melhor que o jogo original em quase todos os aspectos é simplesmente assustador....

This is an incredibly well put together fan project. A lot of care, time, and effort went into this, with gorgeous artwork and much improved level design and writing. It even actually makes Infinite threatening and have a personality! I can easily recommend this mod because good lord is it basically a diamond in the porto potty that is Sonic Forces.

I can say with certainty that this is easily the greatest 3D fan project to come out of this community. Although I tend to hate using it as a measuring stick, it really puts the quality of the game it's based on to shame. An incredible experience, and one that wowed me throughout with how in-depth and fully-featured it was for a free mod made by passionate fans. Would highly recommend, runs circles around the base game in every imaginable way.