Reviews from

in the past

I like the theme, but it's still pretty boring

Another solid entry, really manages to integrate rooms with puzzle boxes well this time.

The last (for now) entry in The Room series of games, and one I hope future games will continue to build on. The series has gotten larger with each entry, from the small but intricate puzzle boxes of the first to exploring an entire mansion in 3, alongside a much more developed narrative. Old Sins is a bit of a step back in that regard, replacing the cutscenes and multiple endings of the third and replacing them with standard diary entries, but replacing that we get a more intricately designed level space, where puzzles in one room can only be solved by an object from another. It makes the game feel much more complete, makes the doll house that you are exploring seem less like a series of adventure game levels and more a space of its own. I've always felt a bit of longing for a return to the simplicity of the first game, where all you were doing was exploring an complex object, all of its nooks and crannies, and this fourth game comes the closest to recapturing that magic.

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homem é uma desgraça mesmo

The Room 4 is, in my opinion, the weakest of the 4 Room games I have played, though that doesn't mean it is bad. While The Room 1 has it's own charm, The Room 2 has unique environments, and The Room 3 has multiple endings, The Room 4's setting and story are rather...forgettable, to say the least. I enjoyed the game, but it could have been better.

I member when these were shitty flash games on unsavory websites. honestly really fun game.

nvm they can keep making them :D this 1 was good

dude how did they just blow the whole series out of the water like it aint no thing but a chicken wing

Since I've gone through the entire The Room saga, I can say that this is the best of all.
The saga has a great variety of puzzles and scenes, but in terms of lore, setting and puzzles, this is the most complete and enjoyable

There is one puzzle in particular that I really liked the dynamics of (I'm not going to say anything because of possible spoilers) but if you like puzzles with a story behind them, this is your saga and this is your game