Reviews from

in the past

They should hit Floowandereeze again on the next banlist. Not because they’re good or anything, I just think they deserve it.

They gave us free, "you can probably get to max rank with these", competent loaner decks for a month.

This game's been saved

I won a match literally taking a shower (the guy killed himself), peak

While this game kinda sucks with it being a best-of-one format, and more importantly Maxx C being an auto-include in every deck, this game single-handedly revitalized my interest in Yu-Gi-Oh!. From watching content creators to playing Edison format or starting a Progression series with my friends, admittedly I do have this game to thank despite my reservations with how modern Yu-Gi-Oh! functions.

If you're someone who hasn't played Yu Gi Oh in a while I'd recommend this game to get back into the series, the single player tutorials are well explained and teach you shit like Synchros, Xyz, Pendulum, Link summons. Also the game is pretty generous with gems you can buy at least 1 or 2 packs a day as long as you do the dailies which takes 10-20 minutes tops.
The only negative is that most of the top tier ranks are dominated by tryhard meta decks, and you can't reallyt be creative when it comes to deck building in this game as everything revolves around archetypes. The events are pretty fun though and give you a ton of gems.

Ich LIEBE Yu-Gi-Oh ich liebe es physische Karten für 30 Euro zu kaufen die ein halbes Jahr später nicht mehr Meta sind!!!!


Abro o jogo
Compro pacotinho
Não tiro nada
Fecho o jogo

my opponent plays more in my turn than me, just like yugi in the anime

The game is fun, but I don't like where the game is going. They're at least improving the UI tho.

Joguei por 15 dias, aprendi bastante, relembrei o quanto jogo online pode ser viciante e estressante ao mesmo tempo. Parei de jogar em seguida.
Bom jogo, boas animações, um pouco mal otimizado no cell (esquenta muito no S23), roda ok no Switch!

Só por não ser pay to win já dou créditos. A interface dos duelos é maneira e a montagem dos decks é bem satisfatória pelo dinamismo.

Simples, mas bem funcional se procura duelos multiplayer. (melhor que o duel links)

The best way to experience yugioh without having to buy anything.