Reviews from

in the past

felpudiño momentos graciosos

It was an amazing game in 2016, but the lots of new content screwed it up a bit. I don't say that it sucks now, but it was better in its golden age.

A fucking blast with friends, really funny but beware of campers

A great game with amazing core gameplay however the operaters often lack good balancing, the maps are at times awfully designed and the community is generally awful, there is also a cheating problem

Every update makes the game worse.

tactical fps to fantasy game

I miss when Rainbow Six wasn't budget Counter-Strike.

back in the old days... this was amazing. now it's just a cartoon

So many nights spent with my friends on this, GTA V and Call Of Duty Bo3. Memories

J'ai joué plus d'un millier d'heure et c'était sympa même si nique ubi

A game that has been completely ruined by esports. I hope everyone who was pushing for games to be considered real sports in the 2000s and 2010s gets kept up at night by all the games thoroughly ruined because of that. When it was good, it was REALLY good, but it's completely impenetrable to newcomers these days and every edge has been sanded off to create a very sterile, very balanced game that vaguely resembles the chaotic and inventive fun it used to be.

this game's quality fluctuates heavily based on the current meta, season, and changes. the current season (deep freeze) is awful. the servers are a hot mess, the new map is terrible, the new character is overtuned, and there are multiple new unpopular changes. that being said, this game is still really fun and i will return when the game is fixed up a bit.

i love siege for no reason for some reason this game hurts my head alot but its fun its terrible on console though.

The best shooter of its generation, period.

Updated review: November 11th, 2023.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is the game I have the most hours played. I started on Operation Blood Orchid, almost two years after the game's initial release. The reason I've been going back to this game is because there's nothing else like it. There's a lot of sandbox elements with the destruction, reinforcing, maps and especially the operators. It's all so unique that no two rounds never play the same. I love trying out different ops, learning new maps and using that knowledge to create a legitimate strategy that'll win my team the round.

However, glorious moments like those are rare in 2023 and that's because of the TDM meta. All people do is pick an op with a "good" gun and a 1.5x scope. No gadget play, no team coordination and no fun. I shit you not, I went on a 17 game win streak that got me to champ, the highest rank because some Iana-Warden main would play aggressive and go for kills, which he would get at least 10 every game. Sure, winning is nice and so is hitting champ, but it's not rewarding because I didn't earn it. I just sat back and let him to all the work. How's that fun? It sucks how frequently this happens now and I believe there are many external factors as to why. What I mean by external factors is that it's not Ubisoft's fault (for once). No, I fully blame the Siege community!

Ego. "I got a high kd, I got the most kills, that means I got the biggest dick and pull all the bitches". It's so stupid how many people care about this when the game at its core is a chess-like strategy game. But what's the advantage of using your brain when you can just effortless kill everyone, still win and brag because you're somehow better? There is none and that's the problem. If I want to win, I have to play this game like a COD TDM match. If I wanted to play COD, I would. I want to play Siege and the way it's meant to be played!

Lack of competition. On the console side, there's no real first person shooter games competing with Siege. COD is just shit (wait for my review on MWIII, it's a rollercoaster that one) & Overwatch 2 doesn't fair much better. The half decent ones with more players like CSGO 2 or Valorant are PC exclusives. Not everyone wants to play PC or can afford a PC. Siege is 8 years old that constantly goes on sale for relatively cheap and PlayStations and Xboxes are cheaper and don't require you to play geek squad with all the parts to maximize frames per second and resolution and all that. The other fps games that people used to play didn't require much forward thinking. They were pretty casual. However, since they've all gone to shit, people want to play another fps game. So, they hop on siege and play with that "don't give a fuck, kill everyone" mentality to every game. It's repetitive and boring and sadly there's nothing I can do to change that.

Jynxzi. The most subbed twitch streamer as of 2023 is Jynxzi with over 100000 subs. The guy mostly plays Siege. So, naturally his viewers will buy the game their favorite streamer is playing. While I do admit Jynxzi is entertaining to watch, he is not someone you should use as a reference to learn the game more and play better. However, since a lot of people are sheep and like to fit in a crowd instead of being their own person, they copy him. Copy the way he plays, but more annoyingly, the way he talks. It blows my mind how many people suck his dick so much that they end up talking like the guy. This year, Siege has seen a resurgence in player count and it's all thanks to Jynxzi. It's nice to see the game grow and have more people playing it, but all these new players are linked to the Jynxzi hive mind and it's poisoning the game. It's the reason why the game feels so braindead now.

Rainbow Six Siege back in the day used to be the guy in the Chad memes. Now, Siege is the shit that Chad took. It's depressing to see how one of my favorite games fell off so far from greatness. The reason why I'm not giving it a lower score are those few matches where strategy, tactics and teamwork are at the full front and not bettering your kd ratio. Those matches are so much fun, even if I lose, and it's why I keep coming back. For better or worse depends on the day.

O melhor FPS competitivo online da geração. Simplesmente o meu sonho adolescente, sempre quis um jogo assim quando jogava o modo Search And Destroy dos CODS. Quando coloquei as mãos nisso aqui eu pirei, e trouxe um amigo junto kkkkk. Das mais de 800h que eu tenho nesse jogo, grande parte foi com ele. Tenho um carinho especial por todos os bons momentos que esse jogo me proporcionou, mas além disso, ele é MUITO bom. Jogar isso aqui com uma party fechada foi uma das melhores experiências que um videogame já me proporcionou. A comunidade tem um problema comum de jogos online, parte dela é completamente imbecil, mas n chega nem perto do nível de toxidade de outros jogos. (cof cof lol) Mas enfim... se você procura um FPS tático onde sua estratégia é tão importante quando sua trocação, esse é o jogo.

this game is such a mess nowadays, it used to be super fun with friends or even solo, nowadays the game is just insufferable, a ton of toxic people, unbalanced ops, not even new maps, i am surprised how this game is still alive by any means, sometimes it's fun but only for a limited time, such a shame that ubisoft ruined this game. at least the memories we created stayed along the way, i have so much time and memories with this game, it will always stay with me. perhaps in the future, it can get fixed. until then, i shall stay way from this game.

the children in the game tend to call me racial slurs of all variety its just like being on a real swat team

FPS muito divertido que introduziu mecânicas que inovaram em um gênero que estava um pouco estagnado, como os drones, destruição de cenário e morte permanente. Mas como é da ubisoft, não faltaram bugs que quebram o jogo durante várias seasons, mesmo assim elogio a atenção que deram pro jogo durante vários anos, lançando novos mapas e operadores ao invés de deixá-lo morrer. Na minha opinião, um dos jogos de tiro que se destaca entre os demais.

Before 2020 this game was really fucking good. Now while it is still fun it’s in the middle of a content drought and it gets kinda stale. Getting teamkilled by some random guy with no life because I “stole his kill” is still the funniest shit though

Mains are Thatcher and Alibi, and highest rank is diamond

EDIT: oh and yeah cheaters past Plat are an insanely big problem. especially here on Asian servers

I'm gonna be honest with you, I spent well over 500 hours playing this game. When it launched it was probably the best multiplayer game, period. As it went on and Ubisoft added way more characters, the game kind of lost its identity. It lost something crucial for its survival. While Ubisoft kept adding more and more, it felt like the game was losing its fun... I sincerely loved this game when it came out, but nowadays it feels so generic I can't even touch it. I fully recomend this game IF you've never even heard of it. It's going to be extremely fun for the first 100 hours, trust me.

Not much to say, it is a great compepetive shooter which let's you use it's physics engine to find cracks in the gameplay which let you overcome your opponents. This game has a very distinct feel to it which makes it really unforgetable but It wouldn't be my first pick when it comes to shooter games. 4,5/5

5 minutes of waiting to get headshot from a spot you didnt know existed

When I started playing "Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six Siege" , It was the end of year 1. The game still setting its ground and making an impact. Largely I quit after the unfortunate pandering to pros instead of the larger player base. It is a game set in making the game feel equal, but the communication with teams is not as it was. Playing with a Five Stack of friends (even with the sad state of the current game and culture) is enthralling. You don't get the same technicality from even CS or Valorant. Ubisoft suckks...

Ubi please we've been asking for night maps to come back for more than a year

Amazing Initial concept that got gradually ruined as it turned into a pop E-Sports shithole. The vibes of the initial years were unmatched but the gunplay in general led to a very weird gameplay style that I don't know if I can say I enjoy.

As one of my favorite games of all time I really want to give this higher but it's simply not deserving. Maybe my most played game ever but It just too frustrating, especially on console.

I barely played R6 but the times I did it was quite nice, one of these days I think I'll get back into it (because Arknights keeps doing collabs with them lol)