Reviews from

in the past

my first impression is really good! i didn't know much about it at all, other than the teasers i've seen .. saw that there was a costume or something that looked like rule of rose! i sunk 5 hours into it when i was planning only 2. there's a lot of references to other horror games/movies/media & it's such a treat!

i suggest going in completely unaware as well. some of the puzzles are very obtuse & there are some glitches.. i accidentally skipped an entire boss by moving during the cutscene so now i have a quest stuck, lol. but the world building is really neat & the gameplay loop is nice. there's a savepoint before big bosses .. i actually stopped playing because i accidentally forgot to get the savepoint & lost my stuff.. but! it's still pretty neat & i'm excited to get further!

Somewhat of a hidden gem, combining the atmosphere of games like Clock Tower, Silent Hill, and Haunting Ground, into a roguelite, souls game. It is somewhat flawed, and needs some difficulty tweaks and rebalancing, some of the bosses are outright unfair, and magic builds are incredibly overpowered, while melee is weak and underpowered. Has some genuinely great ideas, would like to see the developers polish and expand on.

The first chapter was pretty enjoyable but by the time they want you to go even harder into the game from a combat prespective it really starts to drag on for me.

It has a perfectly alright setting and the gameplay is fun as you have to decide early on between stealthing, puzzling or fighting.

Once you get to the second chapter though there really isn't much else to do against your obstacles other than annihilate them and the combat genuinely just is not robust enough. It very clearly thinks that it's taking its cues from Dark Souls there, but it gives you none of the fine control in fights. So instead you kind of just have to play keepaway with every enemy and either fling spells at them or just hope that they decide to get affected by hitstun this time.

It's fine as a game but once the gameplay gets tedious the whole thing just starts to feel hollow and there isn't much there to pull me back to it.

I started liking it, it was really fun and all, but it was really hard and challenging, i dont mind hard games, but this one made it less enjoyable, it became really annoying to the point that i had to quit near the end, its not a bad game, the horrible graphics and animations, and the music that also becames annoying, those things makes the game look poor but its not that bad, it could be better...

tannith lee fantasy vibes, ps2 graphics, souls gameplay, resident evil and fatal frame puzzles...a mish mash of insane shit that all works...a rob zombie music video gone victorian
