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Superhot VR is proof that VR is good for more than just porn. Its a must play and definitely the most fun I've had with the system so far.

The main game was fun, and to this date is the rarest and possibly hardest platinum I have. But after playing this, I can't imagine ever wanting to go back. It translates so well to VR its incredible. Dodging bullets in slow mo is both the coolest thing ever and also a great workout. Your enjoyment with this is probably gonna vary a lot with how much space you have and how active you are. You can beat this game stationary pretty fine, but it is at its absolute most fun when you are diving behind cover yourself or dropping to the floor like wannabe Max Payne.

The game is a bit short and can be beaten under two hours, but for an early VR game thats not really a big deal. Any longer might have overstayed its welcome. Plus if you want more out of it, completing the main missions unlocks quite a few modes, namely endless and alternate takes on the main campaign with harder challenges like one life or headshots only - so theres quite a lot to get out of this.

The game can be quite hard, and having to restart a level completely if you die can be frustrating. You'll be moving around a lot in this and might find yourself having to recenter when you jump to a new section a lot which led to a handful of deaths but ultimately is the only real negative I have about this. I do wish they added more campaigns or levels but as is I can't recommend it enough

Nancymeter - 90/100
Game Completion #110 of 2022
August Completion #30

This is the VR game that made me sweat the most

I'm like that guy from the matrix now

WAY better in VR. It's how it was meant to be played.

A massive step down from the regular Super Hot. In theory, VR would make this an exceptional experience. In reality, the developers compromised quite a bit to make the game work.

Gone is the experience of John Wicking yourself through various levels and instead you’re standing in one spot fighting off waves of enemies.

absolute masterpiece of a game, i love killing people i love killing people

By far the best of all the VR games I've tried. Regular SuperHot was already tight but I don't know if any game has made me feel as badass as the VR version. Definitely limited by the lack of player movement but it does the best it can to get around it.

Such a unique shooter gimmick, it's the most fun and imaginative thing out there for VR. If you have VR it's almost a requirement to play this game. The story isn't anything special, but it doesn't need any story to be great

Absolutely rules to play a slow mo Matrix power trip simulator in VR.


this shit like the matrix bro 😭

This somehow makes superhot even better... Actually dodging stuff and throwing things with precision makes it feel like an entirely new experience.

Fun game, but the challenges are too hardcore for poor PSVR1. Completed the story in one sitting and found all the secrets - that's enough for me. UPD: I managed to beat the hardcore challenge, and it was worth it. Makes me want to try the headshot challenge next. The game's design is amazing and deserves at least a 4.5/5.

One of the most fun and frustrating games to play in VR, genuinely such a good time.

Get some friends round and take turns over some drinks. Someone will get whacked in the head, but it's a good time!

Sometimes I wished I was super hot..............VR

A concept that works perfectly in VR. Definitely will require a large space to play in because damn this game made me sweat! Dodging and limbo-ing and blocking bullets with my hands. You gotta move a lot and that's fun (as long as you aren't scared of hitting a wall.)

Idk if I really like the whole "do these 5 levels in a row and if you die you go back to the first one". Seems like a way to stretch out gameplay time even though the game is so short. Would find myself getting frustrated when a stray shotgun shell hits me from behind and I have to go back and do the past few levels all over again. That's more of a gripe I have with SuperHot, not SuperHot VR.

As a VR port, this is amazing!

This game makes me want to get VR. I almost dodge rolled into my own wall.

You haven't lived until you shot a guy in the head, deflected a bullet with a knife to then pistol whip another guy behind you.

Superhot is controlled chaos and I love it. The slowed down time really gives you a chance to assess any situation and act on it a planned manner.

Absolute miracle I managed to finish this without accidentally breaking a window.

As someone who's still wetting my feet into VR, this feels like an instant classic for the medium. A simple enough concept fleshed out and executed in a way thats engaging and takes full advantage of the VR experience. Sick as fuck.

stopped playing a while back because i got too tired and then when i went to pick up where i left off the psychic mind blast power was broken and my save file was softlocked. still one of the greatest vr games of all time

Definitivamente um dos melhores jogos de VR

A game that translates insanely well to VR

reeeeaaaaally fucking good, as your first game on vr it's amazing

That one level where you have to duck under a swinging steel beam and are thus primed to start blind firing over the cover you're now crouching behind? Peak video games right there. It really feels like the decade-plus of mainstream motion controls started by the Wii were all leading up to an experience like this; rolling around on the floor dodging pretend bullets like a goofball. Magnificent. I just wish the difficulty curve was paced better so it felt less like a level pack, but what a fine level pack it is. Gimme a Matrix branded clone of this game immediately.

first game i finished on my vr headset!!! this game is so fucking good in vr, i just wish there was more content. was disappointed that it ended so quickly