Reviews from

in the past

this shit sucks major balls. playing this game makes me want to kill myself

every time i play this game i want to kill myself

Peak multiplayer
The idea of the game is just amazing
The gameplay is very fun with the different characters that have different abilities, the gameplay have that tension felling
The design of most of the maps are great
The gameplay depends on a strategy that you must make
The sound design is very good
The events that come are fun
You will always have fun when you play it with your friends, it depends on team work
I just hope they will do an update that upgrade the graphics

If this game just stayed how it was in 2018 it would probably still be one of my favorite multiplayer games, but Ubisoft is terrible with long-term balancing and development and saturated it with terrible balancing decisions and overcomplicated new characters that outmode old ones

Amazing Initial concept that got gradually ruined as it turned into a pop E-Sports shithole. The vibes of the initial years were unmatched but the gunplay in general led to a very weird gameplay style that I don't know if I can say I enjoy.

As one of my favorite games of all time I really want to give this higher but it's simply not deserving. Maybe my most played game ever but It just too frustrating, especially on console.

i love siege for no reason for some reason this game hurts my head alot but its fun its terrible on console though.

Siege is the game you play if you're having a good day, it's a perfect way to ruin it!

would be 5 stars if all the characters were girls and were naked and oiled up and

this game's quality fluctuates heavily based on the current meta, season, and changes. the current season (deep freeze) is awful. the servers are a hot mess, the new map is terrible, the new character is overtuned, and there are multiple new unpopular changes. that being said, this game is still really fun and i will return when the game is fixed up a bit.

When I started playing "Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six Siege" , It was the end of year 1. The game still setting its ground and making an impact. Largely I quit after the unfortunate pandering to pros instead of the larger player base. It is a game set in making the game feel equal, but the communication with teams is not as it was. Playing with a Five Stack of friends (even with the sad state of the current game and culture) is enthralling. You don't get the same technicality from even CS or Valorant. Ubisoft suckks...

Gathering 9 of my friends together to play 5v5 customs on the original house is one of my favorite gaming memories to date. If only I still had 9 friends and house wasnt changed into a mid map

everytime i queue up i feel like i'm going to the dentist

Played this game half of my life, it still has broken gameplay and glitches from the beginning of the game. Give this to anyone besides Ubi and it's a classic. Old R6 was broken, but at least it was fun. Nowadays it's just awful.

Everyone is such a tryhard on this game and incredibly good for some reason.
The game is good, but it allows a lot of unfair scenarios.

Rainbow Six Siege is intense! It's all about tactical close-quarters combat, where one wrong move can mean you're dead. Learning all the maps, operators, and gadgets takes time, so there's a steep learning curve. It's super satisfying when you finally get the hang of it, but man, it can be toxic as heck online. If you've got a squad of friends to play with and don't mind a challenge, Siege can offer some truly thrilling moments.

yes this game is crazy flawed, but i have played this game for 1000 hours, and i can say it is best played while treated like a sandbox game. i have had some of the most fun ever playing a game while playing this with friends. just trying the stupidest strategies ever, and they always work. this isn't a game i recommend you take very seriously, as you will NOT have a good time.

this game is NOT perfect but it's given me some of my favorite memories playing a game and i gotta give it that

A game that has been completely ruined by esports. I hope everyone who was pushing for games to be considered real sports in the 2000s and 2010s gets kept up at night by all the games thoroughly ruined because of that. When it was good, it was REALLY good, but it's completely impenetrable to newcomers these days and every edge has been sanded off to create a very sterile, very balanced game that vaguely resembles the chaotic and inventive fun it used to be.

5 minutes of waiting to get headshot from a spot you didnt know existed

Fun with friends not as a whole comp thing

I'm giving this 5 stars because I genuinely think this is what peak online gaming should look like, its hella fun to play with friends, its tricky to master but very easy to get the hang of, the skill gap isnt so large that its off putting like with games such as fortnite and I have too many great memories grinding ranked with my friends (unfortunately one of them is lithuanian)

best way to torture an iraqi. i used this to get the location of an iraqi bomb shelter and i dont even need to kill the prisoner myself he just kills himself when i let him go

dreams of fragging out, forced to hard breach

only fun to play with friends, trying to play solo is very unfun

J'ai joué plus d'un millier d'heure et c'était sympa même si nique ubi

I flunked a class because of this game. Exams were coming up but I studied how to be tactical here instead of in the classroom and it really made me have to consider whether I should be playing this.

I hate this game but I can't stop playing it HELP

It's great, no matter how many dogshit updates Ubisoft adds I will always come back to Siege every few months for my 3-4 week long phase and then fall out of it completely again