Reviews from

in the past

I can't think of any shmup that's more unbalanced than this. When you're fully-powered up, your destroy basically everything and your shield can absorb a ton of hits. But dying once sends you back to the START of the stage, with no power-ups.

I got up to Stage 6 without dying once, but then took a hit from a block that spawned literally into thin air. Lost every single power-up and got sent back to the start of the level, and no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't get past the first 10 seconds without my power-ups.

I didn't 'hate' the portions leading up to that part, it's still fairly fun and has a good OST, but I can't think of any moment in a shmup that felt more demoralizing and frustrating than this. To grind your way through this slow-ass easy-ass game for what feels like 40 minutes and suddenly throw it all away because of a single fucking block.

Fuck this game lol

Going to be a bi-polar review because of the sharp spike of difficulty on the final boss. Overall borrows heavily from Star Soldier series with near identical power-ups, stage design, vertical scrolling speed, with little slowdown.

Fantastic music that is also played throughout. Initially was going to recommend for beginners in the genre that allows forgiving continues, plentiful power-ups, fair mini-bosses and end bosses.

Although the final boss last version is near impossible to defeat the difficulty ramps up to where no amount of bombs, shields collected will save you! Average, borderline shooter lacking identity.

I want to rate this higher but when I really think about what I played I can't honestly say that this was a good experience.

Graphics are poor, background tiles have textures that don't match, could've had more color and detail, most bosses are an image that moves around the screen usually in a circle.
Stage 5 boss actually has the masking layer accidentally left in it's animation for a frame, somehow the artist was that bad they actually left in the bg layer of the sprite, I've not even seen that in the worst games and this is an official retail game people paid money for.

the weapons are extremely unbalanced, unpolished, and unsinspired.

there are only 6 levels, level 5 is an empty nearly blank void with an airship that flies by and then it's over in about 1 minute, most levels are short.

I would have given this 3/5 but there is a laser sound effect in this game that is unreasonably loud and sounds really off-putting, I find myself having to mute the game sometimes, the final boss makes this sound effect constantly, I'm not exaggerating, it's a 5 minute onslaught of the worst sound effect I may have ever heard in a game and I've never not had the game muted during the final fight, usually I just turn the game off at stage 6 though.

Still the game is fun in a mindless "turn your brain off" kind of way, I sometimes put this on just to relax and enjoy the great music.

Yeah this terrible game has one of the best Megadrive osts, and I would give the game a lower rating if not for that. There's something strange about this game I can't explain that keeps me coming back to it, I know I shouldn't like it, I know there are far better shooting games, but I just slightly like it for some reason even with the flaws it has.

Don't play this game, listen to the soundtrack, but don't play it