Reviews from

in the past

Interesting game heavily inspired by the original Resident Evil. It's like "Copy my homework but don't make it obvious" kind of inspiration.

I do like RE type games so it was fun to go back to that gameplay flow, fight some undead, search for supplies and puzzle pieces, rattle your brain a bit how to solve said puzzle and die horribly when the zombies hug you to death.

If there is one aspect they nailed with this game it's the combat. Exploration is done in standard 3rd person perspective using only a keyboard but once you engage in combat the game switches to first person mouse aim. The visuals when you switch to first person are really well done, all the environments in the background are represented with perfect amount of darkness and grittiness and also have great lighting, it has that arcade look and feel. Aiming feels smooth and accurate and the feedback for hitting the enemies and watching their melons pop in a fountain of blood never got old. Indeed the game got a couple of jumpscares on me, since during combat you can't move but aim and shoot there were instances where some sneaky zombies decided to increase my heart rate by staying in my blind spot until the last minute lunge. While we on the positives I have to commend the puzzle designs it was a great mix of basic ones, challenging ones and the classic kind you would find in an RE game. Although I am ashamed to admit I had to look up a solution for 2 mid game puzzles, one because I am illiterate at reading musical notes and another because it wasn't quite clear if I have all components to solve it so it felt more like a guessing game.

Now on to the negative side. The game has 6 playable characters, once one guy or gal die you switch to the next retain all found documents, key items, guns and ammo but not health kits. So I thought cool, I got six chances to escape the mansion but that's not entirely true which was quite disappointing to find out, it took out a lot of steam from different character deaths. The game does have quite a few ways you could die instantly so I kind of get why they did it this way but there's also story related reasons.

Speaking of the story and characters this is a second negative for me. Personally I did not vibe with it at all. The characters are all cardboard cutouts of clichés of special forces squad - the strong dumb one who likes guns, the black captain, the computer nerd whos a bit of a weirdo, the old geezer one day from retirement, kawaii medic girl and blonde no nonsense lady again the story kind of gives you an inclination why they're one dimensional but it simply did not stick the landing for me. Game is also quite short clocking in at 4.5 hours.

To wrap it all up, strong RE1 atmosphere, fun gameplay, good puzzles, disappointing story twist, bland characters, can beat it in a single afternoon only recommend it on sale and if you're a big fan of Jill Sandwich.

A wee love letter to Resident Evil and House of the Dead that just doesn't quite get there with its cool premise.

It suffers from that classic thing of the idea itself being better than the execution.

ты умрешь здесь сегодня НОЧЬЮ. Страшна? А игра себя нахуй пиздец как оправдывает.
Играл в нее на работе на стим деке, и игра очень приятная, проходил ее в 2 забега с большим интервалом (так смены выпадали). Прошел за 6 часов в общем.
Сюжет ну бля…. Реально? Сюжет как в резидентах и их пародиях, описанный на 40 листочках и полностью на Английском? Держите меня семеро бегу с томиком из Оксфорда блядь и русско-Английским словарем, чтобы ничего не перепутать. Да вообще похуй на сюжет. Вкратце попадаешь в особняк как в ре 0, и бегаешь, выживаешь, зомби лутаешь. Ничего особенного, но есть твисты, даже 2!!! 🆘. 4/10.
Геймплей прикольный, нужно разгадывать ловушки(где я сосал как сука) и если проебал, то персонаж отлетает. Вообще типа. Ну я играл играл и на одной ловушке проебал трех!!! Человек. (Да-да не удивляйтесь) у меня никого не осталось, думаю все пизда. Заново это говно.. оказалось что ты можешь найти предмет, и ВСЕ ОСТАЕТСЯ КАК БЫЛО. Так что не беспокойся, игра так и называется что ты будешь отлетать. Зомби прикольные, враги разные тоже. Головоломки чисто на англ, из-за них отлетал, смотрел гайды, но из-за них очень кипела жопа порой. Ибо ты типа остаешься и просто попадаешь в ловушку потому что не знаешь ответа. И вот ты сдох, теперь ты знаешь где она, а оружие не вернуть. Соси. Из-за такой тупости подгорало неоднократно, и это не один я отмечал. Хотя игра так и называется, верно? 6/10
Графен: атмосферно хорошо как в ре, мне зашло, особо выделить что-то не могу. 7/10
Звук: ну эмбиент был, но он уж очень часто повторялся, просто надоедал уже, такое. 4/10
Если для стим дека, то просто поиграть поаутировать очень прикольно. На компе буду откровенен, не считаю необходимым ее проходить. Просто прикольная, и не более, благо что проходится быстро. Но из-за того, что умираешь как еблан, я смотрел многие ее дропали потому что нечестные ловушки, и теряется инвентарь как и интерес. Ну такое, чисто вдали от дома небольшая игра, за нихуевую цену 700 для такого дорого. Качаю торрент на деку

un omaggio che reputo noioso ma che posso rispettare anche se non tiene il paragone con i titoli che copia, ma a parte questa enorme derivazione che c'entra poco nel mio parere rimane comunque un titolo che nel 2023 fa poco impatto

A lovely little game that proves to me what I always knew in my heart: Resident Evil Gaiden could have been great with some minor tweaks. Just remake it through this game's bones.

There's some aspects of this that are great in concept but a little half baked in execution. The roguelike mechanics don't seem to matter too much other than unlocking some bonus ammo and health packs aside from one major side quest. The enemy variety is also a bit lacking. But you know what? Extremely solid bones for a better sequel.

I think what could have helped was just a little more meat to the separate characters to make them distinct and feel less like extra lives.

I also love the visuals in this game a lot. The CRPG look combined with the full 3D combat encounters are just lovely. Everything has just the right look for the game's story. I also think for what enemy variety there is, combat is always pretty fun and decently balanced that I never felt over prepared but never felt cheated. The bosses can definitely feel like they're a meat grinder though.

I know there's plenty to improve on... but to be honest, I don't really feel like being overly harsh with this game. I think for the price it was, I got a solid Resident Evil fan game that was having as much fun as I was.

uma boa homenagem ao q um dia o re foi

A nice homage to classic Resident Evil games, but it leans a little too heavily into the flattery and not enough into ensuring its own gameplay systems are up to snuff.