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Quick video review:

I’ve played a lot of Musou games - some good, some bad, most mediocre, but this one might just be the worst yet.

Touken Ranbu Warriors is another one of those spin-off Musou games like Persona 5 Strikers, Hyrule Warriors, etc. This time though, it’s based on the Touken Ranbu series, a free to play browser game VERY popular with the female demographic. I have never played the original game, but I have seen both anime adaptations, so I was already familiar going into this one.

What I was met is the worst Musou experience I have had yet and I had originally planned to give this game a full review, but honestly, it was a struggle to even play as far as I did, so I gave up on that idea.

It’s not even like the combat was that bad. I mean, Musou games aren’t known for their revolutionary combat, but the combat here is at least par for the course. It’s more so the egregious level design, mission structure, and repetition that brought this one down.

For example, the first handful of missions - you’re just fighting skeletons. An hour later? More skeletons. A few hours later? Skeletons, but with some humanoid ones too. What makes this worse is that each level is the most small and linear thing ever. Gone are the usual large, open, or interconnected environments of most Musou games and here we get maybe a few open areas connected by short paths. You can walk across most levels in seconds and this extends into the actual playtime of those missions as well.

The vast majority of the missions have you go to an area, take down a strong enemy, go to the next area, take down the same enemy, and repeat until it is over. It takes maybe a few minutes max to do this, but sometimes the game purposefully blocks you from completing the missions that fast and forces you to use your animal sidekick to “analyze” the environment. This usually requires you to wait around for that to complete or to plow through another ten or so waves of identical enemy types before the analysis reaches 100% and you can finally finish the mission.

The entire thing just lacks substance, more so than the usual for this series and it’s not helped here by the fact that you spend more time looking at menus and loading animations than actual gameplay. In-between missions you get the boring, lengthy dialogue scenes too, not helped by how “samey” a lot of the Touken Ranbu characters come off as here.

So I can’t say I had a good time with this one. Granted, maybe it improves later on, but I am hours into it and it’s hardly done anything at all to hold my interest enough to finish it for a full review. Maybe if you’re a diehard Touken Ranbu fan, but even then, this is a tough one to recommend at all.

the hot samurai twink history revisionist institution is actually more prolific than I thought. Feudal Japan futuristic eboys fight tidal waves of zombie ronins and gargatuan bugs, fixing or changing the timeline of Japan's confusing war history. I've never been one to play musou games, but this one is hardly a musou of its own, working like a simple hack n' slash most of the time. The gameplay is somewhat repetitive and everything besides the fighting is pretty boring, but it's charming. I honestly stayed for the characters and what I could understand of the history.

Really easy game to get into the Warrior style of game. Loved the boys, and the fact that we finally got some fan service for us ladies :P i would just say that some maps are slightly boring, but other than that it was quite addictive

this is peak gaming

the models are so funny

The biggest standouts here are the mechanics related to your support character; they felt really satisfying and unique and did a decent job setting the game apart from other Warriors games. Other than that, the presentation is pretty weak and restrained (excluding the character models and prerendered cutscenes), what I played of the story wasn't anything to write home about, and I know they were really trying to keep this one simple for players unfamiliar with action games, but sheesh the level design is simply the worst in the whole warriors series. I definitely see the potential here though; I hope they decide to iterate or expand upon this foundation, whether it's a sequel or otherwise.

Desde siempre, la humanidad ha soñado con poder cambiar el pasado, mientras que otros desean conocer qué ocurrirá en su futuro. Sin embargo, la invención de una máquina que pueda lograr esto es considerada, hasta el momento, una fantasía. Pero ¿qué ocurriría si tuviéramos esta habilidad de poder cambiar nuestro pasado? El efecto mariposa es algo insignificante que, aun así, puede cambiar por completo nuestra vida.

En este sentido, Touken Ranbu Warriors parte de un escenario en el que los diferentes protagonistas que componen la aventura tienen como misión salvaguardar la historia, una historia situada en el periodo Sengoku, que significa literalmente “periodo de los estados combatientes”. A partir de ello, no es de extrañar haber apostado por el género musou, ya que además el juego que nos ocupa sabe trasladar ese sentimiento de gran guerra desde un primer momento.

Al final, Touken Ranbu Warriors ofrece una experiencia de juego especialmente ágil, manifestando una propuesta para la determinación de la competitividad para aumentar la motivación en el fragor de la batalla.

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