Reviews from

in the past

In Plato’s Republic, Socrates opines that the gods are indeed gods when they are wholly good and are the cause of nothing bad, simple and true with no need to deceive mankind with falsehoods, and most importantly, perfect in form and thus neither need to alter themselves in any way nor require anything outside of themselves. Think about this when you’re playing this game and for the third time in a row you have to warp back to the beginning level and spend up to an hour fighting hundreds of little goddamn slugs to grind for little fuckin olives so fuckin Zeus can have his little fuckin olive treats and give you a little goddam wing bracelet to warp you to some fuck place in fuckin Greece

Tinha potencial para ser uma grande franquia

Self admittedly inspired by Zelda II, but certainly not just a blatant clone. It's another side scrolling action RPG of the time, and while it does away with some of the stuff that I felt like didn't work in The Adventure of Link, it still feels like an iterative step in quality. Dungeons are more varied, but repetitive and sometimes dull combat offsets that improvement. The story is also more involved than the light framing of its Hylian counterpart, but clearly not interesting enough to have made it into the pantheon of gaming legends. Worth playing for people who wanted more Zelda and Xanadu back in the day, but not good enough to have planted its own flag.

Zelda 2 inspired action RPG placed in Greek mythology. Egregious mandatory grinding and a nonsensical map layout. None of the bosses nor enemies are remotely as fun to fight as the game it's aping.

You may remember this game as the knockoff to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. It looks, plays, and feels very much like it. The big differences being that it doesn't have the power of the stories and characters from Zelda, and it lacks the overworld element as well. I played this one for a few hours and gave up.