Reviews from

in the past

It's good! It's not great, it's not bad, it's good. For a $5 micro soulslike you can beat in an hour and change, it's as good as it could reasonably be. Like a lot of Sokpop's other titles, White Lavender is carried somewhat by its artstyle but this go-around it isn't doing all the heavy lifting.

White Lavender, as such a small game, is begging the player to bust it apart. It doesn't have time for a meticulously planned build or incremental upgrades. Stats come hard and fast, with stupendously generous scaling. A Might build made bosses melt near instantly, especially when I discovered you can animation cancel your heavy attack into 2(!) light ones. I doubt this sort of glass cannon approach was fully intentional, but it made even basic enemies rather harrowing at times. It lacks the eccentricities and mechanical je n'est ce quoi of an actual Souls title, but it satisfies a craving without committing oneself to the dozens of hours of a FromSoftware work. And it was good enough to warrant a second playthrough to get its speedrun achievement, that's gotta count for something.

Also there's a Big Hat Logan bug who wields, yes, a comically large spoon. And your boots look like they belong in RuneScape. There's a cotton swab weapon.


This is cute, short, and fun!

It's a little tough for me to fully recommend this because it's a little buggy sometimes (LOL), but like with all of the other Sokpop games I've played, the charm is absolutely there, and it's cheap enough. Nice little Bug Souls game.

A fun and casual game with a great art style. The controls are awkward and you're unfortunately unable to change them, so the combat and navigation is difficult to get used to. It's enjoyable nonetheless, and I'll definitely go back to it at some point to finish it.

A well-meaning and enjoyable linear "soulslike" adventure game that has quite a lot of charm (which is never a surprise, considering the developer), but is perhaps lacking a bit in terms of narrative and depth. It's a good time for a few hours and I'd recommend a buy, but certainly not a masterpiece by any means.

Sokpop's brilliant clarity extends from the visuals to the character stats, but they still can't make a fun soulslike IMO. Enemies block too much and take too many hits. Stupid thing to get hung up on but it's the whole game.

Afaste as lâminas de grama deste jardim e vislumbre um soulslike que é em partes iguais pequenino, charmoso e bugadinho, e, em doses cavalares, estiloso. Esse jogo podia ser um video de 5 segundos da caminhada do bichinho protagonista que ele já ficaria na minha mente pra sempre.

really decent souls-like from sokpop with cute bugs and stuff and its neat. like most sokpop games i just wish it was longer. its also got its proverbial bugs as well like an issue with not being able to lock-on until you restart your game. besides that its a really fun short little action rpg thing

The charm is worth the price of admission. It's actually pretty competent considering how barebones it is too.

For the price this is stellar. Great for when you want to play a souls game, but don't want to commit to dozens of hours. Absolutely love the art style and vibe. The different builds and weapons were fun to play around with. Especially love all the npcs and their little side quests. Really loving this development team and am excited to check out their other stuff.