Reviews from

in the past

Loved this game for the PS1, and enjoyed it when I tried it again out of nostalgia ~2013. It clearly isn't sim level driving, but it always felt like a solid and grounded racing challenge.

I will always have a soft sport for this game, and I'm genuinely tempted to replay it again now on an emulator.

I don't know who this Colin guy is but he sure knows how to make good rally games.

Let down a fair bit by some insane difficulty spikes near the end and a few rallies that have pretty shitty physics, but mostly the first CMR game is really solid and I’m surprised to find such a nuanced (if obviously arcadey) rally simulation on the PS1. It sounds great too, like, again, not what I expected from the system. I think it’s still worth a go in current year.

Decided to go with the PS1 version because that's how I remember first seeing this game at my acquaintance's house, but it was a mistake. The textures are spazzing out, the models are visibly popping in, and the skyboxes are an incomprehensible mess. But I'm not gonna blame the game for it. Judging by the screenshots, the PC version looks great.

Anyway, I'm really not the right audience for this game, but I did enjoy it. Though I've not played that many racing games, the handling model here is one of the best I've seen. In addition, you can customize it to your liking, which is something you rarely see in racing games. Before every race you're supposed to read the information about the track and look at the mini-map, and then choose your car's configuration (tires, brakes, steering, etc.). Different configurations perform better on different tracks. This is probably the game's best feature, and what makes it stand out from being "just a racing game". Also, I appreciate how the roadside is actually traversable (to a degree), and not just an invisible wall. If there's an elevation, you could genuinely flip your car over by driving on it.

Another thing that stands out is the graphics. Despite the fact it's a rally game (which means all tracks take place in the wilderness), it manages to keep a decent visual variety between them. And the visual effects, like dirt, water, snow, etc. all add to the immersion.

One thing I hated about the game was how cars are locked behind different difficulty levels. Also, you don't seem to be able to change cars between championships, though I'm not sure. Another thing I disliked is how there are no live opponents on the tracks, you're simply competing for best time. I dunno whether this is authentic to real rally or it's just this game's choice, but regardless I did not like this.

In general I would describe this game as an enjoyable experience. It's a game that has a very high skill ceiling, but feels very rewarding when you manage to succeed. It also doesn't really punish much for losing. You can play through the entire championship mode without winning a single race. I like that because I suck at this game. But as I was playing race after race, I started to feel bored. This seems to be a game with very few surprises up its sleeve. Aside from the variety in climate conditions and your need to adapt to them, there really isn't much changing throughout the game. And with the small number of cars and the lack of soundtrack in the races, it starts feeling repetitive very quickly.

That being said, I do understand that this game would be highly appreciated by car enthusiasts who crave realism and authenticity. I'm just not one of them.