Reviews from

in the past

Fantastic collection of games in also the gallery music is so relaxing.

the options menu theme makes me cry but in a good way

The best of the hedgehog's classic titles all wrapped up into one nice little package. Some stinkers hide here and there such as Sonic 3D Blast and that god-awful racing title for the Game Gear but even then it's a pretty good collection and worth owning if you're a fan of old games from the past.

joguei mt no ps2 otima maneira com varios jogos pra te alegrar

sonic origins developers take NOTES

uma das melhores coletanias que o sonic recebeu para console. fora essa nova ai. mas o unico problema é mesmo o preço da nova então essa aqui é umaalternativa viavel a emulação funciona aceitavelmente ok e tem versões que não teriam como os games de gamegear e master system.

Honestly not sure if I would be a Sonic fan if this game didn't exist.

Same thing as the original on gamecube except this time around you get the half of the sonic game gear library that wasn't included in sonic gems collection. I do think its weird to use the emotional extras music from the original collection as the game select screen music, bit of a vibe change there. Other than that yeah it certainly is sonic mega collection but plus

One of the best Sega & Sonic collections on console. A really cool thing was the tons of comic covers and various art galleries it had, you don't get those kinds of unlockable goodies anymore.

My dad got me this and I think I told him I liked Heroes (which my cousin got me) more than this.

Yeah I don't think he liked that comment.

Very nostalgic - i played the shit out of this as a kid. Difficult to review considering it's a collection of multiple games I have differing opinions on, but it's a good way to revisit classic sonic.

The gold standard of Sonic the Hedgehog compilations. Tons of games, most of which are at least decent, some cool bonus features like manual scans and comic book covers (plus a full issue of the old Archie Sonic book), and incredible presentation and original music make this one hell of a package. Sure, it is just more or less a bunch of 20 to 30-year-old SEGA Genesis and Game Gear games on a DVD-ROM, but the qualities I mentioned above, the fact that it introduced me to my favorite video game series of all time, and just the hundreds of hours of fun and fond memories this game has given me over the past fourteen years make it a really important part of my collection. There was clearly a ton of effort poured into this compilatiom, and because it was such a great introduction to Sonic for me, it's still my go-to recommendation for series newcomers despite its age.

Really odd collection, it has a nice library but the ports seem to suffer a lot, for example the first game is slowed down a lot for some reason? There's a lot of fan content and some of Archie comics are in here too, so overall it's pretty good as long as you're okay with the ports having some blemishes.

Best way to experience the 2D games before getting ported to Steam

Everything from the classics you could want, even more on Mega Collection Plus on the PS2, which is where I played it all my childhood. This is how I experienced these classic games.

Kind of crummy ports (although that might be the fault of PAL region bullshit), but as a legacy collection; near perfection.

Add Sonic Schoolhouse and this would be an easy 11/10.

You could just feel the love put into this compilation, featuring not only the Mega Drive games but a collection of Sonic's past history. Sure, some of the games here might've not been the greatest, but this bundle was my first gaming experience growing up and got me into the Sonic series in the first place.

An AWESOME colletion of the old Sonic titles that were launched in the 90's. Not only does it have the Mega Drive games, it also has Game Gear and Master System titles. But wait, there's more! It has non-Sonic games such as The Ooze and Comix Zone.

What I loved the most is the gallery. Lots of concept arts, manuals, comics, and even videos!

Definitely worth it. I probably wouldn't be a Sonic fan if it wasn't for this collection.

The original run of Sonic games is an essential pillar of the platform genre. The Mega Collection Plus brings them all together with a few extra bells and whistles- what more is there to say?

O mais dahora é ficar caçando os secretos (dá pra desbloquear até comix zone pra jogar) e a música de escolher os games já me fez ficar muito tempo que nem idiota olhando pra tv só pra ouvir a música, isso sim era uma coleção de jogos boa, aprende sega do presente.

It was a good value at the time of its release, but it's far from ideal today. In order to unlock all the games (including S3&K) you have to boot and exit certain games as many as 30 times. The games don't display in the correct aspect ratio, it isn't quite 4:3, it isn't quite 16:9, it's just weird and stretched.

The performance isn't great, sound effects sometimes play out of sync. This is not the only collection from this era to have weird audio problems (likely as a result of trying to constantly load it from the disc), I've had weird problems with Mega Man X Collection and Namco Museum in the past, but they're generally flukes that either fix themselves or go away with a reset; with Mega Collection Plus the issue is rather consistent.

If you want a "pure" experience, get the original cartridges. If you just want to play all these games, there are much better ways, both official and unofficial, to do so.

Easily my favorite Sonic compilation due to its great collection of titles, tons of bonus materials, and much more. However, it is still just a compilation.

Playing this on a cruise ship. Dawn of hyperfixation.

not a bad collection for Sonic games at all, tho def not the best Sonic CD is missing for some reason, but oh well it's still great and many people had this as their first exposure to classic sonic games

Solid collection of classic Sonic games with neat extras and a beautiful main menu theme. Not sure why Sonic CD is missing, though.

this was the game to jumpstart my lifelong obsession with the sonic the hedgehog franchise. not just because all the classic games are accessible, but if you went to the extras menu you could read the first few pages of the first archie sonic the hedgehog comics and look at all the covers of the comics that had came out since.

Really great compilation with cool extras, and this one has some more games that weren't on the original compilation