Reviews from

in the past

I hate it, but I can't stop playing it.

Prefiro o Legacy Of Duelist Link Evolution. Só por conter praticamente todas as cartas e você ter todo um modo single player onde você pode adquiri-las. O ponto de você precisar gastar dinheiro de verdade me quebra.

it's generous in giving gems, too bad yugioh is a shit game

The best modern Yu-Gi-Oh simulator ever made. Unfortunately, it is a simulator of modern Yu-Gi-Oh.

I want whoever did the balancing for Snake Eyes Poplar to be publicly stoned for his crimes

Nearly ruined my Spring semester by grinding this game

Happy to report i have 10+ decks as a F2P player, half off them being Diamond-viable, with 5k gems saved up, AND I (barely) passed my classes. 9/10 Absolutely worth the risk

if you play runick shame on you... bitch!

the best Yugioh game visually for sure and obviously by virtue of being the most recent game it has the largest card pool
I played it regularly for a year and without putting any money into it was able to stay up with the meta and make decks I wanted to
the single player levels are also very good and feel fresh due to being based on card archetypes rather than the anime even though while not explicitly mentioned those are there to
but with all that said i just got burned out on it and i just don't enjoy the current meta so i decided to take a indefinite break from it and i even uninstalled it

Ton of fun... until you get high into ranked. Then it's a bunch of sweats using the latest meta deck thinking that copying a deck they found online makes them good at the game

Fun cosmetics, UI is easy to use; please ban Branded and Swordsoul

5☆ - Hands down the best way to play Yu-Gi-Oh! virtually, even if the banlist is weird meaning metas in Master Duel aren't the same as TCG or OCG it's still the best way to play Yu-Gi-Oh! online especially with friends.

Has nice presentation, tutorials and a pretty cool solo mode, and the game is quite F2P friendly as well which is a great plus.
But the thing is... this is Konami we're talking about. I'm sure while nowadays it's fine to play the game F2P, it might not be later down the line. But until that day comes, I must say that the game is pretty good.
And because the game is pretty good right now, the only low reviews this game gets are the equivalent of that one reaction image that is like "I deliberately entered a thread full of things I don't like and now I'm mad, how could this be happening to me"

still waiting on the part where they integrate actual shadow realm duels so i can die bc of yugioh finally

Honestly the game is very well made and fair to f2p players as well. The crafting system is especially great. However the solo content is pretty boring and ranked is just not fun at all, waiting 20 minutes while your opponent plays 30 cards is just not enjoyable at all and that's the meta now. Yeah I may be a boomer, but all these new effects past synchro just break the game for me. I enjoy games to be dragged out and when almost every duel ends in 1 or 2 turns, but those turns take 15-20 minutes to complete it's just boring and not fun, considering half the time is people just reading their card effects since most people just look up sweaty decks and play them without even knowing their effects just to be a sweaty meta tryhard.

In short: Play with friends and have fun. Stay away from ranked because it's the complete opposite of fun.

Best Yu-Gi-Oh! game and very free-to-play friendly too.

Best Konami game since uhhh idk, maybe MGS V The Phantom Pain ??

It's a kusoge but as a card game and that's dope and terrifying in equal measures

How much you enjoy Master Duel will probably enjoy how much you enjoy honest to god modern day YGO, for better or for worse.

The aesthetic leaning into the more Hearthstone/Magic Arena realm and away from the sleek futuristic cyber nonsense of Duel Links is understandable, but also disappointing; Yes, the anime and card games are related, but wholly enjoyable on their own individual merits. Still, it feels like Master Duel is almost afraid of YGO's own branding and legacy at times, gimmicky pets and the usual card pool aside.

Master Duel's usability is also not as great as any of Hearthstone's, Magic Arena's, or even Duel Links'. Navigating menus is clunky and slow, as is passing through the different turn phases, and features such as highlighted ability triggers on a chain (Like Magic Arena) are sorely missed.

Again, this is all mostly bearable depending on how much you like modern day YGO. I find the base ruleset to be perfectly good and fine, but the lack of different matchmaking options (Rank vs Unranked) or different formats - Things like Modern, Oldschool, Draft, or even Speed Duels - makes playing online with strangers an absolute chore once you reach a high enough rank when your opponents are ones with access to any number of archetypes that have boatloads of protection, removal, negation, and special summons that drag a single turn out into 5 minutes of sequence playing solitaire.

[As an aside from Master Duel in specific and more on the game of Yu-Gi-Oh itself, I have often heard some longtime YGO prolifics talk about how fast the speed of the game is. It probably is true in terms of per-match time or total turn count that YGO games are shorter than other games in the genre, but I found while playing Master Duel that in half of my games each of those turns takes so much longer and is very much less interactive than in any other card game I've played. When this happens and it's not your turn, a match that's literally half the length of a bout in [Other Card Game] feels twice as long.]

If that's your thing, then, cool. The YGO card game fanbase is a big one, and it's almost a wonder why it took so long for something like Master Duel to come along. The biggest piece of admiration I can have for this online iteration of the card game is the sheer breadth of cards available from the getgo, either in packs or by way of the game's card crafting system; Only about one card I searched for in the deck editor didn't show up. Even being older than 20 years old, the effort to implement this library of game pieces is appreciated, and something more games could stand to do. Being able to look up your favorite card from when you were younger and play with it has a great satisfaction to it. But I don't see myself seriously returning and investing more hours until more formats/playlists are available unless I'm playing with friends.

On its surface, Master Duel is a gateway for new players to enter the world of Real Ass Yu-Gi-Oh!, much like Hearthstone and Magic Arena were able to make complex card games accessible to the masses in the past. It technically serves that function, especially with it being free-to-play and on just about everything, but I have a hard time having a lot of faith or enthusiasm in it as an effective onboarding experience for anyone without a previous interest in the property.

1st match online: Beat my opponent using some cool synchro summons in a duel that at least somewhat resembled the anime I used to watch

2nd match online: Was utterly obliterated in 3 turns, each of which took about 10 full minutes, as every card my opponent played had about 2 paragraphs of text explaining its incredibly specific function that allowed it to combo with another specific card to allow them to draw more cards which allowed them to special summon a monster whose effect allowed them to special summon another monster whose effect allowed them to draw more cards whose effects allowed them to- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Possibly the most absurd card game ever created

Escribo esta review mientras me descargo los putos datos que no se te bajan de una con el juego.
Les voy a meter a los de konami la gaita de la canción que loopea cada 15 segundos del menú por el culo y les voy a invocar al dragón de ojos azules defintiivo para que sople la susodicha gaita con las tres cabezas que tiene a la vez.

best of 1 format means that even if you play hot garbage like Blue Eyes or Dark Magician you can get some wins, so there's fun for everyone!

Being a Yugi-Boomer is legitimately a skill issue. Could never be me — I know how to read.

The most visually impressive Yu-Gi-Oh! title to date...AND IT'S FREE?!

Outside of some very minor hacking/modding issues from players with no integrity, it's a great game and very easy to get in to.

For a Gacha game I forgot existed until this morning this is pretty great. Very forgiving with summoning packs, secret packs is a really cool feature. Solo grinding stuff seems simple enough. Dueling is just Yu-gi-oh so I've already made peace with that fate. I hope this first impression carries over into longevity.

Person whose last interaction with yu-gi-oh was the GX anime tries this game, doesn't bother to learn new mechanics,boom loses with their outdated deck, many such cases!

I'm matched with people playing Drytron thrice in a row in Gold rank. I'm not doing this.

Always Blue-Eyes baby

Fuck Eldlich and Tri-Brigade

I'm a casual Yugioh fan, I spent an unhealthy amount of time playing Duel Links and watched the first 4 anime series (Zexal is the best) but never bothered with playing the actual TCG. Despite this, after several recommendations from a friend of mine I eventually picked the game up in March and I CAN'T STOP PLAYING IT. My backloggd account became completely dead once I started this game because this is all I play. Help!

As for the good, the music has no reason to be as good as it is. It gives of Persona vibes so as a fan of that series, it's absolute joy to my ears especially the Monarch theme. Additionally, the deck building is really fun, I love making archetypes I tried out in Duel Links like Six Samurai and Cyber Dragons as well as making newer meta decks like Eldlich. The game is pretty fair with how many gems it gives out in my opinion so, unless you waste your gems on useless decks that haven't been good for 5 years, you'll be a-ok. Also, the game just looks really clean, no complaints in terms of the games visuals and there's also a crafting system, so you don't have to bend over backwards to get cards unlike in Duel Links where making a new competitive deck would take months.

But the game is so damn flawed. It severely lacks content which is only made worse for me since I played Duel Links previously and that game never went a day without having some event taking place. In this game, all you get is a Ranked Mode and Solo Mode which you only use to get a few gems. There's really nothing to do aside from those 2 modes and the occasional event that takes place in the middle of the month (which are extremely poorly designed for the most part). The balancing can turn people off, it uses a modified version of the OCG banlist which has way more cards being legal than the TCG. A new player has to face so many crazy cards it can easily turn someone off from playing completely. Personally though, I love the OCG banlist, you've got so many more crazy decks and strategies to choose from that it creates such a wild and fun power level of decks. Once you build your first deck or two and can transfer the staples to other decks, the game becomes way more manageable and fun but I can't see a casual player sticking out with the game for that long.

Despite my love for the game, I can't see someone who never played YuGiOh getting much enjoyment out of this, but I'm still addicted to it and probs won't finish any other game until I get bored of it.