Reviews from

in the past

Man, this game is just cool you know. The sleek presentation, the cool spy-thriller story, it's all just nice to play.

I actually went to this one straight from Chaos Theory, skipping Double Agent and Conviction (both have less-than-ideal PC ports). The lighting thing being binary rather than having a meter like before is such an unneeded change, and so is the removal of the sound meter.

And Sam's voice, oof. Like, I get it: Ironside was treating cancer at the time and that fucking sucks. But then... why still do it with Sam Fisher? He not only sounds different, he acts and looks different too. He's kind of an asshole in this one, and with every passing game he somehow gets younger, huh. For crying out loud, just use a different character and say that Sam is fishing somewhere. A lot of the fanbase dismissed this game because of that, and that could've been easily avoided.

And this game is sometimes guilty of modern AAA trappings, like "immersive gameplay" (sections where all you do is walk forward and could've easily been a cutscene...). But credit where credit is due, this game handles the action setpieces quite well. They're not too frequent to be annoying or pace-breaking, and end up feeling electric and exciting, and plenty of them still have room for a stealthy approach.

Committing warcrimes in the name of saving our country. 'Murica.

Excelente Pika, um dos melhores jogos stealth

Um jogo que é bom e satisfatória jogar furtivamente, junto com metal gear esse é de longe um dos melhores jogos stealth.

My friend tortured me to go for PERFECT STEALTH. This means that NOBODY even slightly detects you.
I felt pain at that time.

Plusy: grywalność, grafika, voice acting, animacje postaci, muzyka
Minusy: brak

PEAKKKKK but with a different voice actor

Really good stealth game that has aged very well actually. The story is crisp and the characters have personality even if its not the deepest.
What really hinders this game are the basic as hell side missions. They arent a crime against gaming necessarily but can definitely be fleshed out or varied a bit more.
Overall a very fun experience that you can play mission by mission when you get bored with a primary long ass game like witcher or elden ring, but not likely to blow you away.

Fun game, good conclusion to the series.

simplesmente gold, amo tudo nesse jogo

Splinter Cell Blacklist: Review Completo

Splinter Cell Blacklist é um jogo de ação furtiva desenvolvido pela Ubisoft Toronto e publicado pela Ubisoft. Lançado em 2013 para PC, PlayStation 3 e Xbox 360, o jogo é a sexta entrada principal da série Splinter Cell e segue Sam Fisher, um agente secreto da Third Echelon, enquanto ele tenta parar uma lista negra de ataques terroristas em todo o mundo.

A história de Blacklist é envolvente e cheia de suspense, com Sam Fisher se infiltrando em organizações terroristas e desmascarando seus planos. O jogo apresenta uma variedade de personagens memoráveis, incluindo Sam Fisher, Anna Grimsdottir e Briggs. As missões são bem elaboradas e oferecem diferentes maneiras de serem concluídas, seja através de furtividade ou combate direto.

A jogabilidade de Blacklist é sólida e oferece uma experiência de furtividade desafiadora e gratificante. O jogo apresenta uma variedade de movimentos furtivos, como se esconder nas sombras, escalar paredes e usar gadgets para distrair os inimigos. O combate é brutal e realista, e é importante usar a cobertura e a estratégia para sobreviver.

Gráficos e Áudio:
Os gráficos de Blacklist são bons para a época, com ambientes detalhados e personagens realistas. O áudio é excelente, com efeitos sonoros imersivos e uma trilha sonora memorável.

Pontos Positivos:
História envolvente e cheia de suspense
Personagens memoráveis
Missões bem elaboradas
Jogabilidade furtiva desafiadora e gratificante
Gráficos bons para a época
Áudio excelente

Pontos Negativos:
O combate pode ser frustrante às vezes
A inteligência artificial dos inimigos pode ser inconsistente
O jogo pode ser um pouco curto

Splinter Cell Blacklist é um jogo de ação furtiva sólido que oferece uma experiência desafiadora e gratificante. O jogo tem uma história envolvente, personagens memoráveis, missões bem elaboradas e jogabilidade furtiva de qualidade. Se você é fã de jogos de furtividade, então Splinter Cell Blacklist é definitivamente um jogo que você deve considerar jogar.

Recomendo Splinter Cell Blacklist para jogadores que procuram uma experiência de furtividade desafiadora e gratificante. O jogo tem uma história envolvente, personagens memoráveis e jogabilidade de qualidade. Se você é fã de jogos de furtividade, então este é um jogo que você deve considerar jogar.


"I felt like i was in a movie!!! so cool. not the best at
stealthy games but it really was an incredible game."

amınakodumun oyununda kontroller tank sürmekten daha zor

A healthy mix of the old Splinter Cell games and Conviction. :)

5 stars because i love this game so so much and its also the first game i ever purchased a physical copy of. i love the stealth and you have many more options in this game compared to previous entries.

After the disaster that was Conviction the path was only upwards after that game.

The way Ubisoft has treated this series over the years has made be never want another Splinter Cell game to be made again as much as I love the franchise (mainly the first game and Chaos Theory). You can guarantee they'd make an open world like MGSV but with the usual Ubisoft formula cancer.

For the past few releases they turned the game from a stealth shooter to a horrible cover shooter. This game is an attempt to make a bit of a hybrid while trying to get that old Splinter Cell feeling back. It does not work. The missions and stealth design in those missions are worse than the 2002 game.

Over 10 years and in the end they've regressed. It's a sad end to what could've been a fantastic stealth franchise, but I very much doubt that they'll ever be able to capture the feeling of games like Chaos Theory, especially the state Ubisoft is in right now.

если без стелса играть то топ игрушка, да я вообще стелс ненавижу

trop pourri Ubisoft et leurs bugs permanents malgré des paramètres changés. C'est Ubisoft qu'il faut changer.

tá aí um jogo que preciso jogar de novo, tenho uma puta memória afetiva com essa obra, sempre fui muito fã do genêro stealth, e ficava horas e horas vendo gameplays desse jogo no youtube, sonhando em ter um xbox360 só para poder jogar esse jogo, após quase 3 anos do lançamento do xbox one eu ganhei o meu xbox360, e obviamente esse jogo foi o primeiro que eu zerei, revendo alguns vídeos dele, vejo que minha memória não me enganou muito, ele realmente é muito bom na proposta que ele tem, é um stealth extremamente estiloso na suas ações, você realmente sente que tá controlando o melhor agente secreto que existe, a história é bem genérica mas é um tipo de roteiro que não consegue muito se reinventar mesmo, é obrigatório pra quem ama stealth.

um dos primeiros jogos q joguei no PC, eh um exelente jogo que me fez gostar mais ainda de Stealth alem dos Assassins creed, o modo multiplayer dele eh divertido de mais tbm, gastei horas e horas jogando. bom de mais as missoes coop. seria um sonho fazerem um remake desse jogo

ubisoft pare de fazer assassins creed RPG e faz um splinter cell que preste igual a esse, por favor

They tried reworking Conviction into an actual stealth game, and they did a decent job. Gave us a really good coop mode, and a crappy Spies vs Mercs.

Overall, It's decent.

i wanna get some negatives out of the way first because i have so much good stuff to say here.

- the soundtrack sucks. genuinely. conviction's was just okay but the first 5 games in the series have some genuinely phenomenal music and this is just michael bay ass spy thriller music. lame lame lame. i hope they get amon tobin or michael mccann back for the next entry because this ain't it guys.

- look im not gonna judge eric johnson's entire career based on one role here, but he is not sam fisher. he really isn't even trying to be. i don't know if this is because of the direction he was given or the material he had to work with but johnson gives what is probably the worst main character voice performance in the series here.

- on that topic, kate drummond as grim is the same way for me. she doesn't have that nonchalant, sarcastic tone that besso brought to the character in previous entries, and her chemistry with johnson as fisher is atrocious. i understand the need to recast ironside as he was struggling with his health at the time, but besso was still alive and well.

- another note is that all the new characters are awful and this is entirely thanks to the writing here. if conviction's story was a bland mission impossible B-movie knock off, blacklist's story is an offensive and frustrating black hawk down knock off, every line of dialogue is bland, every political implication is sketchy, the morality behind sam and his team seems to change at random, and sam and grim are constantly saying shit they would never say in previous entries. this feels like military propaganda in a way no other game has. it reeks.

- final negative spot i wanna highlight is two things about the gameplay, one: the two sections where you play as briggs and it turns into a generic FPS are fucking bad. they should have cut those. i don't like briggs and i don't like playing doom while i'm playing my tactical espionage stealth game. two: the end of the final mission was a total fucking let down. it was fantastic up to that point and i was getting some serious LAX vibes from pandora tomorrow, and then there's a 10 minute cutscene and a lame chase sequence. bad ending.

okay now that that's out of the way, splinter cell: blacklist is fucking amazing. it's the second best splinter cell by a wide margin and with ubisoft toronto also making the SC1 remake i think the future of the franchise is in great fucking hands. the gameplay is a beautiful combination of montreal's style of gameplay, giving the player the tools to get the job done and letting them do it whichever way is the most fun with very few restrictions, and shanghai's style of action, explosive, bombastic and insane setpieces with memorable moments and fun combat.

these two polar opposites, subtlety and chaos, melding together into a perfect modern splinter cell experience where every encounter has about 400 different ways it can go down, and you can seamlessly swap between the three playstyles with very little in the way of penalty. toronto completely understood how to modernize the series without taking away too much of what made it special.

the main campaign missions are a tad on the short side from time to time and can feel very railroad-y, but this is where the absolutely fucking phenomenal 4E side missions come in, which play like abridged versions of classic splinter cell missions for money so you can unlock more gadgets and items for sam to use out in the world, giving you even more freedom than what the game starts you with.

kobin's missions are very much like LAX from pandora tomorrow, NYC rooftops from double agent V2, and kalinatek from the original game. the goal is to eliminate every enemy, lethally or otherwise, while also completing some side objectives. most of these levels are obscured by shadows and darkness, and have dozens of hidden paths to find. upon each reload enemies' positions are shuffled, and the balance between stealth and combat is extremely delicate and challenging.

grim's missions are calling back to classics like C.I.A from the first game, Dili, Timor from pandora tomorrow and the legendary bank heist from chaos theory. you're expected to ghost these missions, no casualties, no witnesses, no getting caught. being caught is an instant failure. the challenge here is absolutely fantastic and unmatched in most other entries, and again exploration opens up so many cool routes and possibilities.

finally (i didn't play briggs' stuff bc the servers are most definitely dead lol) you have charlie's missions, which are most akin to conviction's panther style gameplay in deniable ops, waves of hostile enemies that you have to survive that just get more and more intense over time. it's the absolute most fun place to test out how truly good you are at non-lethal ghost combat, or violent killer panther combat. all 3 of these missions are fun, engaging, have worthwhile rewards and harken back to the good ol' days before ubisoft ruined everything.

from a gameplay standpoint, this is absolutely fucking phenomenal and i adore it. it may not be the strongest in other departments, but there is so much more to love with blacklist than there has been in the last 3 fucking games i've played. congratulations to chaos theory for getting its first ever good sequel, we did it everyone!!

gameplay 10/10
missões 8/10
multiplayer 3/10
historia 7/10

One of the best stealth games that exists out there barring metal gear solid

This is technically a very competent game as far as designing missions, gameplay and graphics go. Probably - despite the lack of Michael Ironside (which also resulted in very different Sam Fisher) - one of the games that realizes the content of a Splinter Cell best... but the Ubisoft's utter incompetency with designing network systems and stable games, this is almost unplayable at PC to a point, where you just have to play in offline mode with Direct3D 9 rendering... and this will still crash from time to time anyway. Hence the rating.

Игра настолько хорошо раскрывает тему стелса, что после пары десятков часов вам покажется, что вы настелсились на всю оствшуюся жизнь