Reviews from

in the past

Interesante pero no me gusto , me parecio un tanto enfadoso

The weirdest way to go about doing a minigame collection. Just stick to the far superior Pac Man Party.

This has a really unique concept for a minigame collection.
Sadly the loading times kill this game a little.
They could make an Ape Academy 2-like for any Franchise as far as im concerned.

Ricky Ger V is the best card imo

Not a lot to say about this one. It's an Ape Escape themed minigame collection made for the PSP.

The gameplay has you doing mostly the same minigames over and over again. You can build a deck of cards that let's you play the minigames you want against your opponent who has their own set of cards. Though the best strategy is to just use a deck that has low costing energy cards with minigames that don't rely on luck to win. Be prepared to play those minigames until you reach the end of the campaign.

When you do complete the campaign...that's pretty much it. You can try and collect every card to unlock all the minigames, but it'll likely take you a lot of time and in the end it probably won't be worth it. Some minigames here are fun, but most are duds. The AI can also range from piss easy to absolutely impossible to beat in certain minigames. Could be fun with a friend or two.

If you are an Ape Escape fan, feel free to try this one for a bit. You can drop it once you start getting bored since by then you'll likely see all the game has to offer.