Reviews from

in the past

Since setting up RetroArch indirectly led to a nostalgic trip that I've been enjoying, even if the games were not that up to par so far (not you, Dynamite Headdy), might as well keep it going.

If you understandably can't tell from the title, Spartan Total Warrior is a Total War series spin-off. You know, that one series of turn based strategy games with real time tactics where battles are massive? Well, the interesting thing about this though, is that it's not a strategy game, but a hack n slash God of War-style game. I think the word "clone" applies here with both protagonist being Spartans, both using swords called "Blades of Athena", both ultimately fighting against Ares, and the combat being a similar washed down version without combos. Kind of impressive how they were able to get this out in 8 months from GoW's launch even if it's basically blatant plagiarism. That said, it does have something unique going for it because of the Total War influence, and that's the size of battles. In GoW you'd fight at most 10 enemies at once, here... it's like in the hundreds. This aspect is probably the most appealing thing the game has to offer, and it is admittedly satisfying to button smash through a whole army of enemies, specially with some of the later weapons you unlock. Kid-me thought that was the coolest thing ever, enough to make me play it religiously. Sadly, as you may guess, that's where the positives end, with the game being a bland tropey mess, so overall I don't have much to say other than complaining about how incompetent it is. Still recommending it though, since there's nothing that much offensive about it, and if you're a classic GoW fan I guess you could enjoy it (?).

Despite everything, I love that this exists by the randomness of it. Why did Creative Assembly make this, lol? Is it more random than making Alien: Isolation, though? Idk, but at least that game was good.

★★ – Bad, but playable ✅

Death n Destruction kinda nasty.

Uma alternativa com suas peculiaridades para quem gosta de God of War. Variação de combate interessante com diversas armas e habilidades, além de uma capacidade atmosférica/imersiva muito à frente do seu tempo, embora o filtro amarelado me desagrade. Boas boss fights, boa quantidade de inimigos e variedade de gameplay. Recomendadíssimo.

fucking epic soundtrack and nice hack and slash

Lembro de pegar emprestado com um amigo que tinha detestado e simplesmente adorar, que jogo divertido.

It's a shame this game didn't become a smash hit

Love the chaos of this hame and the setting

Brother não sei quem teve a idéia de fazer um jogo com NPCs gritando no seu ouvido o que vc tem que fazer. Ao menos a sony põe uns npc calminho pra falar com você mas essa gritaria é foda. Segundo eu também gostaria de saber qual foi o cenobita que desenvolveu o musou com o protagonista mais fraco de todos os tempos. Talvez tenha sido engraçada a idéia no escritório mas a execução foi terrível. Uma pena queria ter gostado do game.

End of the Year Catch up #3 Spartan: Total Warrior

Spartan Total Warrior is one of those nostalgic games for me. I feel like this game never gets talked about and when I find someone to talk to they are immediately my friend. My history with this game is your once upon a time typical teenager experience. I went to Blockbuster (or equivalent) and my dad rented it as I was certainly was under the age of 17 lol.

Once I got home and played it and even playing it now. It brings back all the memories. I don't remember it being as hard as a remember but teenager me had all the time in the world after school. Honestly, its a pretty good hack and slash game. So much chaos and enemies (like 20-30+) is thrown and you in one arena and constantly upgrading your spartan and getting new weapons makes the repetitive nature of the game super exciting as you try new combos and enemies become strong as well. As the game box mentions, there are about 60 types of enemies. From Gladiators and barbarians, to skeletons and zombies. I think this game is certainly hidden under the radar as games like god of war certainly took the trophy home in this genre. If I had a criticism for this game I would say the checkpoint system and health items. Sometimes the checkpoint puts you at a disadvantage as it saves your health state as you had when you crossed it. Sometimes you might have to repeat the level because you are stuck as a one hit and you are dead. Also the health shrines at least in my game were bugged at times. Not a turn off but after restarting the game and loading up they were fixed so YMMV.

Spartan: Total warrior is fun and it will always have a special place in my heart for this game. Even my dad asks to borrow this game almost 20 years later. It is that fun for both of us.

Tenho que rejogar, mas me lembro que me sentia em uma guerra mesmo.

Mark this down on the 'too scared to revisit what this looks like on youtube' list.

cuando era chico me obsesione con 300 y este jueguito cumplio con creces, sin embargo no es algo muy rejugable que digamos

One of my favourite games.

Pretty good hack n' slash game. I remember renting it and playing all the way through it as a kid