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Class C

The game has an exciting premise, but sadly goes nowhere.

+ A nice, seemingly cozy setting and an interesting premise - snoop around hotel rooms in search for clues.
+ The first 30 minutes or so hooked me up - a guest is taking photos of a cleaning maid? This has all the pieces to become a good mystery.
- Sadly, as you explore the rooms, you slowly start to realize that this has nothing to do with you personally, which makes snooping around and reading personal romantic correspondence between hotel guests all the more... useless? I mean, I get the unstable dude that took pictures, but the storyline seems to forget him almost instantly and focus entirely on the a lot more boring hotel guest love triangle, with him being almost an inconsequential side character.
- Rest of the game, which is really short, is spent reading a pile of letters and documents about this romance drama. Sometimes you get to solve easy puzzles, too.
- Near the end of the game, you find a person murdered on the floor, which for a short while rekindles your hope for this game having any kind of actual mystery to it. Sadly, by that point the game is already almost over and instead of guiding the player to figure out the murderer, is pushing the romance to the frontline.

I expected a lot more given the premise of the stalker, and I certainly did not expect to spend 90% of the game dealing with something a lot more boring.

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Don't sleep on this one. Well structured plot, interesting choices you can make throughout the playthrough to determine the outcome of the story and a few well thought and not incredibly mind-bending puzzles to compliment the gameplay. It's a good choice if you're looking to take a break from a AAA title or have an afternoon or two to spare.

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muito bom puzzles fáceis (mas não tediosos) narrativa boa descobrir sobre os personagens pelos documentos foi uma delícia

acabei pegando o final que o policial descobre das sapatonas e fiquei mal demais pq não me dei conta que era pra eu me livrar dos documentos dai dei load num save anterior e refiz e deu final bom pros gays pras sapatonas eeeeee gayzada

quite a good story and interesting themes, but it feels incomplete at the current default price point

more than a demo but less than a full game, like a proof of concept

I am just like her , i like snooping too but.. this game is hmm BORING