Reviews from

in the past

A fun game save for the fact that the servers are dead and the singleplayer isn't worth it.

The worst last mission in gaming history, completely ruins the rest of the decent-ish camapaign. Multiplayer was very good, tough. UPDATE So I decided to use cheats to at least see the ending, and lol. I guess EW, the bonus mission, is interesting to play, but they really dropped the ball when they added the strategy elements to the campaign.

no idea what happens in this game normally, but dang was DayZ mod the best

Yeah i played it a lot gonna be honest i dont like it i dont like arma 3 either I dont like these types of games and find them boring but i did have fun playing with my friends doing custom stuff but yeah generally not good same with arma 3 you'll see that in my arma 3 review

Used for DayZ but also played a bit of the sim stuff with my friends - decent fun.

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Multiplayer wise, one of the most influential games of the past 20 years. The whole multiplayer survival thing? Day-Z was a mod for this game. Battle Royale? Guess what Player Unknown was making prior to PUBG.

The campaign is a true story of love and loss. And a complete buggy mess, but the more sandbox nature of its design combined make it really quite enjoyable in co-op.

Incredibly powerful editing tools to boot, maybe not the most 'fun' fps in the world but boy it is an experience.

I actually enjoyed the single player wtf is wrong with me

It's hard for me to review Arma 2 as a game when I mostly played it socially, by getting involved in the RP side of the game. I think gameplay wise Arma 2 is pretty poor, but overall I still have very fond memories of this game.

only got it so i could get Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead for the dayz mod

Honestly had a lot of fun when the game worked, but I can't rate it any higher since the game broke and is like me in bed, I could never finish.

i literally only got this for day z and then i never played much of either

So many fantastic memories of this. Wasteland, DayZ, Escape from Chernarus, just to name a few mods. Yet, it's very buggy, janky, and barely works right. But, with this and Arma 3 you get an experience you can't get anywhere else. Would be wonderful if there was a sleek and functional open world shooter with modder support. I'd probably play nothing but that.

Sure it does a good job at what it's doing, but I am woefully uninterested in what it's doing. So I'm not gonna mess with its rating by giving it a star rating, but yeah, not for me.