Reviews from

in the past

This was the only game my sister would play with me. We both had our own towns. One time, I went to her town, and noticed a lot of dig spots. I dug up a spot, only to find a lot of money. I did this again, only to find more money. I proceeded to make my sister a beggar in Animal Crossing by stealing all of her money. My mother still brings it up because she made such a stink about it. I have no regrets.

A nice clean communication game with great characters.

not bad but i would rather die than return to a game with the grid map system

Easily my favorite of all the Animal Crossing games, hold up against more recent games.

Actually the Animal Crossing game that kept me playing the longest. A cozy refuge in a hard time.

Tom Nook PERSONALLY sent me a letter saying he was selling carpets at a low price at 7pm on the 9th of March!!!

Honestly, I may have strong nostalgia bias but this holds up as the best Animal Crossing game. The graphics are very simple, and old looking but vibrant, colorful and unique. The music is phenomenal and also easily the best in the series so far. The gameplay of course is incredibly relaxing, you never feel rushed to do anything, but there's always something to work towards. I feel like this idea of tasks feeling voluntary and natural instead of like daily chores is something they really nailed and struggled with later in the series. But despite not jumping on you with menial work (besides the first few days working for nook) there's surprisingly deep amounts of content with a plethora of furniture and items, villagers, fish, and more. The game clearly had a lot of heart and effort put into it which really creates a connection while playing it. The real time mechanics are awesome too and they really killed it with making a relaxed atmosphere. Overall, a special game that I'll always love.

Su aura, su música, su sencillez... Ah, e incluía juegos de NES completos sin cobrarte una suscripción online por ello, ¿qué te parece?

this has multiple nes games in it so it gets a higher score than the very comparable wild world because you can play better games through this one

100%ed catalog 2/12/23 - E+ is always better but highly highly recommend revisiting the american localization too

Some of my best gaming memories were playing this game.

There are still reasons to get into this game today even with all the sequels. For example, the villagers say a lot more in this one compared to New Horizons. If material gathering and crafting bugs you, then you'll be happy to know it's not in this one. Oh, and you can get NES games!

The first and best animal crossing game to date.

I never owned this game but my friend did so it was especially epic

one time i saw this huge ass fish in the lake and it was literally fucking gigantic and i SWEAR i saw it to this day but theres no evidence of it so am i just crazy??? is that it???

É tão básico comparado com os atuais. Mas eu me diverti um monte jogando ele, então...

Has a certain personality that hasn't been replicated in the series since.

I played this game for around 2.5 weeks and I got really bored of it.
The villagers had a lot more character in this game compared to NL and NH, and the game oozes charm and really captures that peaceful, small town feel. Unfortunately, that's about all I can say about this game that's positive.
My main issue with this game are how repetitive daily tasks are, the lack of quality of life features, and the need of owning different consoles/peripherals to unlock certain aspects of the game.

I actually like this one a lot more than the new ones. But it's probably just that gamecube charm that I love so much.

Played it a ton as a kid, and playing it again recently has brought back good memories. Very solid entry in the series.

If I played this when it first came out, I bet I would have liked it. Unfortunately, I didn't.

I played this one for a bit, not nearly as much as future titles.