Reviews from

in the past

Make an entire game with one hit obliterator please

This score is only because of the bike

This was a perfect DLC. It had a bunch of difficult but cool challenges like the one hit obliterator and the 5th divine beast and rewards you with a bike that’s perfect for post game exploration

Very fun dlc that added a significant amount of playtime to the game. I wish aspects of the story were further expanded on, but the gameplay itself was a lot of fun. and the bike was a really cool bonus.

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It's ok. As an expansion to the base game of BOTW it's a bit lackluster and definitely one of the weaker DLC packs to a game I've played over the years, but I at least enjoyed my time with it and it was a pretty consistent and worthwhile experience all the way through.
This DLC pack did remind me why I hate revali so much though

If you ran out of things to do in botw this is perfect

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3/5, pretty dull shrine completion but the final dungeon and the reward are good.

The DLC is good but not amazing. I like it because it expands more on the story, gives you the motorbike, and gives you upgrades to the Champion abilities. If you want, I have a review of Breath of the Wild itself you can read to see how much I love the base game.

the motorcycle i believe is the coolest shit in gaming. the dungeon and stuff was forgettable though. but the motorcycle makes up for it.

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Difícil pra uma MERDA pra no final te dar uma moto. Péssima recompensa. Pelo menos as quests e a nova dungeon é legal.

Eccellente dlc. Lungo, ma non stanca mai.

El último santuario... de lo mejor que he visto.

An okay DLC that while it doesn't really hold up to its price and doesn't give you that much of an extended playtime, is still fun for what it is.

Imagine Mario Odyssey releasing a few more DLC worlds, except they required beating 4 Kaizo Mario levels first before you could access them. It’s a hilarious hypothetical, but less funny IRL.

The opening of this DLC is wildly off-putting and misjudged, a one-hit death redux of the Great Plateau as a bafflingly ill-conceived roadblock highlighting the most frustrating (but easily ignored) annoyances of the brilliant main game. It abandons imaginative and flexible challenges that don’t ruthlessly punish combat and platforming experimentation for a tedious trial-and-error slog. Thankfully, I pushed through to the great new Beast Emblem shrines.

The 12 emblem shrines are all fantastic escalations of the original shrine puzzle mechanics, often at much grander scale. The open-world riddle solving that unlocks each one is also a treat, and there’s a nice diversity of what unlock actions are required, including another stealth mission, flying course, and shield-boarding course, among others. Figuring out where on the map each of those occur is also a fun time, locating where each excerpted map snippet lies on the broader overworld map. I also loved the final divine beast it all leads to, and the story insights into the champions were all very characterful and charming.

The redux blight bosses are sort of a drag, including the muddy wash visual filter applied to each one, but they at least have the interesting premise of giving you a specific restricted item “build” to complete each fight instead of just beating them with the overpowered stockpile of weapons I had on hand.

Good DLC that expands the characters a bit more and has probably the best "dungeon" in the game. Gotta love the Master Cycle.

The Champions' Ballad's biggest accomplishment is what the base game struggled with the most - the story. It's nice to have context about the Champions and their relationships with Link. Outside of the story, The Champions' Ballad struggles with rehashed content (shrines, divine beasts) which isn't something I was hoping to see from a DLC for a very long game. The post game content, puzzles, and bosses however thrive as a result of being DLC, and I believe they provide some of the highest highs in the "Wild" duo-logy.

Nice way to end off BotW's story. Getting this DLC allows you to carry over a nice memory to TotK, which is definitely bittersweet.

SOME GOOD DLC... I knocked it down a point for making you fight Thunderblight Ganon again, this time without any anti-electricity gear, but other than that it was great to get to see more of the Champions' stories! I was really invested in the lot of them and gosh! Also the new challenges were a lot of fun, especially the DLC's boss. It was hard but it was intensely cool. I loved that fight so much.

Only good because it has the new divine beast.

The puzzle content is better than all of BOTW’s base game I’d argue especially the new divine beast. The additional boss is fine it’s nothing special but it’s not bad. New story additions are good but like with BOTW nothing really happens in the present which will always be lame to me. Most of the story has already happened and Link is just closing the book so to speak. Of course if you fill the experience with optional content results vary on fun.

Adds a lot of extra story to an already phenomenal game, but by the time you'd get to it in a launch-day playthrough, the rewards aren't nearly as sweet.

Fun dlc that gives cool insight on the champions background with some cool new shrines and challenges. Also I really like the one hit blade stuff at the start, such a cool mechanic.

The motor bike is just so cool

A bit of backstory of the game. You can get a little from what happened before the begining of the game itself. The new shrines are cool and the trials to unlock them are interesting.

such an incredible DLC, a beautiful wrap-up to BOTW.

Now THAT'S a DLC I'm very glad I paid for. The new shrines, the story quest and the final dungeon were a very fun challenge, and it was fun searching for the new gear. Also, motorbike.