Reviews from

in the past

Assault Gunners is probably an OK game if you’re a big fan of mechs and are able to overlook repetitive gameplay. I found it a little too dull for me after a few levels, viewing a full play through indicated that while stage layouts may become more complex. It is at it’s a core still a third person shooter with simple objectives.

for those who want nothing more than mindless shooting.

its ok, 6\10, delivers what it promises and nothing more, its the most okay-ish game ever, the game ever ever.
tho i do like its simplicity, everything in this game should sound awesome but its executed in the most barebones way possible, mech gaming yet you feel like controlling any character ever, huge guns but their sound and damage still go pew pew pew like a little laser gun, there are like 5 or 6 levels tops that get reused quite a lot, i feel this is a budget vita game, still i like it, i'm a simple gal, give me customization and a level selector with unlockable stuff and i'm happy.
if anything it reminds me of that zombie shooter school girl game.

i tried the dlc levels but by god they are like 0 to 100 in terms of bullshit difficulty, like a kaizo version of the game