Reviews from

in the past

An excellent collection with a game select theme that is nostalgia in music form.

More games and extra emulation features like save states, but I still ultimately prefer the GC original. The menu aesthetic isn't as strong here and the sound emulation took some minor hits.

As far as the new games go, the GG stuff is just alright, The Ooze is awful, and Comix Zone is a massive mixed bag. Nice additions but again, not missing out on anything by playing the GC collection.

It's a collection of the genesis sonic games, game gear games as a neat bonus, & some nice extras. What more could you want out of a collection like this?

In terms of a collection, this is really good. With the amount of games alone it's great, but all the bonus content just makes this so worth it, for any loser who cares about nerdy stuff like manuals. I am the loser in question.

US version

blue sphere's

this game is just the bonus stages from sonic 3 witch are okay but i wouldn't want to only play them and this game is literally impossible to beat being 124 million levels long i give this a 3/10

comix zone-


knuckles in sonic 2-

just like sonic 2 but with some new level design and you can play as knuckles i give this game a 8/10

mean bean machine-

this is a pretty okay puzzle game in the first couple levels until they decied to make the game go 5X fast. how are you supposed to think about where to go in .5 seconds also as a side note so you don't want to die just please skip level 10 just use the code for level 11 because they for some reason make level 10 the hardest level in the game for no reason. the gameplay can get pretty repetitive because it's just the same thing the whole time. i give this game a 6/10

mean bean machine 8-bit-

this basically mean bean machine but with worse graphics and from level 9-13 there is a new mechanical graphic in the stages unlike the genesis version and there's no difficulty select and on the final boss it goes WAYYYYY to fast definitely faster than the original i give this a 5/10

the ooz-

ri star-

sonic 1-

this game is okay not a lot of places to go fast after green hill half the game is filled with mid zones the chaos emeralds only add flowers to ending and are useless besides that. i give this game a 6/10

sonic 2-

next to none of the zones are mid accept for metropolis and sky chase. every zone is very fast paste and can be pretty hard if you haven't played before the chaos emeralds are bitch to get if you have tails with you but you get super sonic from it witch is just OP and it changes you ending, the music is also good.i give this game a 8/10

sonic 3-

this game adds both platforming and speed into one game but is pretty short the chaos emeralds are fun and easy to get even if you have tails. the mini bosses are annoying to fight, the level transitions are cool tho. you can also play as tails who can fly and sonic has a insta shield witch is VERY OP. i give this game a 8/10

sonic 3 and knuckles-

this is without a doubt the best classic sonic game and is sonic 3 combined into one giant game need i say more? i give this game a 9/10

sonic 3D blast-

oh my god just looking at this game is just like setting you eyes on fire. the whole game you go around collecting flickeys and getting them to the exit. this gets VERY repetative and when you get hit all the flickeys run off so you need to pick them up again. getting the chaos emeralds is pointless because all you get is boss that is fucking TRASH takes way to long to kill, the music is pretty good tho. i give this game a 2/10

sonic and knuckles-

this is sonic 3 part 2 witch is pretty good accept for sandopolis act 2 witch is trash and you can play as knuckles who can glide over all i give this a 7/10

sonic blast-

this game was pretty good until blue marine zone once you get to that point do your self a favor and turn off the game because the rest of it is just maze like levels witch do not go well with sonic game play at all. but the first 3 zones are amazing and you also have a double jump. the enemies when they hit you don't take all your rings they only take 5 until blue marine zone and up where they take 10 rings. i give this game a 5/10

sonic chaos-

this game is really just mid at best the levels can be beaten in under 30 seconds without even trying. the chaos emeralds are annoying to get and they give you a slightly different ending also the bosses in this game are the most inconsistent in the series ranging from 3 hits to fucking 17 when the genesis games had a standard of 8 unless it was like a final boss i give this game a 6/10

sonic drift-

this game is just straight bad all you do is drift around corners the whole time there's only 4 characters and 6 tracks with 3 versions of each track for easy normal and hard mode. this game is not worth buying it's over in less than 30 minutes i give this a 3/10

sonic game gear-

this is sonic 1 but without marble zone spring yard zone and star light zone. and the new zones are all PAINFULLY mid. also under water your time without starting the count down has been basically cut completely in half. in the boss fight's for some fucking reason this game decides to give you 0 rings. and the chaos emeralds gives you points at the end of the game but it doesn't matter because it's the end of the game. i give this a 4/10

sonic labyrinth-

oh my fucking god i think i found a game that more unfun to play then being buried alive by your mom. this is sonic 3D blast with 0 good music you can't jump you are slow as shit and the game it's self doesn't look good at all. the game is too easy WAY too short and all the bosses are pushovers. and for 100% you gotta enter the bonus stage in 2-3 and in 4-2 you gotta hit a hidden switch. i give this piece of shit game a 0/10

sonic spinball-

this game is basically casino park and bingo highway from sonic heroes the game and it fucking sucks ass. the whole time you play you need to precisely aim a pinball into things that's it the whole time and it's REALLY annoying to play. not even the music is that good. i give this game a 1/10

Full of memories and I couldn't really ask for much more that what was here but I could ask for a few more classic games personally.

Great collection of Sonic games with the bonus Game Gear and Genesis titles results in this being one of the best collections of its era. The emulation is fine and the sheer amount of content included in the extras section makes this a title you could play for months on end.

I don't like Sonic games, but I appreciate how good of a collection this is.

This Is A Very Great Compilation That Brings Justice To Every Game, It Is A Perfect Collection And One Of The Best Games In General

La mejor colección de Sanic

Great collection with some fantastic games.

Stronger collection than Gems, great games in here

Mainly played main sonic games on it

An amazing collection of classic Sonic games that hasn't been replicated since. Lots of fun little extras (like a full scan of one of the comics and scans of cover for the other issues in the series), and even includes S3&K and a handful of Game Gear games.

I love love love the style of the main menu and game selection. Its one of the best ever. Good selection of games and extras. It even has Sonic 3&K as it was meant to be.

This game had a nice collection, letting you view the comics with that nice music in the background. It was definitely awesome reading or viewing them as a kid,

Actually my first memory of gaming. I must've been 3 or 4 years old.


I have the physical version for pc but whatever I do it just won't run.

Update from weeks later : still doesnt work i've tried so many things

Got me to play the og sonic games