Reviews from

in the past

Can confirm, is game.

Feels like it'd fit in well as one of the nicer/more polished (visually) flash games you'd play in middle school once, but immediately go back to playing the far rougher several years old whatever that managed to be far more enjoyable and engaging.

"Polish" is likely just down to pulling from available Unity assets, but it's not really important.

Fun game, but even after 10 levels it starts to get formulaic, let alone 50. If you like optimization and micromanagement, you could possibly get super into this game. Otherwise, it's just kind of nice.

Plusy: prosty i łatwy do ogarnięcia gameplay, mnóstwo poziomów, aktywni devsi
Minusy: gameplay praktycznie nie ewoluuje w późniejszych etapach gry, sporo poziomów zamkniętych za DLC

Um dos jogos já lançados realmente. Peguei de graça na Epic e até é legal porém não me capturou tanto e acabei por nem zerar. Se vc quer um jogo de puzzle pra passar o tempo, talvez sirva