Reviews from

in the past

It's still the best 3d collecter, somehow, despite its age getting in the way. Honestly I think the second game has better abilities but the maps in this are better designed.

One of the most charming platformers of its crowded era. Doles out upgrades at a perfect pace, great memorable levels, a fun sense of humor. Loses half a star for a needless trivia-based final level.

I remember playing this game on the N64 in the hospital. It is very sentimental to me.

I can see why this is such a classic and iconic game

def not the best 90's platformer, too much nostalgia glitter over it for people to assume it's actually really boring

Aiming with eggs is complete ass; it's probably one of the worst things that the game expects you to do pretty regularly. Also, it has too many damn minigames. I can live with maybe like 1 or 2, but it feels like every level has some minigame that adds nothing to the game at best and is actively detrimental to the experience at worst.

I couldn't really get into this one; I might give it another go eventually. Of course, this has Rare's signature charm and detail.

I was growing tired of collectathons by this point in my life but this is still a good game. Good thing I played it again years later

So far so good

EDIT: In the sewer. This getting old.

I'll finish it eventually. Guh huh.

Idk how they made a 3D platformer this good in 1998, it's crazy actually. Fucking classic.

Its like Mario 64 if it was good

First game I can remember playing. Quite fond of these two

Been playing on and off for around a year and some parts are terrible and awful and make me want to throw and destroy parts of my living space, but the rest is perfect. The best platformer on the N64 by far. Tooie is expensive and I don't own an Xbox so I don't know when I'll be able to get to that one. Also the first game I've ever 100%ed.

I despise this game with a passion. This is by no means a kids game. Navigating through the hub world just to get to your next level is unnecessarily complicated. It is ultimately just a game about collecting all the pointless shit you can for no reason just like any other Rare game from the era, and hey, maybe that's were Ubisoft got inspiration from...

This was the best 3D collect-a-thon until Super Mario Odyssey came out. The bear and bird blow all the competition out of the water.

Absolute masterpiece, the pinnacle of 3d platforms/collectathons.

(Insira anakin gritando "EU TE ODEIO" enquanto pega fogo)

Ah... Banjo-Kazooie, one of the classic 3D platformers of the 64 era. Clearly inspired by Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie has you exploring varied colorful worlds while searching for different collectibles like musical notes, jigsaw pieces, eggs, feathers and more. While it may seem overwhelming, the game manages to nail a good balance between pacing and exploration, with levels that are both large enough to be interesting to explore but small enough to not be tedious. In fact, my recent playthrough where I collected everything took just around 12 hours.

Overall, Banjo-Kazooie is still an excellent game and one of the best 3D platformers out there. Gameplay still holds up great thanks to the fun and varied moveset, despite some janky physics at times. Completely recommended.

One of the best platformers out there. Such a great classic that I have such a joy playing time and time again.

Silly game to play if you don't feel like playing Mario 64

J'ai jouer a se jeu mais j'ai peu de souvenir c'est une dinguerie

Banjo-Kazooie is probably one of the best games ever made. It's a timeless adventure full of witty writing, gorgeous worlds, beautiful music, and constant, engaging gameplay. Truly the peak of 3D platforming game design.