Reviews from

in the past

I picked up the Oliver Twins Collection for the Evercade. I remember liking Dizzy back when my friend had a C64 and I really enjoyed the whole vibe. I watched the streams of pro gamer Richie Morgan playing Dizzy last year and quite honestly it was an endurance test. The music was terrible and the constant back and forth and limited inventory space seemed like a chore. Yet here I am having a great time playing some of the most aurally offensive games I've ever had the pleasure to, and enjoying them as well.

I had vague recollections of this from when I was a kid but the Evercade has the NES versions of the games, so this is rather different. Immediately died as soon as I started by going for the shiny coin in the water. Soon learned. Turns out it's one hit and you're done, so queue some save scumming (approximately 60 times according to the game stats) of epic proportions, every screen has a potential hazard from the moment you walk onto it. Yet despite all of this I had a lot of fun figuring out what items were needed where and their functions etc.

It's a lean experience made playable with save states as I'd have thrown the fucker out the window by now if I couldn't save often. God knows how many attempts this would've needed playing on the actual NES but if anyone ever finished it that way, well done.

Maybe the terrible music is actually hypnosis to keep me hooked in and playing as much Dizzy as I can. But either way, I'm very surprised by how much I'm enjoying these games so far, and that probably the most difficult one was what got its hooks in me the most.

Great follow up to Dizzy by the Oliver Twins. The graphics and sound are much better, but the puzzles are as basic as they come. The biggest challenge this time around is to recover all the gold coins to pay the tax man at the end of the game, and some of these are fiendishly hidden. All in all an excellent little game that keeps its tongue firmly within its cheek. Did anyone ever find out just what the toothpaste was for?

Status: 54,600 points. All 30 coins found.

I still have the music for this game burned into my head 35 years later like that mad woman and the Loony Toons theme in Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 12: Oliver Twins Collection

Christ no. This absolutely was a rush job of a NES port because as usual the audio is absolute horseshit and despite being directly ripped from previous games, somehow sounds even more distorted than usual.

Gameplay wise Dizzy's platforming has improved, there's nowhere as much bullshit with the timing and rolling but instead its replaced by having no lives system, one hit kills and absolute horseshit deathtraps littered everywhere. I know I'm using the Evercade and save states are an absolute godsend in this case but I shouldn't have to rely on them because the game tiny length necessitates this sort of nonsense to pad out the playtime.

Also once again we've resorted to dropping/picking up items to rotate through them and I had hoped we were past this nonsense but no.

About as good as the first; a decent adventure title with some nice music.