Reviews from

in the past

Original juego indie muy inspirado en "Diablo 1". Pese a que su jugabilidad es algo plana y repetitiva tiene ideas muy buenas y originales que hacen que merezca la pena probarlo.

He dudado si recomendarlo o no, pero creo que iré a por el no. Es cierto que es bonito y tiene una serie de cartas que, sin hacer sinergias, son interesantes de usar, pero es que no es divertido. Osea, el combate consiste en poner el ratón por encima de los enemigos mientras estos te cosen a tortas y solo te puedes mover por estrechos pasillos en una dirección u otra. A más bajes, más enemigos. Lo mejor que puedes hacer es ponerte cosas para regenerar vida y tanquear, porque si pretendes esquivar, date por muerto. Combate aburrido, movimiento claramente insuficiente... Y aun así me lo he acabado con un personaje. Quería ver el final, pero lo he hecho por pura gula, el hambre se me pasó al poco de empezar. Una pena, pero creo que no puedo recomendarlo.

A solid, fun Roguelike which is strangely addictive, whilst blurring the lines between having gameplay and being a glorified ‘clicker’ title.

Gorgeous visuals that look like a hand crafted, origami hellscape, with a pretty decent soundtrack (not that you’ll be listening to it much - a 2nd monitor game).

Overall, a pretty great game, but I was done with it by the time I’d finished the adventure mode and unlocked free play.

From a rather amusing initial concept – a sort of mix between Diablo and Card HuntersBook of Demons has an inordinate ambition. The idea of a pantheon of seven games seems rather daring, but it is quite surprising to see that the result somewhat improbably holds up. With its endearing graphic style, inspired by animated books, the title offers an adventure that is more akin to a tactical game than a traditional hack'n slash. The diversity of objects requires you to think about your descents through the floors so as not to be overwhelmed; you'll also have to be careful to watch out for interruptions and shields that impede your progress. In this respect, the choice to include a "SUPERHOT" mode, directly taken from the eponymous title, makes a lot of sense. However, the problem lies in the deeper levels. The game starts to suffer from its length – although this can be adjusted – and the adventure turns into an uninteresting and too deadly clicker. This flaw is too great not to be punished, but one must admit that it is inherent in the game's concept. Perhaps it lacks the abundant complexity of the first levels? In any case, the studio offers here an interesting first attempt, which can be refined during the development. In any case, Book of Demons seems to be a sincere tribute to the culture of the 1990s, for better or worse.

This game was interesting.
Imagine Diablo 1 but with a clicker/hack 'n slash hybrid battle system, a card system which is the equivalent of skills, and a more limited area you can move in during the levels themselves.

In practice, I felt like it both worked and didn't.
As a big plus, this games has some nice QoL features - it notifies you if you missed something, meaning you can 100% a run down to the most little of things, deciding the pace of exploration and that way dividing the game into as big or bite sized of pieces as you want, and a quick exit from a level if you've collected everything, thus saving a bit of time.

The card system though, I wasn't the biggest fan of. It's random what sort of cards you'll get and I felt like having a regular RPG skill system with the possibility of branching paths would have worked better. Having to constantly go back up after finishing a level to identify a card just to end up with many extra copies that couldn't be used was annoying.

The enemy variety noticeably dries up around the half way point, making the game, even if you can still romp through it, a bit of a slog.
The last stretch of the game is also kinda weird. Levels become far smaller and more linear, enemies are numerous, and you can't escape and dodge them as much as before, making you also rely a lot more often on health potions. The sudden difficulty spikes becomes overwhelming, for lack of a better word.

An overall decent game with some interesting ideas and nice QoL features, but the lack of enemy variety in the second half and the card system brought it down in my eyes.

decent rogue like
fun for the time it lasts
which isn't much

Didn't seem like it would go anyway after a certain point.

Book off Demons is a really interesting design. Hack and slash gameplay distilled down so far that it almost resembles something else entirely. Every floor of the dungeon has a track along the floor and your character can only walk backwards and forward along that floor, and you attack by.. clicking and holding on a nearby enemy. It's almost absurd. Yet it has mechanical depth which comes from the range of spells and abilities you pick up as you progress, and the variety in the enemy design that changes exactly how you need to click on particular enemies to take them out. Combine that with general strategy both in your build and the combat, and you've got an unusual game that just works really well. On top of all that the game is conceptually very strong with a really neat visual style holding it all together. Book of Demons is well worth playing.

What looked like a pared down direct Diablo 1 clone at first is actually a deep, hand-crafted, streamlined ARPG experience. It's definitely not as "deep" as something like Diablo 2 or Path of Exile, but it scratches the same itch and distills the essence of those games into a neat little package.

I feel like I was scammed by this game describing itself as a hack and slash. I don't think I would want to recommend it to anyone but I respect the bold design choices.