Reviews from

in the past

Pretty awesome. Very text heavy visual novel which I tend to steer clear from - but once the story hooks you, it really hooks you. Fun gameplay too but too easy

Pretty captivating fantasy setting with charming characters but jeez the harem antics got pretty excessive after the first 1/3 of the game with every girl throwing themselves at Hakuowlo. It's particularly cringe using the trope of a grown woman having no idea how babies are made or what sex even is not just once but multiple times. Combat was piss easy but still a little satisfying, nice breaks from the reading. Unfortunately almost all the antagonists were egomaniacal idiots constantly laughing and being as irritating as possible (fuck that "kekekekeke" guy in particular). The two sequel games seem to be a lot more well received so I'm cautiously optimistic

Also apparently all the character and place names were so unique because they were based on the Ainu language, not Japanese. Pretty neat

[managed to do 2 of the 3 true "Where the Wild Things March" battles but can't be bothered with the last one which I mistakenly thought for hours was required for the Training Legend achievement lol. Damn that shit is brutal]

HAKUOWLOOOOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭 pretty cool ass start to the series and I'm excited to see what the other two games do

A game that starts and finishes strong. Utawarerumono is interesting because its so clearly split in two--there are the peaceful days of living out comfy life with you family of animalpeople, but war is always lurking and you must venture out to defend the peaceful life you have. This structure carries all of Utawarerumono and typically is where it is the strongest--all the little lazing subplots with the various friends and family Hakuowlo care's for are consistently cute and fun in spite of how dated some of the material is here, and even the the eroge roots the game has are played well.

It falls apart in the middle of the game though, where you go on these long war campaigns that are largely pointless outside making sure you keep your srpg skills up to date. I know someone's gonna say "but war is pointless!" and if it played on that I would agree, but in the context of the narrative and themes its basically full filler.

I liked it.

Plusy: pełny voice acting, świetny soundtrack, gameplay mimo prostoty nawet wciąga
Minusy: ocenzurowane eroge, cutscenki na silniku gry, historia która mogłaby być opowiedziana w 10h zamiast 40, średniawa historia z długim i nudnym początkiem

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this. Some of the middle sections and battles drag on a bit too long for me personally.

Ignoring that, I was totally immersed in the world. Highly recommended if you don't mind a lot of reading and a pretty simplistic combat system.

Also, I cried like a pussy at way too many parts lol...

Tiene sus cosas buenas y me da lastima no haberme emocionado tanto como debería con el final (que es muy bonito)

pero demasiadas escenas con Camyu chupandote la sangre que EVIDENTEMENTE en la versión de 2002 era otra cosa lo que te chupaba rompen a un mf

Hakuowlo good guy tho me mola que pegue con un abanico

incredible first installment made me cry

special, but not what i was looking for.

had some good moments with it, but also many times this felt like it was written by a 12 year old, although a very talented and creative one.

still planning on trying the sequels out in the future, hope they will click with me more.

This game is such a vibe, I just love how easy it is to get immersed in this universe. the main characters are honestly the only good characters in this game the side characters suck LOL but i still enjoyed it a lot!

Didn't drop this, but I really should have, it has absolutely nothing going for it and never had any payoff. As someone who feels people throw around the term "tropes" far too often, I'll give them a free shot at Utawarerumono because there is absolutely nothing to the majority of the characters beyond what you see on a surface-level. Tactical RPG combat is sterile, safe, and boring, something that's been tacked on rather than designed from the ground up.

half point higher than the og for getting rid of the sex scenes which harmed the og's story. but og uta is still a fun time, so this is still a fun time.

"is Nuwangi an incel" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 1 reply

The characters may be simple, but they're likeable enough for me to want to see more of them; besides, there are some really good interactions, it's a fun read overall, despite getting kinda tiring at some point because of the progress for the characters, not only being very slow, but also being fragmented in many events. Plot-wise, although I wouldn't say amazing, it's very good, there are some pretty interesting points at the end, but it also gets very convoluted (It's ironic, given how simple the first act is). Also, the combat may not be that important, as it is closer to a visual novel rather than an SRPG, but I like it, it's simple and very easy to break, but it's fun enough, although it wasn't that much of a challenge, even playing on hard mode, I did have to make up a good strategy and study the mechanics, it wasn't trivial enough for me to just play it without worrying much with what I was doing. Overall, I liked it, it has it's fair share of issues, especially with pacing and structure, but it's still a valuable, charming and charismatic experience.

P.S: The best part is still the first act.

I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. Some of the lore reveals near the end had me shocked. Great characters and story. Intro takes a little long to get going but it's worth it. The only reasons it's not a higher score are because I would say the ending felt like a very clear higher level than the rest of the game for me, which tells me these games can be even better (as if their scores didn't lol) and there was some odd relationship choices that I have mixed feelings on. Overall, really solid game though.

Oboro funny moments

honestly whenever plot happens it's kinda mid-to-okay, but the slice of life stuff is gold

what the fuck man i didn't know the start of this trilogy was so good, I thought it was going to be a slow setup

I am not ready for whatever is going to happen in the next 2 games

A fine visual novel with a nice twist. It's pretty poorly paced though, with the middle section of the game feeling like an absolute slog to get through. The ending is very well done though.

The plot takes a while to pick up but once it hooks you you won't stop playing and reading. The SRPG mechanics are fairly simple and extremely easy so don't come here expecting a challenge, you are here for the excellent story and a great introduction to the Utawarerumono world.

Great narrative writing, quite fun but janky (but fun janky) strategy RPG gameplay. I respect any game that waits 12 hours to show its title card

Perfectly brutal and yet so fun. When the war hits it crushes you under the emotions, but then sometimes it’s so much fun.

My only issues are Hakuoro being a bit of a pushover sometimes, but beyond that great game.

Finally, I completed this game. I started playing/reading it last year, but I finally managed to get some time to pick it up again and man, getting past the 14th battle helped me a lot to get even more invested in the world and characters (though side characters get little to no development, only main characters get a lot of events).

The story from the very beginning is interesting, but once you reach battle 14, the game picks ups and it keeps getting better and better. Also the game has comedy, drama, war... everything you need in an story to keep you interested.

I literally rushed 16 battles in one day because I wanted to keep reading about the world and get to know the story. I don't play/read a lot of VNs, but definitely this game is good and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes FE or likes VNs and doesn't mind having battles (it isnt hard either because it's TOO easy to break it. In one hour you can have maxed stats easily with any character.)

Can't wait to pick up Mask of Deception and Truth in the future and keep discovering things about this world.

honestly i was surprised by how much more engaged i was then when i played deception especially considering i knew the whole plot going in lol

Legal,tem uns buracos narrativos esquisitos no lugar onde eram pra ser as h-scanes no jogo original mas no geral é uma boa história

The story had good pacing and it was very entertaining to see how the plot unfolded, the ending was kinda unexpected though, but it was very emotional considering all the built up experiences over the entire game.

The gameplay segments felt a bit repetitive but it was ok.
I'm looking forward to see what's left to tell on the sequels.

Honestamente, foi muito bom entretanto, ansioso para as sequencias

The game that started my journey to experience the best story i've ever read