Reviews from

in the past


at the very start of the game I was stuck for more than 20 minutes because I didn't knew that I have to press down then hit A


well anyways, fantastic start

as someone that didn't played a lot of bad games,
man this game was bad. not the way that it was like...funny or anything like that, it was just tedious

to the game's credit it had really great looking visuals, and acceptable ones on combat sections

but ooh boi the game itself,
I feel like this would've been better as just a bad movie, not a bad video game

the amount of pointless "go from point A to point B" which was like 10 steps away and then the next cutscene plays made the pacing so annoying and the cutscenes themselves didn't help either

and the combat? well it goes from "Mash X" to "sometimes hit Y" and then "sometimes hit A" and the B button is just useless because most enemies can't be grabbed or you get hit when you're grabbing them or even they break out of it so it's just what's the point just Mash X

the game doesn't explain ANYTHING to you, for 3 hours I didn't knew I could go into powerup mode with LT and the game doesn't even hint at you about any of the buttons and what they do until you pause the game and look at the visual representation of what every button do, which I didn't knew it was a thing and even then sometimes you have to do something that the game doesn't tell you about and you just have to...test every single button I guess

the whole "Quiet Man" mechanic of the game made the cutscenes so much worse, and no I'm not saying that having voices makes it better hell no it's much worse, although it COULD have been much better if the story actually made sense

it's just...really really horrible game design
this whole game is a failure of game design

like I can see where they were going with it, but they missed the mark BY A LOT
probably because of communication problems between the dev team

as a nail of the coffin I didn't even get a ending it was just a black screen

this game was a pain to experience
not only because it was tedious but I just feel bad about all of the actors, artists and the budget for this game

Terrible, simply terrible.

I wanted to give this game a shot, stream it to my friends and meme the hell out of it... It was hard to.

From the live action switch to 3D gameplay was off.

I could barely understand the plot in the beginning.. Because guess what? You're deaf! I feel like I'm in an underwater cinema.

Don't waste your money on this.

Joyless is being too kind to this "game". Boring and uneven combat, soundless cutscenes even the ones were the main character isn't even present, no pay off what so ever.

of course one of the shittiest, I just cannot understand why we can't hear.
even when our guy isn't there we can't here too 😂

I’ve been mulling it over, and I genuinely think this is the worst game I’ve ever played.

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Why would they do this?
I would've given it 5 stars if they just had sound in the cut scenes.
And I get that he's deaf, but also I'm pretty sure that he can understand what people are saying to him, so we could at least get subtitles.
Also, I know for sure I don't have the best understanding of the plot of this game, but was he even deaf? Was the ending implying that he JUST lost his hearing, or was he doing a sort of traumatic regression to when he first lost his hearing?
Did they think after making people play through the game as is, they would really have the patience to go through it again?
Why would they make the cut scenes so long and visually uninteresting?
And all the incest stuff, jeez. lol this game is wild.
I really have a lot of questions, and I'm sure a lot of them would be answered in the game itself.
But, yeah, I mean, that part where you play as Quiet Man. Pretty sick lol

This game is a technical and narrative mess, but I can't say I didn't have fun playing it. The in-engine cutscenes are something else.

This game was announced at E3 before covid was a thing...imagine the horror of knowing this was one of the last titles to leave your legacy with...
People like Dane might be deaf, but they could still hear the bulls*** for what it was...

i sat through the whole game and i have no idea what its about. the ending credits song is really good though

it was the game of all times

Aún no se muy bien que pretendía ser este juego... ¿Un beat'em up? ¿Narrativo? No sé. El gameplay es tosco, la historia meh y no sé muy bien porque le di una segunda vuelta.

I just wanted my father's applause.

Fundamentally broken, not that I needed to say it considering the people who know of this game already know that.

Ich möchte euch ein neues Spiel vorstellen. Der Nussknacker. Jedes Mal, wenn ihr ne Taste drückt, kriegt ihr einen Tritt in die Eier, damit man endlich versteht, wie es, einen Tritt in die Eier zu bekommen und das alles verkaufe ich als Kunst! BAH!

I was hoping it's so bad, it's good. No, it's just shamefully bad. Even 3 hours was enough.

L'exemple même du jeu de merde que tu veux faire en rigolant, et que chaque minute supplémentaire passée te fait :
- regretter de l'avoir lancé
- relativiser sur TOUS les jeux de merde auxquels on voudrait jouer "pour la science"

Rien. Ne. Va.

N'y touchez pas.

The game wants to be a movie but it sucks at being a movie too. I don't think I've ever played something so arrogantly confident in gameplay this rotten. This is an all-around pretentious piece of trash that's rightfully taken its seat next to the other infamous failures of the industry.

Zero stars, one for every brain cell the game has.

With sound.

sure play quiet man. whatever.

Defies any possible rating. Congratulations or I'm sorry to whoever created it.

Este juego es una basura, es lo único que puedo decir, no vale la pena ni perder el tiempo en explicarlo.

The combat is mushy and the story is nonsensical and I think I like this game more than anyone on the planet. I recommend playing this with a buddy and roasting it the whole time.

this game is truly incredible, its a bad comedy without audio, and the audio actually makes it even worse, like suddenly the game feels racist and the story feels twice as stupid once you can understand it how incredible